The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Yumka Fire Offering

English | བོད་ཡིག

འུྃཿ རིག་འཛིན་ཡུམ་ཀའི་མེ་མཆོད་ལས་བཞིའི་བང་མཛོད་བཞུགས༔

The Treasury of the Four Activities: A Fire Offering for the Female Awareness-Holder (Rigdzin Yumka) Practice

From the Longchen Nyingtik revelation of Jigme Lingpa



dorjé ying kyi khandro la chaktsal lo

Homage to the Ḍākinī of the vajra sphere!


This practice of fire offering to the ḍākinī is intended primarily for those wishing to gather the two accumulations and purify breakages of samaya, but it can also be used for other types of enlightened activity.

དང་པོ་རྫས་གསག་པ་ནི༔ མར་ཁུ༔ ཡམ་ཤིང་༔ ཏིལ་དཀར་ནག༔ དཀར་གསུམ་མངར་གསུམ་དང་དྲི་བཟང་གིས་སྦགས་པའི་ཞོ་ཟན༔ སོ་བ༔ འབྲས༔ ནས༔ གྲོ༔ སྲན་མ༔ ཡུངས་དཀར༔ ཀུ་ཤ༔ དཱུར་ཝ༔ ཤིང་ཏོག༔ དར་སྣ༔ སྨན་སྣ༔ རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་རིགས་དང་༔ ཁྱད་པར་གྱི་རྫས་བ་དམར་ཟལ་རྙེད་ན་རབ༔ མ་རྙེད་ན་བ་གླང་གཞོན་ནུའི་ཤ༔ ཨ་མྲྀ་ཏས་སྦགས་པ༔ ལས་མདོག་དང་མཐུན་པའི་མེ་དར་རྣམས་ཀྱང་གསོག༔

First, the material ingredients to be assembled are as follows: melted butter, firewood, white and black sesame seeds, the three white substances and three sweet substances, curds sprinkled with scented water, unhusked grain, rice, barley, wheat, grains of corn, mustard seed, kuśa grass, dūrvā grass, fruit, pieces of coloured silk, various medicinal substances, and precious stones. In particular, if you can obtain the meat of a red cow that is supreme. If this is unavailable then it is fine to use the meat of a young ox anointed with amṛta nectar. You should also collect some pieces of ‘fire cloth’, the colour of which will correspond to the activity.

གཉིས་པ་ཐབས་བཅའ་བ་ནི་བདག་གི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་དང་ལྡན་པས་འཁྱིལ་བའི་སྔགས་ཀྱིས་བསང་ཆུ་བསྒྲུབ༔ གང་དུ་བྱ་བའི་གཞི་མ་དུལ་པ་ཡིན་ནས་ཆོག་བྱ༔ དེ་ནས་རླན་ཅན་གྱི་ས་སྟེགས་འཇམ་པོ་ལ༔ རྡུལ་ཚོན་གྱི་རེ་ཁཱ་རིམ་པ་གསུམ་དུ་བསྐོར་བའི་དབུས་མ་མཐིང་ཁར་བཾ༔ དེའི་ཕྱི་པད་འདབ་བཞི་ཕྱོགས་མདོག་ལ་འབུམ་ཕྲག་ཡངས་པའི་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་སྲོག་སྙིང་ཧ་རི་ནི་ས་བཀོད༔ ཕྱི་མ་རྡོར་དང་འོད་ཕྲེང་ངོ་༔ དེའི་སྟེང་ལྷ་རྫས་ལ་རུང་བའི་བུད་ཤིང་བཟང་པོ་རན་པར་བརྩེགས༔ ཉེ་ལོགས་ཅི་བདེ་བར་མཆོད་གཏོར་བཟང་པོ་དང་ཚོགས་འཁོར༔ སྲེག་རྫས་རྣམས་ཀྱང་འདུ་བྱའོ༔

Second, to setting up the hearth, the Yumka practitioner should prepare some purifying water with the ‘Amṛtakuṇḍali mantra’ [i.e. OM VAJRA AMṚTA KUṆḌALI HANA HANA HŪṂ PHAṬ]. If the ground has not been consecrated then perform an earth ritual (sa chog). Then, with moisture on a smooth support, mark out a three-stage drawing with coloured sand, with a dark blue BAṂ at the centre. Outside this, on four petals with colours corresponding to their direction, draw HA RI NI and SA, the life-force of countless hundreds of thousands of ḍākinīs. Outside this there is the vajra fence and ring of light, upon which you should pile a moderate amount of good quality firewood, which is suitable for us as an offering substance. Place an offering torma, some tsok and the fire offering substances at a convenient place nearby.

གསུམ་པ་དངོས་གཞིའི་རིམ་པ་ནི༔ བསང་ཆུ་འཐོར་ཞིང་༔ ཨ་མྲྀ་ཏས་བསངས༔

Third, there are the stages of the actual practice, beginning with sprinkling purificatory water, purifying with AMṚTA...etc., and continuing with:


tongpé ngang lé chödzé sekdzé nam rang rang gi ming yik dangpo tiklé gyenpa lé jungwé dütsi ngöpo lé tamché la tokpa mepar kul zhing lhatsok nam gyepa kangwé nüden du gyur

Out of the state of emptiness arise the offering ingredients and from the first letter of their names, each decorated with a bindu, come the nectar-like substances with the power to delight the deities and to encourage them to act unobstructedly.


Cast the inner offering, and recite:


om ah hung ha ho hrih

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ha ho hrīḥ


seven times.


Light the fire to correspond to the activity rite and recite:

ཨཱཿ ཆོས་རྣམས་རང་བཞིན་སྐྱེ་བ་མེད༔

ah, chö nam rangzhin kyewa mé

Āh! All phenomena are naturally unarisen,


namkha ying kyi wangchukmé

In the expanse of the Lady Dhātviśvarī (space),


long na lé zhi dzokpé tab

Is the hearth for perfecting the four activities,


chen dang maki khaying su

In the spacious expanse of Buddhalocanā (earth) and Māmakī (water)


zhal chak pangpé melha ni

The fire god without faces or arms,


yumchen naza karmo nyi

The great consort Pāṇḍarāvasinī (fire).


damtsik drolmé tulzhuk dang

Her interaction with Samayatārā (wind)


nyamjor jinza barwé long

Creates the blazing expanse.


gyukyen lé dé zhalyé khang

The celestial palace is beyond cause and condition:1


tiklé nyakchik chöying go

The single entrance symbolises the single sphere2 of all-pervading space.


dechen barwé podrang ü

In the centre of the palace blazing with great bliss,


chukyé gesar zhepé teng

Upon the heart of a blossoming lotus


nyimé den la khandrö tso

And a sun-disc seat, stands the foremost of the ḍākinīs:


chökü long na kunzangmo

In the expanse of dharmakāya she is Samantabhadrī,


longkü zhing na varahi

In the sambhogakāya realm she is Vajravārāhī,


tulku yeshe tsogyalma

And in nirmāṇakāya form she is Yeshe Tsogyal.


zhal chik chak nyi kudok mar

She has one face and two hands; her body is red in colour.


chermo nyampé dortab chen

She is naked, standing in the posture of equanimity, yet ready to act.


shintu chak dang zhepé zhal

Passionate and smiling,


chak yé töpé chang te u

She holds in her right hand a small skull-drum,3


nyen gyi tekar tö ching trol

Which she plays at the level of her ear.


yönpa driguk yuwa ni

In her left hand she holds a hooked knife, the handle


ku la ten né chok du gying

Resting on her hip; her bearing is imposing and graceful.


bhaga gyé shing numa bur

Her bhaga is expanded and her breasts swell.


rinpoché dang zhönnü gyen

She is adorned with jewels and youth-ornaments;


pundariké doshal chang

And wears a garland of white lotus flowers.4


rüpé gyen druk ku la dzé

The six bone ornaments adorn her body,5


nak num utré lentsar chen

Her black, glistening hair is plaited,


rinpoché yi tsédren ji

And her jewelled diadem shines majestically.


umé chen ni ying la zik

Her central eye gazes upwards into all-encompassing space.


longkü chen gyi drowa dul

Her right sambhogakāya eye gazes straight ahead and tames beings.


tulkü chen gyi kham sum guk

Her left nirmāṇakāya eye gazes downwards and summons the three realms.


ku la gyüdé kyilkhor dzok

In her body the maṇḍalas of all the classes of tantra are perfectly complete.


bumtrak yangpé khandrö kor

She is surrounded by a vast assembly of hundreds of thousands of ḍākinīs.


rikdak pema tötreng tsal

The lord of the families is Mighty Lotus with Skull-Garland.6


atsarya zhön karsal dzum

The youthful ācārya has a light complexion and is smiling.


heruka pa chang dril trol

He appears in the form of a heruka and plays a small skull-drum and bell.


damtsik yeshe nyisu mé

The samaya and wisdom deities are indivisible.


gompa tsam gyi ngödrub tob

Merely by meditating on them I gain accomplishment.




5. Invitation, with Devotional Mind

ཧཱུྃ༔ ཡུལ་གྱི་མིང་ནི་རྒྱ་གར་ཡུལ༔

hung, yul gyi ming ni gyagar yul

Hūṃ! In the country known as India,


né kyi chokgyur urgyen né

In the supreme land of Oḍḍiyāna


dhumatala khandrö drong

Is Dhumathala, city of the ḍākinīs;


ling gi ling chok ngayab ling

Cāmaradvīpa, supreme island among islands.


dönla womin dechen zhing

In reality they are the unexcelled great blissful pure land;


nampa khachö trulpé né

In appearance they are the manifested celestial realms.


gyé shing zhukpé yul kün né

From all those lands, wherever you dwell in delight,


chöku yum chen tsogyalma

The great dharmakāya mother Tsogyal,


bumtrak khandrö khor dang ché

Together with your retinue of hundreds of thousands of ḍākinīs,


jingyi lab chir shek su sol

Please approach and grant your blessings.


né chok diru jin pob la

Please bestow your blessings on this excellent place.


drub chok dak la wang zhi kur

Grant us excellent meditators the four empowerments,7


gek dang lokdren barché sol

Dispel hindrances, wrong guides and obstacles.


chok dang tünmong ngödrub tsol

And bestow supreme and common attainments.


om ah hung benza jnana dakini é aralli pem pem dza

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra jñāna ḍākinī e aralli pheṃ pheṃ ja


6. Requesting the Deities to Be Seated and Homage

ཧོཿ གདོད་ནས་དམ་ཚིག་ཡེ་ཤེས་པ༔

ho, dö né damtsik yeshepa

Ho! The samaya deity and wisdom deity,


nyisu mepa dorjé ten

Primordially indivisible, are the vajra seat.


khandro sem kyi chotrul du

The ḍākinī who is the miraculous manifestation of mind,


lhenchik kyé la chaktsal lo

Innate [wisdom], to you I pay homage.


namo nama hung

namo nama hūṃ


7. Offering of Sensory Objects

ཧོཿ སྣང་ཞིང་སྲིད་པའི་ཆོས་སོ་ཅོག༔

ho, nang zhing sipé chö so chok

Ho! All phenomena that appear and exist


döyön nga yi gyen du shar

Arise as the ornaments of the five sense pleasures.


sem kyi yizhin ter chenpo

This great wish-fulfilling treasure of the mind,


langdor mepé gyé chö bul

We present as a delightful offering beyond acceptance and rejection.


benza jnana dakini pupé dhupé aloké gendhé nevidé shapta maha mudra rakta pentsa balingta sarva pudza ah hung

vajra jñāna ḍākinī puṣpe āloke gandhe naivedye śabda mahāmudrā rakta pañca baliṃ te sarva pūja āḥ hūṃ


8. Praise and Aspiration

ཧཱུྃ༔ རྒྱལ་བ་ཀུན་ཡུམ་རྡོ་རྗེ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་མ༔

hung, gyalwa kün yum dorjé naljorma

Hūṃ! Vajrayoginī, mother of all the buddhas;


natsok yum gyur sherab parol chin

Prajñāpāramitā, the universal mother;


gyé chak zhepé namgyur tsogyal yum

Manifested as the mother Tsogyal, joyful, passionate and smiling;


sangye pemé cham la chaktsal tö

Consort of Buddha Padma(sambhava), to you I offer homage and praise.



tongwé yitrok tsenpé langtso chen

Your body is attractive, with youthful and auspicious marks and signs;


töpé namdrol gakmé da yi sung

Your speech liberates upon hearing, with ceaseless signs;


drenpé detong yeshe kyepé tuk

Your mind generates the wisdom of bliss and emptiness upon recollection;


daki jemo khar chen za la tö

Queen of the ḍākinīs, princess of Kharchen, to you I offer praise.



chudruk ga ter chok gi ponyamö

The supreme consort who bestows the sixteenfold bliss,8


sal nang gyumé tingdzin dang drokpé

By absorption in the meditation of your illusory clear vision,


chi nang zhen sum tsa lung tiklé kham

May the outer, inner and other,9 and the elements of channels, wind and essence


kuntuzangmö long du dak gyur chik

Be purified in the vast expanse of Samantabhadrī!


Take the filling and pouring implements and recite:

ཧཱུྂ༔ དགང་བླུགས་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་མ་ལུས་པའི༔

hung, gang luk kyilkhor malüpé

Hūṃ! The filler and pourer have the pure nature of


zhal gyi ngowo namdak ching

The mouths of all the deities of the maṇḍala.


dorjé jak teng hung yik gi

With the letters HŪṂ on their vajra tongues


sekdzé dütsi gyün drang né

They consume the offerings as a flow of nectar.


tukké dorjé pakmo nyé

Vajravārāhī at Yumka’s heart is pleased,


lé tün özer tröpa yi

And through the emanation of light rays [in colours] corresponding to the four activities


choktün ngödrub tobpar gyur

Supreme and ordinary siddhis are obtained.



om pemo yogini jnana varahi sarva papam shanting kuru soha

oṃ padmo yoginī jñāna vārāhī sarva pāpaṃ śāntiṃ kuru svāhā


Recite this seven times as you make the offering and then say:


naljorpa dak dang yön gyi dakpö né dön dik drib galkyen barchö sang ngak kyi chogé lhakché damtsik nyamchak nyé tung ma dang khandrö kaché tamché shanting kuru soha

For this practitioner and for all my benefactors, may all illnesses, harmful influences, negative actions, obscurations, adverse circumstances, obstacles, repetitions or omissions in the rituals of secret mantra, impairments or breakages of samaya, downfalls and transgressions of the ḍākinīs’ commands be pacified and purified—śāntiṃ kuru svāhā!


With this you request the fulfilment of wishes.


The other offering substances can be gathered together and offered in this way.


Should you wish to focus particularly on pacifying activity, the mantra to accumulate while making the offerings would then be:


om pemo yogini jnana varahi sarva papam damtsik nyamchak shanting kuru soha

ཞེས་པ་ལྟ་བུའི་འབྱིན་འཇུག་བྱ༔ དེ་བཞིན་དུ་རྒྱས་པ་ལ༔

Likewise for enriching:


om pemo yogini jnana varahi sarva tsé dang sönam pushting kuru ho


For magnetizing:


om pemo yogini jnana varahi sarva kham sum kyegü la yi washam kuru ho


And for wrathful subjugation:


om pemo yogini jnana varahi sarva dra gek jungpo maraya pé

ཅེས་བསྒྱུར༔ རྫས་ལ་མཚོན་ན༔ ཞི་བར་མར་ཁུ་དང་༔ ཏིལ་དཀར་ནག༔ པད་ཁ་རྣམས་བུངས་བསྐྱེད༔ རྒྱས་པ་ལ་ཞོ་ཟན་དང་དཱུརྦ༔ རིན་པོ་ཆེ་དང་ཤིང་ཏོག་རྣམས༔ དབང་ལ་རོ་མངར་ཞིང་སྣུམ་པའི་བཟའ་བཅའ་དང་༔ མེ་ཏོག་དང་འབྲས་བུ་དམར་པོའི་རིགས༔ དགྲ་བགེགས་ཞི་བ་ལ་ཡུངས་ཀར་དང་གུ་གུལ་ཚ་བ་གསུམ་དང་ལན་ཚའི་ཁུ་བས་ཅུང་ཟད་སྤགས་བཞི་བའི་མཐུ་དང་ལྡན་པའི་མངོན་སྤྱོད་དོ༔

With regard to the substances, a large quantity of melted butter, white and black sesame seeds, and padkha (mustard seed) may be used specifically for pacifying. Curds, durwa grass, precious stones and fruit are used for enriching. Sweet and oily foods, flowers and red rice are used for magnetizing. And for overcoming enemies and obstructing forces, offer mustard seed, gugul and the three hot substances10 saturated with salt liquid.

ཚུལ་དེ་བཞིན་དུ་མཆོད་རྫས་དང་སྲེག་རྫས་ཐབ་དཀྱིལ་ལ་སོགས་པའི་ཁ་དོག་ལས་མཐུན་དང་༔ གཙོ་བོར་ཏིང་ངེ་འཛིན་གྱི་ལྡེ་ཁ་ནི་རྣོ་ལ་ངར་གྱིས་གདགས་པ་བཞིན་ནོ༔

The offering substances, burnt substances and hearth maṇḍala should be of the appropriate colours, and, in particular, one’s samādhi should be directed accordingly.


When the offerings are exhausted, recite:


om benza wastra yé soha

oṃ vajra vastaye svāhā


As you offer the cloth,11 recite:


benza tam pulaya soha

vajra tāmbulāya svāhā


And offer betel.

ཚོགས་ཀྱི་འཁོར་ལོས་མཆོད༔ དངོས་གྲུབ་བླང་བའི་རྗེས་ཐོག་ཏུ་བྱོན་སྐྱེམས་ཕུལ་ལ༔

Perform a gaṇacakra offering. Then, after the receiving of siddhis, offer a parting libation12 and continue with:

ཨོཾ༔ ཁྱེད་ཀྱིས་སེམས་ཅན་དོན་ཀུན་མཛོད༔

om, khyé kyi semchen dön kün dzö

Oṃ. Bring about the welfare of beings!


jesu tünpé ngödrub tsol

Grant us the appropriate attainments!


sangye yul du shek né kyang

Even though you now return to your buddha realm,


lar yang jönpar dzé du sol

In the future, please come again!

མཐར༔ བཛྲ་མུཿས་ཡེ་ཤེས་པ་གཤེགས༔ དམ་ཚིག་པ་རང་ལ་འདྲེས་པར་བསམ༔

At the end, as you say ‘VAJRA MU’ the jñānasattvas all depart and you should consider that the samayasattvas dissolve into you.




khandroma yi kyilkhor du

Whatever virtue has been accumulated


jinsek chöpa di pulwé

Through this fire offering


gewé tsawa gang lakpa

In the maṇḍala of the ḍākinī


dro kün sangye tob chir ngo

I dedicate towards all beings’ enlightenment.


3 times



ཧོཿ སྣང་སྲིད་ཐམས་ཅད་དག་པ་མཁའ་སྤྱོད་ཞིང་༔

ho, nangsi tamché dakpa khachö zhing

Ho! Where all that appears and exists is the pure celestial sphere,


dechen gyurmé dorjé naljorma

May we meet the Vajrayoginī of unchanging great bliss,


namkün chokden dön gyi pakmo dang

The ultimate Vajravārāhī endowed with all supreme attributes


rang zhal jal té ngönpar changchub shok

And attain complete enlightenment!


Recite verses of auspiciousness in the usual way.

མེ་ནི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ལྷ་ཡི་ཞལ༔ མངོན་སུམ་ཉིད་དུ་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་པས༔ བསོད་ནམས་ནང་ནས་སྦྱིན་སྲེག་མཆོག༔

The fire is the mouth of the maṇḍala deities. And so, since the offerings are consumed directly, the practice of fire offering is supreme among meritorious acts.

རྣོ་ལ་མྱུར་བའི་ལས་བརྩོམས་ན༔ རྣལ་འབྱོར་ལྡན་པས་འདི་ལ་འབད༔

When seeking to carry out activity that is sharp and swift, those who possess yoga should exert themselves in this.

ས་མ་ཡ༔ རྒྱ་རྒྱ་རྒྱ༔

Samaya! Gya! Gya! Gya!


Following persistent prayers and requests made by Jetsün Paldingpa, the signs were decoded the very next year.


| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2001. Revised with help from Gyurme Avertin and with additional material translated by Han Kop, 2019.

  1. The remainder of this visualization section and the following four sections of the practice are taken from the main sādhana.
  2. Tib. tiklé nyakchik; thig le nyag gcig.
  3. Tib. chang té'u
  4. Skt. puṇḍarīka
  5. The Illuminating the Meaning of Tantra: A Commentary on the Sādhana of Yumka, the Queen of Great Bliss, by Ratön Ngawang Tendzin Dorje (in short called the Ratik commentary), says these are: 1) a bone ring for the crown, 2) earrings, 3) a necklace, 4) anklets and bracelets for the ankles, wrists and upper arms, 5) a girdle and 6) a sacred Brahmanic thread.
  6. Tib. Pema Tötreng Tsal, in other words, Padmasambhava
  7. Vase, secret, wisdom and word empowerments. [TT]
  8. Bliss, supreme bliss, extraordinary bliss and innate bliss; each divided into four makes sixteen.
  9. Tulku Thondup says: “According to Ratik 'outer' is the development stage, 'inner' is the completion stage with characteristics (perceptions), and 'other' is the completion stage without characteristics. Rigdzin Zhalung has an alternative interpretation: 'outer' is the geographical aspect of the world; 'inner' is the aggregates, elements, senses and sense faculties; and 'other' is the mental phenomena of beings.”
  10. Possibly ginger, piper longum and black pepper.
  11. "gos zung" here refers to the cloths of five colours that are mentioned among the substances to prepare at the beginning of the text (dar sna).
  12. "byon skyems" here refers to a specific torma on which the practitioner pours ghee or melted butter (mar khu), offering it to the fire as a parting gift.
Jigme Lingpa

Yumka Dechen Gyalmo

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