The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Söllo Chenmo

English | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །གསོལ་མཆོད་ཕྲིན་ལས་མྱུར་འགྲུབ་ཅེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།།

The Swift Accomplishment of Enlightened Activity through Invocation and Offering1

by Mipham Rinpoche


དཔལ་ཧེ་རུ་ཀ་ལ་ཕྱག་འཚལ་ལོ། །

Homage to the Glorious Heruka!

འདིར་སྡེ་ཆེན་རྩོད་དང་རྒྱན་ཆེན་འགྱེད། །དོན་ཆེན་བསྒྲུབ་སོགས་དུས་ཀྱི་ཚེ། །གལ་ཆེན་ནན་གྱི་བྱ་བ་ལ། །སྐྱེམས་ཕུད་གཏོར་མ་དར་སྣ་སོགས། །མཆོད་རྫས་ཇི་འབྱོར་འདུ་བྱས་ལ། །ཏིང་འཛིན་ངར་བསྐྱེད་དགྲ་བླ་གསོལ། །ལས་ཆེན་འགག་ལ་བསླུ་མི་སྲིད། །དམ་སྐོང་དབང་དང་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཐོབ། །

At any time of momentous significance—a life-or-death struggle, where a great prize is at stake, or something crucial could be achieved—focus on this important and urgent event2 and gather as many offerings of serkyem (golden drink), first-portion offerings, tormas, multi-coloured pieces of silk and so on as you can afford. Then concentrate strongly and invoke the dralas. If you do this, that you might fail or be cheated in your endeavour is impossible; moreover, samaya commitments will be restored, and empowerments and siddhis will be obtained.

སྐྱེམས་ཕུད་བསྦྲེངས་ཤིང་བར་བར་རོལ་མོ་དང་བཅས་འདི་སྐད་དོ། །

Hold up the drink and first portion offering, and, together with music at the appropriate intervals, recite the following:

ཧོ་དགོངས་སུ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ho gong su sol lo

Ho! Turn your attention towards us!

ཧོ་དགོངས་སུ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ho gong su sol lo

Ho! Turn your attention towards us!

ཧོ་དགོངས་སུ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ho gong su sol lo

Ho! Turn your attention towards us!

རང་བཞིན་སྐྱེ་མེད་ཆོས་ཀྱི་དབྱིངས་ལས། །

rang zhin kyémé chö kyi ying lé

From the unborn nature, the sphere of reality,

རྣམ་རོལ་འགག་མེད་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་རྩལ་སྣང༌། །

namrol gakmé tukjéi tsal nang

The dynamic energy of compassion manifests in a ceaseless display,


gyalwang tsokyé dorjé dang rik sum zhitröi gyutrul chik tu düpa

The victorious and powerful Guru Tsokyé Dorjé, the three families and the magical display of peaceful and wrathful deities all gathered into a single form—


gesar kyebu chenpo rigdzin norbu dradul

Great being Gesar, Vidyādhara Norbu Dradül—


sangyé kun gyi ngowo

You are the embodiment of all the buddhas,


yidam zhitröi khyabdak

And all-pervading master of the peaceful and wrathful yidam deities,


mamo khandröi tsok jé

Lord of all the gatherings of mamos and ḍākinīs,


chökyong sungmé tsowo

Chief of all the dharmapālas and guardians,


norlha gyatsöi nyingnor

Heart-treasure of the ocean-like wealth deities,


drala yong kyi gyalpo

King of all the dralas,


werma yong kyi soknying

Vital heart of all the wermas,


degyé yong kyi chi jé

Sovereign over all the eight classes,


drekpa yong kyi sokdak

Master of life for all the arrogant spirits,


karchok yong kyi khadzin

Aid to all positive forces,


kyewo yong kyi drala

Drala for all that lives,


semchen yong kyi palgön

Glorious protector of all sentient beings,


rigdzin yong kyi sokshing

Life-pillar for all vidyādharas,


benbön yong kyi gyabten

Support of Buddhist and Bönpo alike,


düddul lé kyi wangchuk

Mighty lord of activity, subduer of demons,


nakchok kun gyi shéma

Vanquisher of all negative forces,


damnyam kun gyi sokchö

Stealer of the lives of all samaya-breakers,


dü sin kun gyi shenpa chenpo

Great slayer of all māras and rākṣasas,


ku gyepé gar gyi si su zil gyi nönpa

Your body moves in a pleasing dance, subjugating the three planes of existence,


sung ngampé druk dré kham sum wang du düpa

Your speech resounds with an awesome thunder, magnetizing the three realms,


tuk ösal gyi long né khyentséi kyilkhor gyepa

Your mind generates the maṇḍala of wisdom and love from the expanse of luminosity.


drenpa tsam gyi chinlap ngödrup trin tar duwa

The mere thought of you brings cloud-like blessings and accomplishments.


dorjéi kyang gö perpo la chip né barnang kham su gyuwa

Riding your vajra steed, wild and skilful, you move through the air.


ki la du zhing so la gyépa

You gather in ‘ki’ and you delight in ‘so’.


ché la tsen zhing chö la tsiwa

You are mighty in punishment and respect the Dharma.


chak yé bachak sampé döndrup lé gö dö norbüi charpa bep pa

Your right hand holds the Wish-Granting cane which brings down a rain of gems and all that beings wish for and require,

གཡོན་པའི་མདུང་མོ་ཁམས་གསུམ་དགྲ་འདུལ་ལ། དགྲ་བླའི་བ་དན་གཡོ་བ།

yönpé dungmo kham sum dradul la dralé baden yowa

The spear in your left hand subdues all enemies throughout the three realms and bears the flag of the dralas.


ku la dralé ku ché yong su dzokpa

Your body is clad in full drala costume.


drala wermé trinpung trowa

Emanating clouds of dralas and wermas,


khor du karchok kyi chökyong

You are surrounded by a retinue of virtuous dharma protectors,


tsangri kyi palgön

The glorious protectors of the pure abodes,


drala werma

Your entire retinue of dralas and wermas.


tukkar changsé mak tsok matsangwa mepé korwa

And all the great armies of Tukkar and Changsé.


tuk ösal la tröpé tsenma dral kyang

Although the clear light of your wisdom mind is free from any trace of conceptualization,


tukjé mönlam tenjung gi wang lé lek nyé kyi tang dzin ching ka yi cha ra dzépa

Through the force of dependent origination and the compassionate aspirations you have made, you determine good and bad, and keep watch over the teachings.


jikten gyi pü la gyé shing kyéwöi gyalkha drimpa

You delight in all that is finest in this world, and journey through peoples’ lands.


damden bu zhin kyong zhing dralé tsé yang bep pa

You look after practitioners who keep the samaya, like a parent caring for his children, and bring the longevity and fortune of the dralas.


dam nyam ar la tö ching dön nying ngam zé chépa

You reduce samaya-breakers to misery and ferociously consume their hearts.


chö na du zhing drup na gowa

You gather when offerings are made and support us when practice is done.


bé na nyur zhing chetsen dren da dralwa

You are swift when dispatched, and your might is unrivalled.


tenpé mi la na mi chungwa

You never ignore those who depend on you.


cholwé lé la ngo mi dokpa

You never turn away from the tasks entrusted to you.


tashi shing nying nyéwa

You bring good fortune and are warm-hearted.


chin ché zhing tu nyurwa

Your blessings are great and your powers swift.


lé ta zang zhing puk tsenpa

Your actions are positive and enduringly powerful.


dé né déwa changchub chenpöi ling du drenpa

You guide beings from happiness to happiness and to the sanctuary of supreme enlightenment.

དངོས་གྲུབ་གཉིས་ཀྱི་གཏེར་མཛོད་ཆེན་པོ་སེང་ཆེན་ནོར་བུ་དགྲ་འདུལ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ngödrup nyi kyi terdzö chenpo sengchen norbu dradul la sol lo

Great treasury of the two kinds of siddhi, Great Lion Norbu Dradül, we invoke you!

སངས་རྒྱས་ཆོས་ཀྱི་དགྲ་བླ་ཆེན་པོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

sangyé chö kyi drala chenpo la sol lo

We invoke the great warrior-spirit of the buddhadharma!

རིག་འཛིན་འཛམ་གླིང་རྒྱན་མཆོག་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

rigdzin dzamling gyenchok la sol lo

We invoke the vidyādhara and supreme ornament of this world!

ཤེས་རབ་རལ་གྲི་མདའ་གཞུ་ཅན་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

sherab raldri da zhu chen la sol lo

We invoke the bearer of the sword of wisdom and the bow and arrow!

ཉོན་མོང་མི་ཤེས་གཡུལ་ངོ་སེལ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nyönmong mi shé yul ngo sel la sol lo

We invoke the one who averts battles and knows no afflictions!

དཔའ་བོ་བདུད་དགྲ་བདུད་དཔུང་འདུལ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

pawo dü dra dü pung dul la sol lo

We invoke the one who defeats hordes of brave enemy demons!

བདུད་བཞིའི་འཇིགས་པ་སེལ་བར་མཛད་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

dü zhii jikpa selwar dzé la sol lo

We invoke the one who dispels any fear of the four māras!


dü deng né changchub nyingpöi bar du

From now until we attain the essence of enlightenment,


ré tö mingyurwa dépé gyaltsen chenpo la

With the great victory banner of faith and unchanging trust,

ཆོས་སྐྱོང་གི་རྒྱལ་པོ་སེང་ཆེན་ནོར་བུ་བསམ་འཕེལ་ཁྱོད་བསྟེན་ནོ། །

chökyong gi gyalpo sengchen norbu sampel khyö ten no

We rely on you, Great Lion-like King of the Dharmapālas, as our wish-granting jewel.


damtsik gyurmé kyi sazhi la

On the ground of unchanging samaya,

དགྲ་བླའི་རྒྱལ་པོ་སེང་ཆེན་རི་དབང་ལྷུན་པོ་ཁྱོད་བསྟེན་ནོ། །

dralé gyalpo sengchen riwang lhunpo khyö ten no

We rely on you, Great Lion-like King of the Dralas, as our great cosmic mountain.


nyendrup namdak gi namkha la

In the sky of pure approach and accomplishment,

ཝེར་མའི་རྒྱལ་པོ་སེང་ཆེན་ཉི་ཟླའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ཁྱོད་བསྟེན་ནོ། །

wermé gyalpo sengchen nyidé kyilkhor khyö ten no

We rely on you, Great Lion-like King of the Wermas, as our sun and moon.


tenpé chökyong ma nor

There can be no error as to which dharma protector should be relied upon,


dépé né ma chuk

No mistaking the proper object of faith,


chöpé lha ma trul na

And no confusion about the offering deity.


sengchen yizhin norbu yeshé kyi drala wermé mak pung dang chépé

Great Lion and Wish-fulfilling Jewel, together with your retinue — the armies of wisdom dralas and wermas,


taktu du dral mépa dorjéi damtsik chenpo la gong né

Always remember the great vajra samaya free from uniting or separation,


gyépé zhal gyi zik shik

And look upon us, your face lit up with joy!


dzumpé chen gyi kyong shik

Protect us, your eyes sparkling as you smile!


zhépé sung gi da trol chik

Reveal hidden meanings to us, your voice filled with laughter!


gawé tuk kyi dak chak pönlop khor dang chépa nam kyi né lü longchö kyi dakpo dzö chik

All of us, the master and the retinue of students, request you: with a heart of joy take charge of our environment, our bodies, and our possessions!


drubpé gé tsen ngön sum du tön chik

Show us the actual signs of accomplishment!


cholwé trinlé yizhin du drup shik

Carry out the activities we request of you, just as we wish!


khé langpé lé dön yöpar gyi shik

Be successful in the actions you have pledged to undertake!


go sum gyi lé kyi ta gé zhing shipé tsö shik

Ensure that all the actions of our body, speech and mind remain virtuous and auspicious!


nyam dang tokpa kyé chik

Cause our meditative experiences and realization to increase!


yeshé dang yönten pel chik

Cause our wisdom and positive qualities to grow!


tsé dang sonam pal dang jorpa nyen dang drakpa cha dang yang gi ngödrup gya chenpo dü data nyi du tsol chik

Grant us vast siddhis of long life, merit, glory, wealth, fame, and good fortune, here and now!


rik sang chönyi kyi dön tön chik

Reveal to us the secret of awareness, the meaning of intrinsic reality!


chinlap yeshé kyi wang kur chik

Empower us with your blessings and with primordial wisdom!


ché tsé chö su drowar dzö chik

Make whatever we do an expression of the Dharma!


drel tsé dön dang denpar dzö chik

Make all our relationships and associations meaningful!


chok dang tunmong gi ngödrup malüpa bémé lhun gyi drubpar dzö chik

Let us accomplish, effortlessly and spontaneously, all supreme and ordinary siddhis without exception!

i. Peaceful


ho, dralé gyalpo chenpo khyö ni réga zhi zhing dangwé nyam chen

Ho! Great king of the dralas, at times you appear peaceful with a bright complexion,


gyé zhal dawa tar ngompa

Your happy face shining in contentment like the moon,


dögüi trin lé gawé gar gyi tsenpa

Dancing with joy amidst clouds of all that is desirable.


tongwé yi trokpa

The sight of you captivates our minds,


drenpé tsé pelwa

The thought of you increases our lifespan,


drubpé pal kyépa

Through your practice, our splendour grows,


chimé tsé yi dakpo

Master of deathlessness and longevity,


düdtsii charpa bebpa

You bring down showers of amrita—the nectar of immortality,


dé kyi nyen sum pelwé yang pel chenpo

Great deliverer of prosperity, you cause happiness, well-being and renown to increase,


trashipa tamché kyi jungné

Source of all that is auspicious,


kalwa zangpo tamché kyi zhima

You are the basis for all good fortune,


lekpé yönten tamché kyi ten né

The support for all positive qualities,


pal dang punsum tsokpa tamché kyi daknyi chenpo

The great embodiment of all that is glorious and magnificent,


güpa selwé norbu

A jewel to dispel poverty,


né jompé düdtsi

An elixir to overcome disease,


menpa nam la wuk jungwé yul gyal lha yi nga dra chenpo

The great sound of victory from the battle-drum of the gods bringing new life to the weary,

རྡོ་རྗེ་ཚེ་གཡང་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་པོ་འཁོར་དཔལ་ལྡན་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མའི་དམག་དཔུང་དང་བཅས་པ་རྣམས་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

dorjé tsé yang longchö kyi gyalpo khor palden drala wermé mak pung dang chépa nam la sol lo

King of indestructible vitality, good fortune and enjoyment, together with your awesome armies of dralas and wermas, we invoke you!


yang chik ösal dakpé ku

Your body of pure luminosity appears once again


namkha ja trin gur khyim né

In a tent of rainbow-clouds in space,


khyé’u chu druk langtsöi nyam

With the youthful complexion of a sixteen-year-old,


kar sal dakpé shel drawa

Radiant and white, pure as crystal.


chak yé na rinpochéi drönmé tokpa

In your right hand, you hold a jewelled torch


kham sum saler salwa

To light up the three realms.


yön na ngül kar gyi melong nampa

In your left hand, you hold a mirror of white silver


si sum lhang nger tönpa

To reveal the three planes of existence.


po gyü pawöi gar tap chépa

You dance the dance of the vīras of the male line,


mo gyü pamöi da lu lenpa

And sing the songs of the ḍākinīs of the female line.


nang sal tra yi nga dak

Master of the divining mirror of clear appearance,


kun sal wermé gyalpo

King of the all-illuminating wermas,


sipa trul gyi sé khar na zhuk shing

You reside in the castle of magical creation,


no tong trul gyi ngön shé chépa

And apply your powers of divination,


nangsi kyi lek nyé tönpa

Revealing the good and the bad in apparent existence.


shé zhi tong gyé kyi ngadak chenpo

Great master of the four knowledges and eight visions,


yeshé trul gyi drön mé dekpa

You hold aloft the magical torch of wisdom,


sherap mé ché sal zhing barwa

Its flames of insight burning brightly.


ngön shé rigpé sang go jépa

You unlock the secret gateway to awareness and higher perception,


lo sal pobpé ter chen jinpa

And bestow the great treasures of a clear and brilliant mind.

སྣང་གསལ་ཨ་དཀར་འོད་ཀྱི་ཝེར་མ་སྐྱེས་བུ་སེང་ཆེན་འཕྲུལ་གྱི་རྒྱལ་པོ་འཁོར་ཀུན་གསལ་དགྲ་ལ་བླ་ཝེར་མའི་དམག་དཔུང་དང་བཅས་པ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nang sal akar ö kyi werma kyebu sengchen trul gyi gyalpo khor kun sal drala wermé mak pung dang chépa la sol lo

Magical king, Great Lion, radiant Akar Werma of Light, together with the armies of all-illuminating dralas and wermas, we invoke you!


kar sum ngar sum gyi gyatso

An ocean of the three whites and three sweets,


dar na baden gyi lhab lhub

Silk ribbons and banners that flutter in the wind,


nga yang rolmöi druk dra

The thundering sound of beating drums, melodious chanting and tuneful music,


natsok tün dzé kyi chö trin

Offering clouds containing all kinds of pleasant substances,


zhalzé chemar gyi gang ri

Food offerings and mountainous heaps of buttered barley flour,


metok pö dü kyi trin pung

Flowers and billowing clouds of fragrant incense smoke,


chö yön zhap sil gyi chu gyün

Fresh drinking-water, and streams to bathe the feet,


nang sal melong gi ö khyim

Orbs of light reflected in clear bright mirrors,


dri chap düdtsii char gyün la sokpa

Sweet-smelling perfumes and rivers of nectar, and more besides—


chi nang sangwé chöpa rabjam ngö su shampa dang yi kyi trulpa di dak gi

With these vast outer, inner and secret offerings, both real and imagined,


dralé gyalpo chenpo gesar norbu akar ö kyi werma khor dang chépa

Great being Gesar Norbu, king of the dralas, Akar Werma of Light, together with your retinue,

མཆོད་དོ། །

chö do

We make offerings to you!

མངའ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nga sol lo

We exalt you!

གཟེངས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

zeng tö do

We honour and praise you!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་ངོ༌། །

tuk dam kang ngo

We fulfil your noble wishes!

དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ་ལོ། །

pa kyem bul lo

We offer the drink of warriors!

ཉམས་པ་བཤགས་སོ། །

nyampa shak so

And confess our breakages of samaya!

དགྱེས་པ་བསྐྱེད་དོ། །

gyepa kyé do

We inspire great joy!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

tukdam kul lo

We invoke your solemn pledge!

རིག་འཛིན་རྣལ་འབྱོར་པ་བདག་ཅག་གི་ནད་གདོན་བར་ཆད་བཀྲ་མི་ཤིས་པ་སོགས་རྒུད་པའི་སྐལ་བ་ངན་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་ཉི་མས་མུན་པ་བཅོམ་པ་ལྟར་སོལ་ཅིག །

rigdzin naljorpa dak chak gi né dön barché tra mi shipa sok güpé kalpa ngenpa tamché nyimé munpa chompa tar söl chik

For us awareness-holders and practitioners, dispel all misfortune and adversity—illness, harmful influences, obstacles and inauspiciousness—just like the sun banishing darkness!


dra jung na cha tong shik

When enemies arise, arouse us to action!


duk ong na men tong shik

When poison appears, send us the antidote!


drak lam mé la lam gyi shik

Show us the way through uncharted rocky terrain!


chu zam mé la zam tsuk shik

Build us bridges across unfordable rivers!


zang dang la khar trö chik

Convey us to the good and across mountain passes!


ngen dang lung khung nöl chik

Deliver us from the bad and from remote valleys!


mi kha dang kha mé ma tong shik

Avert scandal and malicious gossip!


kyen ngen dang barchö ma tong shik

Prevent adverse circumstances and obstacles!


ching na long shik

Uplift us when we are low!


jé na kul chik

Prompt us when we forget!


dröpé riwo gyi shik

Create mountains to flee to!


gabpé naktsal gyi shik

Make us forests to hide in!


tenpé khar dzong gyi shik

Build secure fortresses to rely upon!


sawé go gyi shik

Fashion impenetrable armour!


nowé tsön gyi shik

And forge piercing weapons!


mi shépa lop shik

Teach us all that remains unknown!


ma tongwa tön chik

Reveal all that is unseen!


nyin gyi chara dzö chik

Guard us during the day!


tsen gyi meltsé gyi shik

And watch over us at night!


zhi la khadzin gyi shik

Provide us with assistance at home!


jé su sukyel gyi shik

And make us welcome abroad!


sherap yeshé kyi tsa go ché shik

Open the gateways to insight and wisdom!


rik sang tendrel gyi char go tön chik

Reveal to our minds the signs of future dependent arising!


pobpa namkha dang nyampar gyi shik

Make our self-assurance as vast as space!


shemong kalpé mé lung tar kyé chik

Cause our strength and power to expand like the firestorm at the end of an aeon!


dé kyi nyenpé rolmo trol chik

Sound the music of happiness, well-being and renown!


pal yön mi zépé ter go ché shik

Open the treasury of inexhaustible glorious qualities!


nyin la tong nang gi nyima salwar gyi shik

Brighten the sun of our perceptions by day!


tsen la milam gyi dawa nangwar gyi shik

Light up the moon of our dreams by night!


barkab nyam nang gi özer barwar gyi shik

Kindle flashes of experience in the interim!


si sum sa ler tön chik

Show us clearly the three planes of existence!


kham sum lhang nger mö shik

Vividly describe for us the three realms!


jikten sum gyi lek nyé tamché jen cher du yi la tön chik

Show us nakedly all that is positive and negative in the three worlds!


sam dön gyi rewa tar chinpar gyi shik

Bring all our hopes and aspirations to fruition!

ii. Enriching

ཧོ། རེས་འགའ་བརྗིད་ཅིང་ཚིམ་པའི་ཉམས་ཅན།

ho, ré ga ji ching tsimpé nyam chen

Ho! At times, you appear resplendent and content,


si zhii pal yön duwé zhal mé khang chenpor

In your great palace that gathers the glorious qualities of existence and peace,


nang si dö gur gyurwé gyalpöi tsul du zhukpa

In the form of the ‘king who transforms apparent existence into all that is desirable’.


chak yé sampel wang gi gyalpo dang

In your right hand you hold the ‘king of wish-fulfilling power’,


chak yön zé mé ter gyi bumpa nampa

And in your left hand, the vase of inexhaustible treasure.


pak sam jönpé ga tsal la tséwa

You revel in the pleasure grove of wish-granting trees,


yizhin ter gyi dakpo

Master of wish-fulfilling treasures,


rinchen norbüi gyalpo

King of precious gems,


gya pö kyi nordak

Holder of the wealth of China and Tibet,


zé nor gukpé chakyu

And hook to gather food and riches,


kha la lha yang düdtsii trin düpa

In space, you collect the prosperity of the gods as clouds of nectar;


barnang la mi yang getsen gyi na bün trikpa

In the sky, you draw in the prosperity of human beings as a mist of positive signs;


sa zhi la lu yang mu zhak gi gyamtsor kyilwa

On the ground, you gather the prosperity of the nāgas as the creamy ocean of the Mu;3


ma yang dö güi charpa bebpa

And let fall the prosperity of Ma4 as a rain of all that is desirable.


nyenpé baden chenpo

Great banner of renown,


drakpé druk dra gya den

Conveyor of a hundred thunderclaps of fame,


si zhii dang chü kyi dakpo

Master of the vital essence of existence and peace,


cha yang longchö kyi zhima

Basis of fortune, prosperity and enjoyments,


natsok dö güi rolmo

Symphony of assorted wishes and desires,


tongwé yi trokpa

The sight of you captivates our minds,


dzépé yang chakpa

Your beauty increases our prosperity,


zang güi gyalkha len ching

You take victory for all who are good,


ché güi chöpen drimpa

And journey at the crowns of all who are great.5


chok kun lé nampar gyalwa trinlé kyi khorlö gyurwa chenpo

Magnificent turner of the wheel of activity, completely victorious over all,


chö si kyi upang gung lé towa

You raise the standards of spiritual and secular authority higher than the very sky,


nga tang gi khyap gya kha lé chéwa

And extend the range of our dominion beyond the limits of space—


sengchen yizhin norbu sampel khor terdak drala wermé mak pung dang chépa la

To the Great Lion, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, together with your armies of treasure-keeping dralas and wermas,


zawé riwo

Mountains of food,


tungwé gyatso

Oceans of drink,


yi trok zuk kyi tang tap

Dances of seductive form,


nyenpé dra yang gya den

Sweet music with a hundred melodies,


dri zhim pö kyi dü trin

Clouds of fragrant incense,


zhim ngar zé kyi tön chen

Sumptuous banquets of delicious fare,


dé kyé rekché ga tön

Festivals that inspire feelings of joy,


mejung chö kyi chöpa

Offerings of things of wonder,


döyön druk den gyi trin pung

Billowing clouds of the six kinds of sensory delight,


cha cha yang dzé kyi chol tram

Perfectly arrayed tokens of fortune and articles of prosperity—


dor na si zhii jorpa ma tsangwa mépa

In short, all the riches of existence and peace with nothing lacking,


khordé lam sum gyi getsen dangmé pal yön ma lü pa wur wur mer mer shik shik yom yom du du zhing dé tong dorjé köpé chö trin nangsi dögu rabjam su sharwé chöpé trin pung dampa di

Offering clouds of vajra bliss and emptiness in which all the positive signs of saṃsāra, nirvāṇa and the path, and all the most essential glorious qualities are gathered together, crackling, vibrating, trembling and shaking—with these sublime offering-clouds in which apparent existence arises as all that is desirable,

མཆོད་དོ། །

chö do

We make offerings to you!

མངའ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nga sol lo

We exalt you!

གཟེངས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

zeng tö do

We honour and praise you!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་ངོ༌། །

tuk dam kang ngo

We fulfil your noble wishes!

དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ་ལོ། །

pa kyem bul lo

We offer the drink of warriors!

ཉམས་པ་བཤགས་སོ། །

nyampa shak so

And confess our breakages of samaya!

དགྱེས་པ་བསྐྱེད་དོ། །

gyepa kyé do

We inspire great joy!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

tukdam kul lo

We invoke your solemn pledge!


rigdzin naljorpa dak chak la

For us vidyādhara yogins,


chü chen gyi zé tsol chik

Bestow the food of great vitality!


ji chen gyi gö tsol chik

Provide the clothing of resplendence!


yang chen gyi nor tsol chik

Confer the treasure of great prosperity!


nyenpé dar chor chik

Hoist the flag of renown!


drakpé dung bü shik

Sound the conch of fame!


dö güi char pop chik

Bring down a rain of all that is desirable!


cha yang gi gyamtso kyil chik

Gather an ocean of good fortune!


nor dang longchö kyi dangma khuk chik

Summon the vital essence of wealth and enjoyments!


rik gyü dang dru nor jorpa nga tang gong ne gong du pel chik

Further increase our progeny, wealth and influence!


tsong la khé tobpar gyi shik

Bring us profit in business dealings!


gyen la gyalkha tobpar gyi shik

Ensure our success in games of chance!


pa la dar tok shik

Grant awards6 to the successful!


trom du dung bü shik

Sound the conch in the assembly!


shak dang tsal gyi khé khuk chik

Bring us victory in debate and sport!


mi nyampa dang nyam du chuk chik

Help us to rival those who surpass us!


nyampa nam lé khyé du tön chik

And outshine those of equal standing!


zang güi gyalkha tö chik

Praise the victories of the good!


lek güi tendrel drik shik

Create circumstances for every excellence!


ché güi gowo nön chik

Bring down powerful oppressors!


dren dö cham la pop chik

And eliminate thoughts of rivalry!


dor na sengchen drala wermé ku shuk dang tu pung dak la zhuk né punsum tsokpé ngödrup ma lüpa dü data nyi du tobpar dzé du sol

In short, empower us with the physical strength and might of the Great Lion Gesar and the dralas and wermas, and grant us all the siddhis of abundance here and now, this very instant!

iii. Magnetizing

ཧོ། རེ་འགའ་འཛུམ་ཞིང་ཆགས་པའི་ཉམས་ཅན།

ho, réga dzum zhing chakpé nyam chen

Ho! At times, you appear smiling and seductive,


ten yo kün khyap ö mar gyi long na dorjé chakyu zhakpé trul tap kyi si zhii dang chü yo zhing gukpa

Amidst an expanse of red light that pervades the whole animate and inanimate universe; and with your vajra hook and lasso, you magically activate and summon the vital essence of existence and peace.


ku gyépé gar gyi si sum yo zhing yi trokpa

Your body sways in a dance of joy, stirring and captivating the three planes of existence.


sung zhépé ngarö kham sum guk shing dren du chépa

With the roar of your laughter, you summon the three realms and bind them into service.


si zhii pal yön dang chü la rol zhing zur mik tsenpa

You take pleasure in the vital essence and magnificent qualities of existence and peace, and glance about in amusement.


dzépé dang kyi gyépé gar ché ching

You perform your dance of delight with radiant charm,


nyenpé dang kyi gawé lu lenpa

And sing your song of joy in harmonious tones.


nö chü ö mar du zhuwa

You dissolve the outer world and beings within it into red light,


ten yo sil trol tar gyurwa

And strike the animate and inanimate like cymbals.


dralé druk dra göpa

You laugh with the thunderous roar of a drala,


wermé baden yowa

And unfurl the banner of the wermas.


nyam gyur natsok kyi rol tsé lok tar yowa

Like lightning streaking through the sky, you playfully assume a variety of expressions.


dé tong dorjé chakpé tuk dang denpa

With your indestructible compassion born of bliss and emptiness,


nang si kyi yi nang wang mé du trokpa

No-one in apparent existence can resist your captivating powers.


sengchen yizhin wang gi gyalpo khor wang dzé drala wermé mak pung dang chépa nam la

To the Great Lion Gesar, powerful wish-fulfilling king, together with your armies of dralas and wermas who carry out magnetizing activity,


düdtsi men gyi gyamtso

An ocean of medicinal nectar,


döjung tormé riwo

A mountain of wish-fulfilling tormas,


mar chen rakté chu gyün

Vast rivers of flowing red rakta,


dri zang sang gi dü trin

Clouds of sweet-fragranced incense,


dorjé dro gar gyi tang tap

The movements of the vajra dance,


nyenpé lu yi gyur khuk

The melodies of harmonious song,


pa dzang kyébüi dro gar

The dances of courageous warriors,


yi trok rikmé lu yang

The beguiling chants of wisdom consorts,


dé tong nyam kyi chöpa

Offerings of the bliss-emptiness experience,


zhu dé lhenkyé kyi rolmo

The music of co-emergent melting bliss,

དགྱེས་འཛུམ་འཁྱུད་པའི་འཇོ་སྒེག་ལ་སོགས་པ་སྣང་སྲིད་བདེ་སྟོང་རྡོ་རྗེའི་རོལ་མོར་འབྱམས་སུ་ཀླས་པའི་མཆོད་པ་དམ་པ་འདིས་མཆོད་དོ། །

gyé dzum khyüpé jo gek la sokpa nang si dé tong dorjéi rolmor jam su lépé chöpa dampa di chö do

The beautiful and seductive who gladly and smilingly embrace—with this sublime gift in which apparent existence becomes a boundless symphony of indestructible bliss and emptiness, we make offerings to you!

མངའ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nga sol lo

We exalt you!

གཟེངས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

zeng tö do

We honour and praise you!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་ངོ༌། །

tuk dam kang ngo

We fulfil your noble wishes!

དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ་ལོ། །

pa kyem bul lo

We offer the drink of warriors!

ཉམས་པ་བཤགས་སོ། །

nyampa shak so

And confess our breakages of samaya!

དགྱེས་པ་བསྐྱེད་དོ། །

gyepa kyé do

We inspire great joy!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

tukdam kul lo

We invoke your solemn pledge!


rigdzin naljorpa dak chak gi lü la yi ong gi zijin kyé chik

For us vidyādhara yogins, develop our powers of physical attraction!


ngak la den tsik gi nüpa tsol chik

Grant us the capacity for prophetic speech!


yi la dé tong gi tingdzin bor chik

Ignite the samādhi of bliss-emptiness in our minds!


tong tsé wang du gyi shik

Bring all that is visible under control!


si sum zil gyi nön chik

Subjugate the three planes of existence!


kham sum dren du chin chik

Bind the three realms into service!


mi nying gul chik

Stir people’s hearts!


mi sem yö shik

Move people’s minds!


nangwa wang du dü shik

Magnetize appearances!


si zhii dang chü drong shik

Bring us the vital essence of existence and peace!


ché güi ralpa den du dreng shik

Seat us upon the long hair7 of the great!


zang güi paljor dün du khuk chik

Summon the wealth and splendour of the good!


gyal tap chenpöi tri la khö chik

Install us on the throne of great royal power!


ji tar sampé dön lak tu trö chik

Let whatever we desire fall into our hands!


dor na nang si la nga wang gyurwé dorjé déwa chenpo wang gi ngödrup ma lüpa data nyi du tsol chik

In short, grant us, here and now, all the siddhis of magnetizing great bliss, and the vajra of wielding power over apparent existence!

iv. Wrathful

ཧོ། རེས་འགའ་འཇིགས་བྱེད་ཁྲོས་པའི་ཚུལ་ཅན།

ho, ré ga jik ché tröpé tsul chen

Ho! At times, you appear fearsome and wrathful,


tab shé kyi da zhü dü sin tralwé tsomo trukpa

With your bow and arrow of means and wisdom, you stir the brains of the māras and rākṣasas.


namchak kyi raldri ma rung sinpöi gowo drekpa

With your sword of meteoric iron, you sever the heads of untamed rākṣasas.


dorjéi dung gi dam nyampé nying la zirwa

With your vajra lance, you pierce the hearts of samaya-breakers.


drakpöi chakyü drawöi mik jinpa

With your iron hook of wrath, you gouge out the eyes of adversaries.


barwé dri guk gi drawöi sok tsa chöpa

With your blazing knife, you cut the main artery of the enemy’s life-force.


sungmé zira kholwa

You send out molten sparks of guardians


dé gyé né la chünpa

And press on the vital points of the gods and demons of the eight classes.


po gyü bap tar drilwa

You hurl down male protectors like an avalanche,


mo gyü da tar penpa

And let fly female protectors like arrows.


wermé kar da trowa

You send forth wermas like shooting stars,


nang si cha lang debpa

And crash the cymbals of appearance and existence.


chen mik nyi da lé kalpé mé barwa

From the sun and moon of your eyes blaze fires like those at the end of time.


jak kyi lok mar lé drak ngak kyi tok ser trowa

The red lightning of your tongue lets fall the hail and thunder of fierce mantras.


zhal gyi ba long lé rakté gyamtso trukpa

From the billow of your mouth stirs a churning ocean of rakta.


shang kyi lung drom lé kalpé lung nak tsubpa

From the ‘wind-chamber’ of your nose emerges a devastating storm, black as an apocalyptic gale.


ku yi pa dzong lé dralé mak trin trikpa

From the stronghold of your body swirl thick clouds of drala battalions.


tsem kyi gang ri lé kyin tang duk da trowa

From the snow-caps of your teeth, poisoned arrows stream down like hail and sleet.


tuk ösal gyi ngang né dorjé tröpé mé chen barwa

From the clear light of your enlightened mind blazes the great fire of vajra wrath.


drawöi sha trak sok uk la cher ngam shying rolwa

In a ferocious rage, you feast on the flesh, blood and life-breath of your enemies.

སྣང་སྲིད་ཀྱི་ཁམས་ན་ཆེ་བཙན་འགྲན་ཟླ་དང་བྲལ་བ་ལན་མེད་རྡོ་རྗེའི་མཚོན་གཅིག་སྒྲོལ་བྱེད་དྲག་བོ་ནོར་བུ་དགྲ་འདུལ་རྩལ་འཁོར་དགྲ་བགེགས་འདུལ་བའི་ཝེར་མ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་དང་བཅས་པ་རྣམས་ལ་དམ་ཉམས་པའི་དགྲ་བོའི་ཤ་ཡི་རི་བོ། །

nang si gyi kham na ché tsen dren da dang dralwa len mé dorjéi tsön chik drol ché drakpo norbu dradul tsal khor dra gek dulwé werma gyamtso dang chépa nam la dam nyampé drawöi sha yi riwo

To the wrathful Norbu Dradül Tsal whose might and power are unrivalled throughout the whole of apparent existence, together with an ocean of wermas who subjugate enemies and obstacle-makers, we offer a mountain of flesh from samaya-breaking enemies,


trak gi gyamtso

An ocean of blood,


rüpé dram trö

Riverbanks of bones,


dön nying gi nak tsal

Forests made of hearts,


kang mar gyi dam dzab

Thick swamps of marrow,


uk lang kyi na bün

Fog and mist of steamy breath,


sur chen gyi dü trin

Smoky clouds of vast burnt offering,

དབང་པོའི་མེ་ཏོག་དང་བཅས་ཏེ་དགྲ་བོའི་སྟོབས་མཐུ་ནུས་པ་ཚེ་དཔལ་འབྱོར་པ་དང་བཅས་པ་འབར་བའི་ཞལ་དུ་སྟོབ་པ་དམ་པས་མཆོད་དོ། །

wangpöi métok dang ché té drawöi tob tu nüpa tsé paljorpa dang chépa barwé zhal du tobpa dampé chö do

Together with the flowers of the sense organs, and all our enemies’ strength, power, abilities, life, glory and riches—all this we offer to you, feeding it into your blazing mouth,

མངའ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nga sol lo

We exalt you!

གཟེངས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

zeng tö do

We honour and praise you!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་ངོ། །

tuk dam kang ngo

We fulfil your noble wishes!

དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ་ལོ། །

pa kyem bul lo

We offer the drink of warriors!

ཉམས་པ་བཤགས་སོ། །

nyampa shak so

And confess our breakages of samaya!

དགྱེས་པ་བསྐྱེད་དོ། །

gyepa kyé do

We inspire great joy!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

tukdam kul lo

We invoke your solemn pledge!


rigdzin naljorpa dak chak la nö ching tséwar chépa

May all who would harm and injure us vidyādhara practitioners


samjor ngenpa

Or harbour evil intentions against us,


dangwé dra

All hostile enemies


nöpé gek tamché gang na dukpa barwé chen gyi zik la

And harmful obstructing forces—wherever they may be—be seen with your blazing eyes.

འགུགས་བྱེད་ཀྱི་ལྕགས་ཀྱུ་སྙིང་ལ་ཐོབ་ཅིག །

guk ché kyi chak kyu nying la tob chik

Let your summoning iron hook strike at their hearts,

སྡོམ་བྱེད་ཀྱི་ཞགས་པས་ཡན་ལག་ཆིངས་ཤིག །

dom ché zhakpé yenlak ching shik

Your tightening lasso bind fast their limbs,

གཅོད་བྱེད་ཀྱི་རལ་གྲིས་མགོ་བོ་ཆོད་ཅིག །

chö ché kyi raldri gowo chö chik

Your cleaving sword slice off their heads,

འབིག་བྱེད་ཀྱི་མདུང་གིས་དོན་སྙིང་ཕུགས་ཤིག །

bik ché kyi dung gi dön nying puk shik

Your piercing spear puncture their hearts,

འཕེན་བྱེད་གྱི་མདའ་མོ་སྲོག་ལ་ཐོབ་ཅིག །

penché kyi damo sok la tob chik

And your swift arrows strike at their life-force.

སྙིང་བསྐལ་པའི་མེས་སྲེགས་ཤིག །

nying kalpé mé sek shik

Burn their hearts in apocalyptic flames.

ལུས་རྡོ་རྗེའི་མཚོན་གྱིས་གཏུབ་ཅིག །

lü dorjéi tsön gyi tub chik

Hack apart their bodies with your vajra weapons.

ནད་མཚོན་དུག་གི་ཆར་ཕོབ་ཅིག །

né tsön duk gi char pop chik

Bring down a rain of poison with your weapon of sickness.

ལྟས་ངན་ཆོ་འཕྲུལ་གྱིས་དཔའ་བཀོངས་ཤིག །

té ngen chotrul gyi pa kong shik

Subdue their sorcery and evil omens.

ཕོ་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་རྩ་བ་དྲུང་ནས་ཕྱུངས་ཤིག །

po gyü kyi tsawa drung né chung shik

Tear off the genitals of the males,

མོ་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་མངལ་མཐའ་ནས་སྐེམས་ཤིག །

mo gyü kyi ngal ta né kem chik

Dry up the wombs of the females.

བསམ་སྦྱོར་སྟོབས་ནུས་ཀྱི་དཔུང་ཤིག་ཅིག །

samjor top nü kyi pung shik chik

Crush the force of their intentions, strength and capacity.

བསམ་ངན་དུག་མདའ་རང་བདུད་དུ་ཕོབ་ཅིག །

sam ngen duk da rang dü du pop chik

Cause the poisoned arrows of their evil schemes to fall back upon them.

སྦྱོར་ངན་གྱི་མཚོན་ཆ་རང་གཤེད་དུ་སློངས་ཤིག །

jor ngen gyi tsön cha rang shé du long shik

Cause the weapons of their evil actions to bring their own destruction,

ལོ་དང་ཟླ་བར་མ་བཞག་པར་ཞག་དང་ཟ་མའི་ནང་དུ་སྒྲོལ་ཅིག །

lo dang dawar ma zhakpar zhak dang zamé nang drol chik

Do not put this off for years or even months; liberate them today—this very moment!

བྱད་ཕུར་རྦོད་གཏོང་བསམ་ངན་སྦྱོར་རྩུབ་ཐམས་ཅད་ཕྱིར་བཟློག་ཅིག །

ché pur bö tong sam ngen jor tsub tamché chir dok chik

Avert all black magic, evil curses, malicious intentions and violent behaviour!

དགྲ་ནག་པོ་ས་འོག་ཏུ་མགོ་མཇུག་ལྡོག་ཅིག །

dra nakpo sa wo tu go juk dok chi

Bury evil enemies headfirst beneath the earth,

གཉེན་དཀར་པོའི་ངོ་འཕང་དགུང་དུ་བསྟོད་ཅིག །

nyen karpöi ngo pang gung du tö chik

Praise and elevate friendly positive forces as high as the heavens!

བདག་གི་མཐུ་སྟོབས་ནུས་པ་བསྐལ་པའི་མེ་བཞིན་དུ་སྦོར་ཅིག །

dak gi tu top nüpa kalpé mé zhin du por chik

Cause my own power, strength and capacity to flare up like the fires at the end of time!

མདོར་ན་དྲག་བོ་མངོན་སྤྱོད་ཀྱི་ཕྲིན་ལས་རྣམས་ཇི་ལྟར་བསམ་པ་ཡིད་བཞིན་དུ་མཐར་ཕྱིན་པར་མཛོད་ཅིག །

dor na drakpo ngön chö kyi trinlé nam ji tar sampa yizhin du tar chinpar dzö chik

In short, carry out completely whatever wrathful direct actions we request of you, exactly as we desire!

v. Varied

ཧོ། །རེས་འགའ་མ་ངེས་རྫུ་འཕྲུལ་གྱི་རོལ་པ་ཅན།

ho, ré ga ma ngé dzutrul gyi rolpa chen

Ho! At times, you display miraculous, varied forms,


nam sa bar nang gi khyön kun tu gyu zhing

Travelling everywhere—through space, on earth and in the sky,


rabjam trinlé kun la ngawang jorwa

With mastery over infinite enlightened actions.


sampa tsam gyi ngödrup tsolwa

Merely through our wishes, you bestow accomplishment.


böpa tsam gyi lok tar yowa

Simply by calling upon you, you move like lightning.


drubpa tsam gyi dam la duwa

Through practice alone, we forge a samaya connection.


kulpa tsam gyi lé la gyuwa

By mere invocation, you hasten to act.

སེང་ཆེན་རྡོ་རྗེ་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མའི་དམག་དཔུང་རྣམས་ལ་ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་བའི་མཆོད་སྤྲིན་ཡེ་ཤེས་བདུད་རྩི་དམ་པ་ཀུན་ཏུ་བཟང་པོའི་རྣམ་རོལ་ལས་བྱུང་བ་མཆོག་གིས་མཆོད་དོ། །

sengchen dorjé drala wermé mak pung nam la chi nang sangwé chö trin yeshé düdtsi dampa kuntu zangpöi namrol lé jungwa dak gi chö do

To the Great Vajra Lion and the armies of dralas and wermas, we offer outer, inner and secret offering clouds and sacred wisdom nectar, all arisen from the display of Samantabhadra.

མངའ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nga sol lo

We exalt you!

གཟེངས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

zeng tö do

We honour and praise you!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་ངོ༌། །

tuk dam kang ngo

We fulfil your noble wishes!

དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ་ལོ། །

pa kyem bul lo

We offer the drink of warriors!

ཉམས་པ་བཤགས་སོ། །

nyampa shak so

And confess our breakages of samaya!

དགྱེས་པ་བསྐྱེད་དོ། །

gyepa kyé do

We inspire great joy!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

tukdam kul lo

We invoke your solemn pledge!

རྡོ་རྗེའི་རྐྱང་རྒོད་ཕེར་བོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

dorjéi kyang gö perpo la söl lo

We invoke the vajra steed,8 wild and skilful!

གསང་བའི་དགྱེས་སྡེ་བཞི་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

sangwé gyé dé zhi la söl lo

We invoke the four secret bringers of delight!

དམག་དཔོན་མིག་དམར་ཆེན་པོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

makpön mik mar chenpo la söl lo

We invoke the general Mikmar Chenpo!

དམ་ཅན་རྡོ་རྗེ་ལེགས་པ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

damchen dorjé lekpa la söl lo

We invoke Damchen Dorje Lekpa!

སྨན་བཙུན་རྡོ་རྗེ་གཡུ་སྒྲོན་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

mentsün dorjé yudrön la söl lo

We invoke Mentsün Dorje Yudrönma!

རྨ་རྒྱལ་རྡོ་རྗེ་དྲག་རྩལ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

magyal dorjé drak tsal la söl lo

We invoke Magyal Dorje Draktsal!

ཕུ་བོ་དུང་ཁྱུང་དཀར་པོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

puwo dung khyung karpo la söl lo

We invoke the elder brother9 Dungkhyung Karpo!

སྟེང་ཕྱོགས་ལྷ་ཡི་དམག་དཔུང་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

teng chok lha yi makpung la söl lo

We invoke the armies of gods above!

ཕ་ཡབ་གེར་མཛོ་གཉན་པོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

pa yab ger dzo nyenpo la söl lo

We invoke the father10 Gerdzo Nyenpo!

བར་ཕྱོགས་གཉན་གྱི་དམག་དཔུང་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

bar chok nyen gyi mak pung la söl lo

We invoke the armies of nyen in between!

ནུ་བོ་ཀླུ་སྦྲུལ་འོད་ཆུང་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nuwo lu trül öchung la söl lo

We invoke the younger brother11 Ludrül Öchung!

འོག་ཕྱོགས་ཀླུ་ཡི་དམག་དཔུང་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

wo chok lu yi mak pung la söl lo

We invoke the armies of nāgas below!

ཨ་ནེ་དགུང་སྨན་རྒྱལ་མོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

a né gung men gyalmo la söl lo

We invoke the aunt12 Gungmen Gyalmo!

སྣང་སྲིད་མ་མོའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nang si mamöi kyilkhor la söl lo

We invoke the maṇḍalas of mamos of appearance and existence!

སྲིང་ལྕམ་ཐ་ལེ་འོད་དཀར་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

sing cham talé ökar la söl lo

We invoke the younger sister13 Talé Ökar!

འབྱུང་བ་ལྔ་ཡི་ལྷ་མོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

jungwa nga yi lhamo la söl lo

We invoke the goddesses of the five elements!

རྫུ་འཕྲུལ་ཀླུང་རྟ་ལྷ་བཞི་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

dzutrul lungta lha zhi la söl lo

We invoke the four gods of the miraculous windhorse!

མགྲོན་ཡག་དར་མ་བཅུ་གསུམ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

drön yak darma chu sum la söl lo

We invoke the thirteen youthful drongyak!14

དགྲ་བླའི་དྲ་མ་ཆེ་དགུ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

dralé drama ché gu la söl lo

We invoke the nine chiefs of the dralas!

མགོན་པོ་དགྲ་བླ་བཅུ་གསུམ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

gönpo drala chu sum la söl lo

We invoke the thirteen dralas of Gönpo!

དགྲ་བླ་མཆེད་གསུམ་ལྕམ་དྲལ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

drala ché sum chamdral la söl lo

We invoke the three drala brothers and their sisters!

སྣོད་བཅུད་སྲིད་པའི་དགྲ་བླ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nö chü sipé drala la söl lo

We invoke the dralas of the outer and inner world!

ཕྲིན་ལས་སྣ་ཚོགས་དགྲ་བླ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

trinlé natsok drala la söl lo

We invoke the dralas of varied activity!

འགོ་བའི་ལྷ་མགོན་གཉན་པོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

gowé lha gön nyenpo la söl lo

We invoke the powerful protector patron gods!

དཀར་ཕྱོགས་སྐྱོང་བའི་དགྲ་བླ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

kar chok kyongwé drala la söl lo

We invoke the dralas who protect the forces of good!

ཐུགས་ཀར་སུམ་བརྒྱ་དྲུག་ཅུ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

tukkar sum gya druk chu la söl lo

We invoke the 360 tukkars!

ཅོང་སེ་ལམ་ལྷ་གཉན་པོ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

chong sé lam lha nyenpo la söl lo

We invoke the Chongse, mighty gods of travel!

གནམ་ས་བར་གྱི་ཝེར་མ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nam sa bar gyi werma la söl lo

We invoke the wermas of the heavens, the earth and in-between!

སྐུ་འཁོར་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ku khor drala werma la söl lo

We invoke the dralas and wermas of the retinue!

ཌཱ་ཀི་དྭངས་སྨན་ཐམས་ཅད་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

daki dang men tamché la söl lo

We invoke all the ḍākinīs and maidens!

དཔའ་བརྟུལ་དཔའ་བོའི་སྡེ་ཚོགས་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

pal tul pawöi dé tsok la söl lo

We invoke the legions of valiant warriors!

བཀའ་འབངས་སྤྲུལ་པའི་ལྷ་དམག་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ka bang trulpé lha mak la söl lo

We invoke the armies of emanated gods of service!

བཀའ་སྡོད་སྣང་སྲིད་དྲེགས་པ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

ka dö nang si drekpa la söl lo

We invoke the arrogant spirits of apparent existence who obey commands!

སྣད་སྲིད་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མ་ལ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nangsi drala werma la söl lo

We invoke the dralas and wermas of all apparent existence!

མདོར་ན་སེང་ཆེན་དགྲ་འདུལ་རྒྱལ་པོའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་དུ་ཡེ་ཤེས་དང་ལས་དང་འཇིག་རྟེན་གྱི་ཚུལ་འཛིན་པའི་ཆོས་སྐྱོང་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མའི་དམག་དཔུང་མ་ལུས་ཤིང་ལུས་པ་མེད་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་ལ་དངོས་བཤམས་ཡིད་སྤྲུལ་གྱི་མཆོད་སྤྲིན་རྒྱ་ཆེན་པོ་འདིས་མཆོད་དོ། །

dor na sengchen dradul gyalpöi kyilkhor du yeshé dang lé dang jiktenpé tsul dzinpé chö kyong drala wermé mak pung ma lü shing lüpa mépa tamché la ngö sham yi trül gyi chö trin gya chenpo di chö do

In short, to all the armies of dharmapālas, dralas and wermas in the maṇḍala of the Great Lion Dradül Gyalpo, whether they appear in wisdom, activity or worldly guise, we offer vast clouds of offering substances, both real and imagined!

མངའ་གསོལ་ལོ། །

nga sol lo

We exalt you!

གཟེངས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

zeng tö do

We honour and praise you!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་ངོ༌། །

tuk dam kang ngo

We fulfil your noble wishes!

དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ་ལོ། །

pa kyem bul lo

We offer the drink of warriors!

ཉམས་པ་བཤགས་སོ། །

nyampa shak so

And confess our breakages of samaya!

དགྱེས་པ་བསྐྱེད་དོ། །

gyepa kyé do

We inspire great joy!

ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

tukdam kul lo

We invoke your solemn pledge!


ཀྱེ། ཡེ་ཤེས་ཀྱི་ཆོས་སྐྱོང༌། །

kyé, yeshé kyi chökyong

Kye! Wisdom dharmapālas,


lé kyi tu den

Mighty in action,


jikten gyi nga dak dampa khyé nam kyi khyenpé gong

And powerful worldly guardians, all of you, consider us in your wisdom.

བརྩེ་བས་གཟིགས་ལ་མཐུ་སྟོབས་ནུས་པ་ཆེན་པོས་བདག་ཅག་འཁོར་དང་བཅས་པ་ལ་དུས་འདི་ནས་བྱང་ཆུབ་སྙིང་པོའི་བར་དུ་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ་ཀྱི་ཕྲིན་ལས་གཡེལ་བ་མེད་པར་འདོད་པའི་དོན་མ་ལུས་པ་གེགས་མེད་ཡིད་བཞིན་དུ་སྒྲུབས་ཤིག །

tséwé zik la tu tob nüpa chenpö dak chak khor dang chépa la dü di né changchub nyingpöi bar du sung kyob kyi trinlé yelwa mépar döpé dön ma lüpa gek mé yizhin du drub shik

Look upon us with love, and through your great power, strength and capacity, for us and those around us, from now until we reach the essence of enlightenment—without ever straying from your activity of guarding and protecting, help us to accomplish all that we desire, without obstacle and exactly as we wish!


བསྭོ་བསྭོ། སྣང་སྲིད་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མའི་སྤྲིན་འཁྲིགས་པ།

so so, nang si drala wermé trin trikpa

So! So! Amidst thick clouds of the dralas and wermas of appearance and existence,

དགྱེས་པའི་གད་རྒྱངས་འབྲུག་ལྟར་དགོད་པའི་དབུས། །

gyépé gé gyang druk tar göpé ü

Whose cries of laughter resound like the thunderous roars of a dragon,

ཉི་མ་བཅུ་གཉིས་དག་གི་གཟི་བརྗིད་ཅན། །

nyima chu nyi dak gi ziji chen

Is the one who has the majesty and brilliance of a dozen suns,

གེ་སར་ནོར་བུ་དགྲ་འདུལ་ཡེ་ཤེས་སྐུ། །

gesar norbu dradul yeshé ku

Gesar, Norbu Dradül, in his wisdom form,

བསྐལ་པའི་རླུང་ཆེན་བདུན་གྱི་ཤུགས་ལྡན་བའི། །

kalpé lung chen dün gyi shuk denpé

Riding upon the one with the strength and speed of the seven apocalyptic storms,

རྫུ་འཕྲུལ་རྡོ་རྗེའི་རྐྱང་རྒོད་ཕེར་བོ་ཆིབས། །

dzutrul dorjé kyang gö perpo chip

The miraculous vajra steed, wild and skilful.

སྣ་ཚོགས་དགྲ་བླའི་སྐུ་ཆས་འོད་དུ་འབར། །

natsok dralé ku ché ö du bar

The armour of the various dralas gleams in the light.

མི་ཤིགས་རྡོ་རྗེ་སྐུ་ཡི་དཔའ་རྫོང་ལ། །

mi shik dorjéi ku yi pa dzong la

Within the indestructible fortress of the vajra body,

དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མའི་དམག་དཔུང་འཕྲོ་ཞིང་འདུ། །

drala wermé mak pung tro zhing du

Armies of dralas and wermas are dispatched and recalled.

དྲན་པ་ཙམ་གྱིས་དགེ་མཚན་རླུང་ཤུགས་སྤེལ། །

drenpa tsam gyi gé tsen lung shuk pel

At the mere thought of which, positivity bursts forth like a storm.

དད་དམ་འགྱུར་བ་མེད་པའི་ཡིད་ཀྱིས་ནི། །

dé dam gyurwa mépé yi kyi ni

With a mind of unchanging faith and samaya,

སྣ་ཚོགས་དམ་རྫས་མཆོད་པའི་སྤྲིན་ཕུང་གིས། །

natsok dam dzé chöpé rin pung gi

And with various samaya substances and clouds of offering,

གསོལ་ལོ་མཆོད་དོ་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་གྱུར་ཅིག །

sol lo chö do tukdam kang gyur chik

We invoke you; we offer to you—may your noble wishes be fulfilled!

མངའ་གསོལ་གཟེངས་བསྟོད་བདུད་རྩི་དཔའ་སྐྱེམས་འབུལ། །

nga sol zeng tö düdtsi pa kyem bul

We exalt you; we honour and praise you, and offer nectar, drink of the warriors.

སྣང་སྟོང་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་ངང་ཉིད་ནས། །

nang tong dorjéi tuk kyi ngang nyi né

Inseparably, from the state of the vajra mind of appearance and emptiness,

འདུ་འབྲལ་མེད་པར་མོས་ལྡན་བདག་ལ་གཟིགས། །

du dral mépar mö den dak la zik

Look upon me, your devoted follower.

རིགས་གསུམ་པདྨའི་སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲེགས་པའི་རྗེ། །

rik sum pémé gyutrul drekpé jé

Lord over the haughty ones, emanation of Padma and the three families,

སེང་ཆེན་དགྲ་བླ་དཔའ་བོ་འཁོར་བཅས་ཀྱིས། །

sengchen drala pawo khor ché kyi

Great Lion Gesar and your retinue of dralas and warriors,

རྣལ་འབྱོར་བདག་གི་ལུས་ངག་ཡིད་གསུམ་ལ། །

naljor dak gi lü ngak yi sum la

In this practitioner’s body, speech and mind,

བྱིན་རློབས་མཐུ་སྟོབས་ནུས་པ་མེ་ལྟར་སྦོར། །

chin lop tu top nüpa mé tar bor

Ignite your blessings, power, strength and capacity.

སྙན་པའི་དར་ཆེན་སྲིད་པ་གསུམ་ན་མཐོ། །

nyenpé dar chen sipa sum na to

Raise aloft the great banner of renown throughout the three planes of existence.

གྲགས་པའི་འབྲུག་ཆེན་འཇིག་རྟེན་གསུམ་ན་ཁྱབ། །

drakpé druk chen jikten sum na khyap

Let the great thunder of fame resound throughout the three worlds.

ཕ་རོལ་མི་མཐུན་ཕྱོགས་ཀུན་ཟིལ་གྱིས་ནོན། །

parol mi tün chok kun zil gyi nön

Outshine all who are hostile and antagonistic.

ཕྱོགས་ལས་རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་བའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་མཛོད། །

chok lé nampar gyalwé trinlé dzö

Let your enlightened activity reign victorious in all directions!


དེ་ལྟར་དགྲ་བླ་ཝེར་མ་དགྱེས་པ་ཡི། །

Thus, wheresoever is heard this dragon’s roar

འབྲུག་སྒྲ་གང་དུ་སྒྲོགས་པའི་ཕྱོགས་དེར་ནི། །

That brings joy to the minds of the dralas and wermas,

ཕུན་ཚོགས་བདེ་སྐྱིད་སྙན་པའི་ཆར་ཆེན་འབེབས། །

Bring down showers of prosperity, happiness and fame,

སྐལ་བཟང་དུས་ཀྱི་དགེ་མཚན་ཉེ་བར་སྡུད། །

And gather auspicious signs of impending fortune.

གང་ལ་དམིགས་ནས་ཆོ་ག་འདི་ལྟ་བུས། །

Whatever our focus, through a practice such as this,

དགྲ་བླ་དཔའ་བོར་རྩེ་གཅིག་ལས་བཅོལ་ན། །

Entrusting activity one-pointedly to the dralas and warriors,

འདོད་དོན་ཡིད་བཞིན་འགྲུབ་པའི་དགའ་སྟོན་གྱི། །

Set aloft for all time the great victory banner of


Accomplishing whatever is desired, just as we wish!



གསོལ་མཆོད་འདི་ནི་ཝེར་མ་བསེ་རུ་འོད་ལྡན་དཀར་པོའི་ཡིད་ལ་ཤར་བ་ལྟར་རབ་ཚེས་དབང་ཕྱུག་མྱོས་ལྡན་རྣམ་གནོན་གསུམ་ཀར་ཅི་རིགས་རེ་བྲིས་ཤིང༌། ལྕགས་འབྲུག་ས་ག་ཟླ་བའི་ཚེས ༡༨ ལ་ཡོངས་སུ་རྫོགས་པར་གྲུབ་པ་འདིས་རྒྱལ་བསྟན་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་དབུ་འཕང་སྲིད་རྩེར་བསྟོད་པའི་རྟེན་འབྲེལ་མཆོག་ཏུ་གྱུར་ཅིག །   །།

This offering and invocation, as it arose in the mind of the werma Seru Öden Karpo,15 was first written down during the three years of the Fire Ox (1877), Earth Hare (1879) and Iron Dragon (1880) of the fifteenth calendrical cycle and completed on the eighteenth of the month of Saga Dawa in the Iron Dragon year. May it bring about the supreme auspicious circumstance for the precious teachings of the Buddha to become as exalted as the very summit of existence.


| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the kind assistance of Alak Zenkar Rinpoche and edited by Ian Maxwell, 2003. Revised 2007, 2008 & 2021 with special thanks to Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, Patrick Gaffney and Gyurme Avertin.


Source: mi pham rgya mtsho. "gsol mchod phrin las myur 'grub." In gsung 'bum/_mi pham rgya mtsho. W23468. 27 vols. Paro, Bhutan: Lama ngodrup and sherab drimey, 1984–1993. Vol. 6: 731–750.


Version: 4.4-20240805

  1. Commonly known as Söllo Chenmo (gsol lo chen mo). The term gsol here is rather difficult to translate into English, as it has at least three separate meanings when it occurs in practice texts: to encourage, to offer, and to tell or command. It has the latter meaning in the Tibetan word gsol ka, or ‘protectors’ practice’, but here it mainly has the sense of offering. This type of practice is called gsol mchod (translated here as invocation and offering), and it is the best known of all such practices related to Gesar.
  2. Söllo Chenmo should only be recited on important occasions and not too frequently, because it is very powerful (Alak Zenkar Rinpoche, hereafter AZR).
  3. The Mu (dmu) are a class of demon.
  4. The area around Magyal Pomra (rma rgyal spom ra) is renowned for its rich pastures (AZR).
  5. i.e., You command respect everywhere, even from the great and important (AZR).
  6. These awards—literally 'bravery ribbons' (dpa’ dar)—could include military honours, but also medals and accolades for sporting and academic prowess. (AZR)
  7. In other words, let us be the most powerful of all. The imagery here recalls King Tri Ralpachen, who is said to have allowed monks to sit upon his long braided hair.
  8. Gesar's horse.
  9. Gesar's elder brother.
  10. Gesar's father.
  11. Gesar's younger brother.
  12. Gesar's paternal aunt.
  13. Gesar's younger sister.
  14. The Tibetan here should possibly be corrected to ‘brong g.yag dar ma bcu gsum. A drongyak (‘brong g.yag) is a wild yak.
  15. bse ru ‘od ldan dkar po, ‘White Luminous Rhino’, an epithet of Mipham Rinpoche.
Mipham Rinpoche

Gesar Series

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