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ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Truthful Words of a Sage

English | བོད་ཡིག

༁ྃ༾༔ ཡང་གསང་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཐུགས་ཐིག་ལས༔ སྨོན་ལམ་དྲང་སྲོང་བདེན་ཚིག༔

The Truthful Words of a Sage

An Aspiration Prayer from the Exceedingly Secret, Enlightened Heart-Essence of the Ḍākinī

revealed by Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje






chöku dor chang longku dorjé sem

Dharmakāya Vajradhara, Saṃbhogakāya Vajrasattva,


tulku drangsong drimé sangwé dak

Nirmāṇakāya Stainless Sage Loktripāla,1


garab shri seng pejung bi ma la

Garab Dorjé, Śrī Siṃha, Padmākara, Vimalamitra,


kündü tsawé lama tötreng tsal

The embodiment of all— root Guru Tötrengtsel


tsa sum lha dang drangsong rigdzin tsok

The deities of the three roots and the assemblies of sages and vidyādharas,


dak gi dentsik drubpé pangpor zhuk

Remain here as witness to the accomplishment of my truthful words.



tokmar trulpa né zung danté bar

Since the dawn of delusion until this moment in time,


si dir dak lü drangmé lang gyur kyang

We have taken countless births in this [conditioned] existence.


tongnyi changchub sem kyi mazinpé

Yet, as we have not seized the mind of emptiness-bodhicitta,


dadung chakdang chingwa dampö ching

We are fettered by the tight shackles of attachment and aversion and


dak ni marik tibpö drib lak kyang

Are still enveloped by the darkness of non-recognition.


lamé tukkyé dü su minpa yi

But by the timely ripening of the guru’s kind aspirations,


dakchak yangsang dorjé lam dang tré

We have met the exceedingly secret indestructible path.


dani chakdang drok lé drolwar shok

May we be freed from the restraints of attachment and aversion this very instant.



drangmé kyewar lé kyi drelpa yi

Connected by the karma of innumerable lives,


tab lam nampar rolpé dechen drok

Companions who enjoy great bliss on the path of skillful means,


jam dang tsewé kyangwé pama dang

Mothers and fathers who nurture us with love and kindness,


damtsik chik tu drelwé dorjé ché

Vajra siblings who are connected by sharing tantric commitments,


tso gyur khakhyab semchen tamché kün

Essentially, all sentient beings pervading space—


lo dok nampa zhi yi gyü kul né

May we invigorate ourselves through the four [thoughts] that turn the mind [toward practice],


tsechik dampé chö la tsöndrü kyé

Develop diligence that is single-pointedly focused on the excellent teachings,


labpa sum gyi yönten tarchin shok

And perfect the qualities of the three trainings!



maha anu atiyoga yi

May the ripening blessings and four empowerments of


min jé jinlab wang zhi ranggyü min

Mahā, Anu, and Ati yoga mature our mind-streams.


kyé dang dzokpé lam chok tarchin né

May we perfect the supreme paths of the creation and perfection stages,


mi nyam dorjé dam la nepar shok

And uphold the vajra commitments without any degeneration.



dechen rang lü gyalwé kyilkhor dzok

May we perfect the maṇḍala of the victors within our own bodies of great bliss—


tsa jong lung chün tiklé lé rung zhing

Train the channels, control the energy, and make the essences pliable,


ga zhi yeshe terwé dza namor

Inseparably merging energy and mind through


jorwé lungsem yermé drepar shok

Uniting with the consort who bestows the primordial wisdom of the four joys.



tawa pomé chökü gyalsa zin

May we seize the royal seat of the dharmakāya, the unshifting view,


gompa yengmé trul drol redok dral

Meditate without hope, fear, distraction, and delusion, and


chöpa panglang dralwa chönyi tsal

Conduct ourselves free of rejection and acceptance—


trekchö drebu zhi la dzokpar shok

Resulting in the power of suchness completely cutting through to the ground.



ati lam gyi tsawa ösal né

May we perfect the fundamental points concerning luminosity on the path of Ati,


tögal drönma zhi yi lam chok la

[The meditational stages of] fluctuation, attainment, habituation, stability, and completion


yo tob gom ten tarchin tsal dzok né

Upon the supreme path of the four lamps of leaping-over;


lodral chö zé chenpor sangye shok

May we awaken to the great exhaustion of phenomena devoid of conceptualization.



lam la ma zhuk drelpé semchen kün

May all connected sentient beings who have not embarked on the path


dak gi dü sum sakpé gé tsok dang

Awaken on the greatly glorious and blissful Mount Potala


jedzin mönlam drakpö tu nü kyi

Through the power of this caring and fervent aspiration prayer


dechen pota palrir sangye shok

And my accumulated virtuous actions of the three times.



daknyi kyé kün dorjé lobpön dang

May the vajra masters and vajra companions in all my lifetimes


zablam ga zhi drelpé dorjé drok

Who are connected by the four joys of the profound path


damtsik chikpé checham rigdzin tsok

And the siblings and knowledge holders who share tantric commitments


mindral kyilkhor chik tu khöpar shok

Never part but be established in the same maṇḍala.



natsok tab kyi semchen dönjé ching

May the innumerable billions of emanations


trulpa jewa trak gya drangmé kyi

Who benefit sentient beings through various means


rang rang ké du tabkhé chö tön ching

Skillfully teach the doctrine in their respective languages,


khorwé gyatso dong né trukpar shok

Dredging the depths of the ocean of cyclic existence.



tartuk yabyum tabshé checham sé

May the children of the father and mother— method and wisdom


longku chenpö nyamlen tarchin né

Ultimately perfect the practice of the great saṃbhogakāya.


chöying womin zhönnu bumkü long

May they be liberated as a single maṇḍala


tsombu chik tu yermé drolwar shok

In the Akaniṣṭha space of phenomena, the expanse of the youthful vase body.



chönyi rangzhin nampar dakpa dang

May this aspirational prayer of truthful words be accomplished without obstruction,


chöchen gyundré luwa mepé tü

And the exceedingly secret teachings never wane but flourish far and wide


dentsik mönlam gekmé drub gyur né

Due to naturally pristine suchness and


yangsang tenpa mi nub tar gyé shok

The infallible power of the causes and results of [conditioned] phenomena.


སྨོན་ལམ་དྲང་སྲོང་བདེན་ཚིག་འདི༔   ཡང་གསང་ཐུགས་ཐིག་མཐའ་རྟེན་དུ༔  དྲི་མ་མེད་པའི་གསུང་འཁྲུལ་མེད༔   པདྨ་ཐོད་ཕྲེང་བདག་གིས་ཕབ༔  བདེ་སྟེར་ཌཱཀྐཱིའི་ཁྱད་ནོར་མཛོད༔    ཡི་གེ་རིགས་ཀྱི་བུ་ཡིས་བྲིས༔

This aspiration prayer, The Truthful Words of the Sage, forms the conclusion of The Exceedingly Secret, Enlightened Heart-Essence. It is the stainless and unmistaken speech originating from Pema Tötrengtsel. The words of the exceptionally valuable treasury of the bliss-bestowing ḍākinī were written down by a son of a noble family.

ཡང་གསང་ཐིག་ལེ་སྐོར་གསུམ་གྱི༔    བསྟན་པ་ཉི་འོད་ཀུན་ཁྱབ་ནས༔  རྩ་གསུམ་ཌཱཀིའི་བྱིན་ནུས་ལྡན༔    སྲུང་མའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་ཐོགས་མེད་ཤོག༔

May the three cycles of The Exceedingly Secret, Enlightened Heart-Essence pervade everywhere like the rays of the sun. May the powerful blessings of the three roots and the ḍākinīs as well as the enlightened activities of the guardians be unbound.

ས་མ་ཡཱ༔ གུ་ཧྱ༔ མངྒ་ལཾ། ཤུ་བྷཾ༔

Samayā. Guhya. Maṅgalam. Śubham.

རྒྱ་རྒྱ་རྒྱ༔ ཨེ་མ་ཧོ༔

Gya gya gya. Emaho.


༈ ཆོས་ཚུལ་འདི་ཡང་ཉི་ཟླའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་བཞིན། །

chö tsul di yang nyidé kyilkhor zhin

May this teaching like the maṇḍala of the sun and moon

ཕྱོགས་ཀྱི་ཐ་གྲུ་ཀུན་ཏུ་གྲགས་གྱུར་ཅིང་། །

chok kyi tadru küntu drak gyur ching

Be renowned throughout every region,

བློ་གྲོས་སྣང་བ་རབ་ཏུ་རྒྱས་བྱས་ནས། །

lodrö nangwa rabtu gyé jé né

Cause the light of intelligence to fully expand, and

སངས་རྒྱས་བསྟན་པ་དར་ཞིང་རྒྱས་པར་ཤོག །

sangye tenpa dar zhing gyepar shok

The teachings of the buddhas to flourish and spread.


ཤླཽ་ཀ་འདི་ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ཀློང་ཆེན་པའི་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གསུང་ངོ་། །

This stanza is the vajra words of the Omniscient Longchenpa.


༈ ངོ་བོ་འགྱུར་མེད་རང་བྱུང་རྡོ་རྗེའི་སྐུ། །

ngowo gyurmé rangjung dorjé ku

May the teachings of the three vajras flourish and spread:

རང་གདངས་འགག་མེད་བྱང་ཆུབ་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གསུང་། །

rang dang gakmé changchub dorjé sung

The vajra body of the natural, unchanging essence,

སྤྲོས་བྲལ་དབུ་མ་འཇའ་ལུས་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཐུགས། །

trödral uma jalü dorjé tuk

The vajra speech of the unimpeded, natural enlightened expressions,

རྡོ་རྗེ་གསུམ་གྱི་བསྟན་པ་དར་རྒྱས་ཤོག །

dorjé sum gyi tenpa dargyé shok

The vajra mind of the rainbow body, the middle way devoid of elaborations.


རྒྱལ་དབང་ཉི་མས་བྲིས་སོ།། སརྦ་མངྒ་ལཾ།།

Written down by Gyelwang Nyima. Sarva Maṅgalam


| Translated by Ryan Jacobson, Tenzin Choephel, and Tom Greensmith, 2020.



Ye shes rdo rje. 2009. Smon lam drang srong bden tshig: In Gter chos/_mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje, vol. 2. pp. 627-632. Khreng tu'u: Rdzogs chen dpon slob rin po che. BDRC W1PD89990

______ 1974. Yang gsang mkha' 'gro'i thugs thig las:_Smon lam drang srong bden tshig. In Mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje'i rnam thar, pp. 414-419. Gangtok: Dodrupchen Rinpoche, null. TBRC W18047.


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  1. Stainless Sage (drang srong dri med) is an epithet of Loktripāla, a wrathful form of Vajrapāṇi as found, for example, in a treasure text revealed by Nyangrel Nyima Özer (1124–1192).
Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje

Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje

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