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ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

The Quintessence of Deathless Amṛta

English | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །རིག་འཛིན་ཚེ་དབང་གྲངས་གསོག་སོགས་ཀྱི་ཚེ་ཉེ་བར་བསྡུས་པ་འཆི་མེད་བདུད་རྩིའི་ཡང་སྙིང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།།

The Quintessence of Deathless Amṛta

A Concise Method for Conferring the Long-Life Empowerment of the Vidyādharas Multiple Times

by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo



Namo gurubhyaḥ!


འདིར་རིག་འཛིན་ཚེ་དབང་གྲངས་གསོག་ཚེ། ཐོག་མར་གཞུང་ལྟར་དབང་རྒྱས་པ་ཚར་གཅིག་སོང་ནས།

When the long-life empowerment of the vidyādharas is given multiple times, it should first be granted elaborately once in accordance with the manual.

སླར་ཡང་དབང་གཉིས་པ་ཞུ་བའི་ཡོན་དུ་དམིགས་ཏེ་མཎྜལ་ཞིག་ཕུལ་མཛོད། །

lar yang wang nyipa zhuwé yön du mik té mandal zhik pul dzö

Now, to request the empowerment for the second time, offer a maṇḍala.

ཅེས་མཚམས་སྦྱར་ལ་མཎྜལ་འབུལ་དུ་གཞུག །

Thus a maṇḍala is offered.


detar mandal pul né solwa debpa di jé dö dzö

After the maṇḍala is presented, repeat the following prayer:


chimé gönpo pema jung

Padmasambhava, immortal protector,


sok gi jikpé trakpa la

When fear of death arises,


tukjé chenpö nyer gong né

Look upon us with your great compassion,


tsé yi wang dang ngödrub tsol

And grant us the longevity empowerment and accomplishments.



dené yeshe wabpé ledu

In order to invoke the wisdom,


khyerang nam der shek kündü chimé pema jungné su sal zhinpé rikdak tsepakmé gön yabyum nyampar jorwé kha sang né dechen changchub kyi sem dütsi nampachen pak tu mepa bab

You need to visualize yourselves clearly as the universal embodiment of all the sugatas, the immortal Padmasambhava. From the secret space of the union of the protector Amitāyus, Lord of the Buddha families, and his consort, flows boundless bodhicitta, great bliss, in the form of nectar,

སྤྱི་བོ་ཚངས་པའི་བུ་ག་ནས་མར་ཞུགས། ལུས་ཀྱི་ནང་ཐམས་ཅད་གང་།

chiwo tsangpé buga né mar zhuk | lü kyi nang tamché gang

Which flows into the brahma-aperture at the crown of your head and descends, filling your body completely.


pung kham kyemché tamché la khyabpé chimé dorjé sok la wangtobpé möpa dzö

Imagine that it saturates your aggregates, elements and sense sources, whereby you obtain the empowerment of deathless, indestructible life.


When practising elaborately, recite the descent of blessings:

ཧཱུྃ༔ སྤྲོས་བྲལ་ཆོས་སྐུའི་ཕོ་བྲང་ནས༔ སོགས་དང་། 

hung, trödral chökü podrang né

Hūṃ. From your dharmakāya palace, natural simplicity…etc.


Or, more concisely, recite the root mantra with the following added at the end:


benza jnana abeshaya a ah

vajra-jñānābeśaya a ā


dza hung bam ho

jaḥ hūṃ baṃ hoḥ


Recite that and invoke the blessings. Then toss a flower and stabilize with:


tishta benza

tiṣṭha vajra



lar yang tseguk shing chü duwé ledu

Then, in order to once again summon the spirit of longevity and gather all the vital essences,


dak dün tsepakmé par salwé tukka né özer karpo pak tu mepa trö

Immeasurable rays of white light radiate from the heart of Amitāyus, from the self- and front-visualization.

འཁོར་འདས་ལམ་གསུམ་གྱིས་བསྡུས་པའི་གཟི་བྱིན་དྭངས་བཅུད་ཚེ་དཔལ་བསོད་ནམས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཡོན་ཏན་ཐམས་ཅད་རྡོ་ཁབ་ལེན་གྱིས་ལྕགས་ཕྱེ་བླངས་པ་ལྟར་བསྡུས་ཏེ་ཁྱེད་རང་རྣམས་ལ་སིབ་སིབ་ཐིམ་པས་འཆི་མེད་ཚེའི་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་པའི་མོས་པ་མཛོད། །

khordé lam sum gyi düpé zijin dangchü tsé pal sönam yeshe yönten tamché do khab len gyi chak ché langpa tar dü té khyerang nam la sib sib timpé chimé tsé ngödrub tobpé möpa dzö

They gather all the magnificence, vital essences, longevity, glory, merit, wisdom and qualities found in saṃsāra, nirvāṇa and on the path, like a magnet attracting iron powder. Imagine that everything dissolves gently into you and that you obtain the accomplishment of immortal life.

ཨོཾ༔ རང་སྣང་ཟངས་མདོག་དཔལ་གྱི་རི༔

om, rangnang zangdok pal gyi ri

Oṃ. My entire perception is the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain,


ngaden rangjung podrang né

Where the palace with five certainties appears of its own accord,


chomden gönpo tsepakmé

From there, Buddha Amitāyus, Lord of Limitless Life,

དཔལ་ཆེན་གྲུབ་པའི་རིག་འཛིན་བརྒྱད། །

palchen drubpé rigdzin gyé

The eight vidyādharas who have accomplished the Awesome Ones,

རྩ་བརྒྱུད་བླ་མ་ཡི་དམ་ལྷ། །

tsa gyü lama yidam lha

The root and lineage gurus, yidam deities,

མཁའ་འགྲོ་ཆོས་སྐྱོང་ཚོགས་དང་བཅས། །

khandro chökyong tsok dangché

And ḍākinīs with their hosts of Dharma protectors:


tukdam kul lo ying né zheng

I invoke you! Arise from within the expanse of space!

འཁོར་འདས་ལམ་གསུམ་བཅུད་སྡུས་ལ། །

khordé lam sum chü dü la

Gather all the vital essences found in saṃsāra, nirvāṇa and on the path,

བླ་ཚེ་ཆད་ཉམས་ཡར་བ་ཀུན། །

la tsé chenyam yarwa kün

And bring any life-force that is interrupted, scattered or declined

ཡེ་ཤེས་ཀློང་དགུའི་དབྱིངས་སུ་སྐྱིལ། །

yeshe long gü ying su kyil

Into the space of the nine wisdom expanses!


gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


Then place the long-life vase on the heads of those in the assembly and grant the empowerment.

ཧྲཱིཿ སྣང་སྲིད་གཞོན་ནུ་བུམ་པའི་སྐུ༔

hrih, nangsi zhönnu bumpé ku

Hrīḥ. All that appears and exists is the youthful vase kāya


kyechi dralwé chü kyi tam

Filled with the vital elixir of freedom from birth and death.


kalden bu la wangkurwé

By empowering you, fortunate sons and daughters,


chimé dorjé sok drub shok

May you accomplish the deathless vajra life!


Recite the root mantra combined with:


kaya abhikintsa om

kāyābhiṣiñca oṃ


Place the nectar at their throat and recite the following.

ཧྲཱིཿ བདེ་ཆེན་ཡུམ་ལྔའི་བྷནྡྷ་རུ༔

hrih, dechen yum ngé bhendha ru

Hrīḥ. In the bhāṇḍas of the five consorts of great bliss,


chimé changsem dütsir khyil

The deathless bodhicitta nectar gathers.


kalden bu la jinpa yi

By giving it to you, fortunate sons and daughters,


kyechi mepé wang tob shok

May you receive the empowerment that is beyond birth and death.


Recite the root mantra combined with:


waka abhikintsa ah

vākābhiṣiñca āḥ


Touch the long-life pills to their hearts.

ཧྲཱིཿ བརྟན་གཡོའི་ཁམས་དང་སྟོབས་བཅུའི་དཔལ༔

hrih, tenyö kham dang tob chü pal

Hrīḥ. The elements of the world, the beings within it and the glory of the ten strengths—


yong kyi chü dü tsé rilbu

All their vital essences are gathered in these long-life pills.


rik kyi bu la jinpa yi

Sons and daughters of noble family, by giving it to you,


dorjé sok la wang tob shok

May you receive the empowerment of vajra life.

རྩ་སྔགས་དང་། །

Recite the root mantra combined with:


tsitta abhikintsa hum

cittābhiṣiñca hūṃ


Then, after the main part of the empowerment, recite the following:

ཨཿ འབྱུང་ལྔའི་དབྱིངས་སུ་འཁྱམས་པའི་ཚེ༔

ah, jung ngé ying su khyampé tsé

Āḥ. When our life-force wanders into the space of the five elements,


yum ngé long du gyetabpé

It is secured within the expanse of the five mothers:


yeshe nga la kyechi mé

The five primordial wisdoms know no birth and death,


ku ngé ying su tsé bepa

Our life is concealed in the space of the five kāyas, and


rik ngé gyalwé kyang mi zik

Even the buddhas of the five families cannot see it!


dharmadhatu benza raksha

dharmadhātu vajra-rakṣa


Thus seal the life force. Then recite prayers of auspiciousness such as the one that begins:

འཇིག་རྟེན་འདྲེན་པའི་གཙོ་བོ་ཚེ་དཔག་མེད། །ཅེས་སོགས་ཀྱིས་ཤིས་པ་བརྗོད། 

jikten drenpé tsowo tsepakmé

Buddha of Infinite Life, foremost guide for beings in this world…


lar yang wangsumpa zhuwé yön du

Now, to request the empowerment for the third time…

སོགས་སྦྲེལ་ལ་ཚར་གྲངས་ཇི་ཙམ་འོས་པ་བསྐུར་ལ། མཐར་བཀྲ་ཤིས་པའི་རྫས་རྟགས་དང་། རྒྱལ་སྲིད་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་རྣམ་པ་བདུན་གྱིས་མངའ་གསོལ། ཤིས་བརྗོད་ཀྱི་མེ་ཏོག་འཐོར། དམ་ཚིག་ཁས་བླང་། གཏང་རག་གི་མཎྜལ། ལུས་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་དབུལ་བ། དགེ་བ་བསྔོ་བ་རྣམས་སྤྱི་ལྟར་བྱའོ། །

And so on, perform this as many times as needed. Then conclude with the auspicious substances and symbols, and perform the investiture with the seven emblems of royalty. Then scatter flowers of auspiciousness. Enjoin the students to keep the samayas. They then offer a maṇḍala out of gratitude and offer their body and wealth. The dedication of merit is performed as usual.


ཞེས་པའང་ཀུན་མཁྱེན་བླ་མའི་བྱིན་རླབས་སྙིང་དབུས་སུ་ཞུགས་པའི་གཞོན་ནུ་ཨ་བྷ་ཡས་ཉེར་མཁོའི་ཆེད་དུ་སྤེལ་བ་སརྦ་དཱ་ཀ་ལྱཱ་ཎཾ་བྷ་བ་ཏུ།། །།

This was compiled out of necessity by Zhönnu Abhaya, the one who has the blessing of the omniscient guru in his heart. Sarvadā kalyāṇam bhavatu!


| Translated by Han Kop and edited by Barry Cohen for the Longchen Nyingtik Project, 2024.


Source: 'Jigs med gling pa, 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po. "rig 'dzin tshe dbang grangs gsog sogs kyi tshe nye bar bsdud pa 'chi med bdud rtsi'i yang snying", in klong chen snying thig rtsa pod. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 4: 161–163.


Version: 1.0-20240314

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

Amitāyus and Consort

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