The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Song of Recognizing the Natural State

English | Deutsch | Français | བོད་ཡིག

Song of Recognizing the Natural State[1]

by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

Homage to the supreme gurus!
Bless me that I may recognize the natural state.

In the ground of alpha purity beyond conceptual elaboration,
There’s no need to create anew through mental fabrication.
As-it-isness, which is and always has been great emptiness,
Is found pervasively throughout all dharmas.

In the minds of sentient beings, the Sugata-essence,
Non-dual basic space and pristine wisdom,
Is present beyond fluctuation, transition or change.
It is realized nakedly through the glorious guru’s blessings
As self-abiding pristine wisdom.
Do not spoil it with the intellect.
Recognition of the view is enough.

In this experience, without distraction or grasping,
When you leave pure awareness simply as it is,
Objects and perception are inseparable and equal.
Pure awareness dawns—transparent and clear,
Pristine,[2] lucid, nakedly fresh.

This is called meditation, but you do not meditate.
You settle freely in an experience of non-meditation.

No matter what perceptions arise to the six senses,
What thoughts occur as the expression of awareness,
By not scattering, suppressing, or concentrating attention,
And by allowing everything to arise naturally without restraint,
All is self-liberated within the experience of dharmatā reality.
This is the conduct in which there is neither hope nor fear.

By never wavering from and never transforming
This experience of the great clear light of rigpa
At all times, when in formal meditation and when not,
May we perfect the potential of the resultant three kāyas,
And empty saṃsāra, freeing mother-like beings from its six realms.

Unable to turn down the persistent requests
Of Kaltrin, a mantra practitioner of Ju,
The stubborn and dharmaless Lodrö
Spoke this freely despite a lack of personal experience.

Let it be virtuous!

| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Khyentse Foundation and Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2022.


Tibetan Edition

'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "gnas lugs rang ngo zin pa'i mgur/" In 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung 'bum. 12 vols. Bir, H.P.: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. (W1KG12986) Vol. 8: 469–470

Version: 1.0-20221109

  1. The original is untitled; this title has been added by the translator.  ↩

  2. Reading sang de as sang nge  ↩

Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

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