The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812
Lotsawa House is an ever-expanding library of more than 5000 texts in nine languages, all freely available online and downloadable in EPUB and PDF formats.

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A word-by-word commentary on the Ultimate Inexpressible Confession practice—popularly known as Yeshe Kuchokma—which is the fourth chapter of the Immaculate Confession Tantra. The commentary belongs to the Collection of Discourses (gtam tshogs) section of Jigme Lingpa's writings.
25 Jul 2024 Confession Restricted
Latest from the Nyingtik Yabzhi Project
This lineage prayer for the secret cycle of the Zabmo Yangtik continues for several generations beyond Longchen Rabjam, down to Sönam Rinchen of Katok.
8 Jul 2024 Zabmo Yangtik Lineage Prayers Restricted
Belonging to the Lama Yangtik, these are the seven preliminary contemplations of: 1) impermanence, 2) temporary and lasting happiness, 3) manifold conditions, 4) the futility of ordinary enterprises, 5) the qualities of buddhahood, 6) the guru's instructions, and 7) non-conceptuality.
19 Jun 2024 Lama Yangtik Mind Training (Lojong) Restricted
This maṇḍala offering from the Lama Yangtik is appended to The Clouds of Twofold Accumulation and is also found in the Chetsün Nyingtik section of the Rinchen Terdzö.
6 Jun 2024 Maṇḍala Offering Lama Yangtik Restricted
Latest from the Longchen Nyingtik Project
Chatral Rinpoche compiled this description of the visualization for the mantra recitation of the Longchen Nyingtik's Vajrakīlaya, Overpowering the Forces of Māra (Phurba Düpung Zilnön) by extracting excerpts from Jigme Lingpa's Tantra System Vajrakīlaya (Gyüluk Phurba).
1 Jul 2024 Vajrakilaya Longchen Nyingtik Restricted
Other recent additions
A sādhana for the Kagyé (bka’ bgyad) practice from The Three Sections of the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen sde gsum) revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at the Lotus Crystal Cave (padma shel phug) in 1857.
17 Jul 2024 Kagyé Chokling Tersar Restricted
A simple practice of White Mañjuśrī from a collection of practices that incorporate the syllable a, the epitome of the Prajñāpāramitā.
16 Jul 2024 Mañjuśrī Sādhanas Restricted
Simple advice on the cause and effect of actions, the benefits of exchanging happiness for suffering, and the necessity of reciting the Seven-Line Prayer and Vajra Guru mantra.
11 Jul 2024 Advice
In response to a question from his heart-disciples Tsöndrü Yungdrung, Ngok Lekpé Sherab, and Dromtön Gyalwé Jungné, Jowo Atiśa outlines the core principles of mind training or lojong in twenty-one pithy statements. The advice was recorded in a work entitled Miscellaneous Sayings of the Kadam Masters (bka' gdams gsung thor).
18 Jun 2024 Advice Kadam
Latest from Samye Translations
A brief ritual for the descent of blessings (byin 'bebs) in connection with Lama Norlha, which is part of the Tukdrub Barche Kunsel cycle (thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel) within the Chokling Tersar.
15 Jul 2024 Lama Norlha Descent of Blessings Restricted
A prayer to the lineage of The Profound Essence of Tārā (zab tig sgrol chog), the practice of Green Tārā which was revealed as a mind treasure by Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (1829–1870).
This seven-line prayer to Longchen Rabjam (1308-1364) was composed at the request of Karme Khenpo Rinchen Dargye (b. 1835).
3 Jul 2024 Prayers
Seven verses of advice on the nature of the ground, path and fruition and the techniques of view, meditation and conduct.
Verses of advice stressing the importance of maintaining ethical discipline, generating a vast altruistic motivation and diligently practising the Great Perfection.
Highlights from Archive
This is among the best known and most commonly taught commentaries on the popular mind training slogans. The author, famous for his Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas, writes in the style of the pith instructions, in plain and simple language.
Jamyang Khyentse offered these words of heart-advice, encapsulating the entire Buddhist path, to Khandro Tsering Chödrön (1929–2011), his spiritual consort.
10 Jun 2021 Advice
Featured Topic
Texts on the theme of nonsectarianism, impartiality or the absence of sectarian bias, a central ideal of the so-called nonsectarian or rimé (ris med) movement that blossomed in nineteenth-century Kham.
26 texts

* Lotsāwa ལོ་ཙཱ་བ་; lo tsā ba n. Title used for native Tibetan translators who worked together with Indian scholars (or paṇḍitas) to translate major buddhist texts into Tibetan from Sanskrit and other Asian languages; it is said to derive from lokacakṣu, literally "eyes of the world". See also paṇḍita.

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