The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Dukngal Rangdrol Sādhana

English | Deutsch | བོད་ཡིག

འུྃ༔ ཀློངཆེན་སྙིང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་ལས༔ གསང་སྒྲུབ་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་སྡུག་བསྔལ་རང་གྲོལ་བཞུགས༔

Natural Liberation of Suffering

The Great Compassionate One: The Secret Practice from the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse

revealed by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa



Namo lokeśvarāya!1

གསང་བ་ལྟར་དུ་སྒྲུབ་པ་ནི༔ འཕགས་མཆོག་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོའི་སྐུ༔ སྡུག་བསྔལ་རང་གྲོལ་ངོ་བོ་སྟེ༔ ཤིན་ཏུ་ཟབ་པའི་ཏི་ལ་ཀ༔

The secret practice is done in the following manner. The deity’s form is the supremely noble Great Compassionate One, his essence is the natural liberation of suffering—this is an extremely profound, essential point.

འདི་ཉིད་སྒྲུབ་པའི་གནས་མཆོག་ནི༔ འཇམ་ཞིང་ཁོད་སྙོམས་ཁ་དོག་དཀར༔ དཀར་ཕྱོགས་དགེ་བསྙེན་གནས་པའི་ས༔ དགྲ་འདྲེས་དབང་དུ་མ་བྱས་པར༔

The best place to do this practice is somewhere with earth that is smooth and even, and white in colour; a place inhabited by deities intent on virtue, and not be under the power of enemies and malevolent spirits.

དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་མདའ་གང་བཀོད་ལེགས་སྟེང་༔ སྒྲུབ་རྫས་པྲ་ཁྲིད་བཞིན་དུ་བཀོད༔ ཡང་ན་སྨན་རག་གཏོར་མར་བརྟེན༔

On top of a perfectly arranged maṇḍala, an arrow’s length in width, arrange the accomplishment substances as explained in The Visionary Instructions.2 Alternatively, perform the practice based on the supports of amṛta, rakta, and torma.


There are the preliminaries, the main section, and the conclusion.


1. Preliminaries


1.Taking Refuge

ན་མོ༔ མཐའ་མེད་འཁོར་བ་སྡུག་བསྔལ་རང་བཞིན་ལ༔

namo, tamé khorwa dukngal rangzhin la

Namo. In this never-ending cycle of saṃsāra, by nature only suffering,


wangmé chöpé dak sok semchen kun

All sentient beings, just like me, wander helpless.


chok sum ngowo pakchok tukjé lhar

So, with intense longing in my heart, I take refuge


nying né dungshuk drakpö kyab su chi

In you, the deity of Sublime Compassion, essence of the Three Jewels!


Recite this three times.


2. Arousing Bodhicitta

ཧོ༔ ཕ་མ་རིགས་དྲུག་སྙིང་རྗེའི་ཡུལ་གྱུར་ཀུན༔

ho, pama rik druk nyingjé yul gyur kün

Hoḥ. The six kinds of living beings—my very own parents and objects of my compassion,


rang ngo mashé trulpé lé la chö

All fail to recognize their own nature, and then act out of delusion.


tsemé nyingjé changchub lam gö chir

So that I can place them, with a boundless compassion, on the path to enlightenment,


mönjuk döndam semchok kyepar gyi

I arouse the supreme bodhicitta mind, relative—in aspiration and action—and absolute.


Recite this three times.


3. Seven-Branch Offering

ཧོ༔ དུས་གསུམ་བཞུགས་པའི་སྐྱབས་གནས་ཐམས་ཅད་ལ༔

ho, dü sum zhukpé kyabné tamché la

Hoḥ. Before all sources of refuge, past, present and future,


güpé chaktsal chinang chöpa bul

With devotion I prostrate and make offerings, both outer and inner.


mi ge dikpé lé kün tol lo shak

Openly I acknowledge and confess all unwholesome and harmful actions,


gé la yi rang chökhor korwar kul

Rejoice in all that is meritorious, urge you to turn the wheel of Dharma,


zhuk soldeb so getsa changchub ngo

And implore you to remain here. I dedicate all the roots of goodness to enlightenment—


kün kyang pakpé gopang tobpar shok

May all beings attain the realization of the Sublime Lord of Compassion!


4. Offering the Torma to Obstructing Forces

Bless the torma with:


om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ

ཧྲཱིཿ ང་ནི་པདྨ་དབང་གི་སྐུ༔

hrih, nga ni pema wang gi ku

Hrīḥ. I take on the form of ‘The Mighty Lotus’—Hayagrīva,


lokdren dulwé shepo ché

Great subjugator of all who lead us astray.


nyön chik gek dang lokdren kün

All you obstructors and misleading forces, hear this:


döyön torma di long la

Accept this torma offering made of sensory delights,


gyatso chenpö patar deng

And begone—to the far shore of the great ocean!


galté ka lé da jé na

Dare to disobey my command,


dorjé towé lé né zhom

And you will be annihilated—crushed beneath the vajra hammer.


dewé ka lé ma da zhik

Therefore, do not disobey!


Recite the mantra of the four hūṃs.


5. The Protection Circle

ཧྲཱིཿ སྣང་སྲིད་ཐམས་ཅད་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གུར༔

hrih, nangsi tamché dorjé gur

Hrīḥ. The whole universe becomes the vajra tent,


nöchü kyilkhor sum gyi ngang

Where beings and environment are the three maṇḍalas.


bakchak trulwé dön gek nam

For all those demons and obstructing forces of delusion and habit,


ku sum ngang du tsam ché do

I set the boundary, unwavering from the three kāyas.


benza raksha raksha dzola hung pé

vajra rakṣa rakṣa jvala hūṃ phaṭ


6. Descent of Blessings

ཧཱུྃ༔ སྟོང་ཉིད་དབྱིངས་ལས་ཐུགས་རྗེ་རོལ་པའི་རྩལ༔

hung, tongnyi ying lé tukjé rolpé tsal

Hūṃ. From the basic space of emptiness, the radiance of compassion’s play


gakmé kha la chartrin tibpa zhin

Arises unceasingly, like clouds gathering in the sky.


kündzob tsenmé dzé kün jinlab pé

All the relative substances with characteristics are blessed


döné dakpé kyilkhor chenpor gyur

And transform into the great maṇḍala of original purity.


om jnana benza abeshaya pem pem sarva samaya dza

oṃ jñāna-vajrābhiṣaya peṃ peṃ sarva-samāja jaḥ


7. Blessing the Offering Substances

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔ ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་བའི་མཆོད་རྫས་མ་ལུས་པ༔

om ah hung, chi nang sangwé chödzé malüpa

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ. All these offerings, outer, inner, and secret


nampa dzé la ngowo yeshe kyi

Appear as sacred items, yet in their true nature


dütsi chenpo ro gyé pal dzinpé

Are vast wisdom nectar, possessing the splendour of a hundred tastes,


kyilkhor lhatsok nyepé chi du gyur

And so they become the most exquisite offering, that delights the deities of the maṇḍala.


om benza argham padam pupé dhupé aloké gendhé newité shapta

oṃ vajra-arghaṃ pādyaṃ puṣpe dhūpe āloke gandhe naivedye śabda


sarva pentsa rakta balingta maha sukha pudza ah hung

sarva-pañca rakta baliṅta mahā-sukha pūjā āḥ hūṃ


Bless the offerings by reciting this three times.


2. The Main Section


There are seven parts.


1. Generating the Palace and the Deity

ཧྲཱིཿ ཆོས་ཀུན་མི་དམིགས་གཞི་མེད་རྩ་བྲལ་ངང་༔

hrih, chö kün mimik zhimé tsadral ngang

Hrīḥ. Where all things and events are beyond concept, free of any ground or origin,


yingrik zungjuk dakpa chenpö zhing

The union of space and awareness arises as a realm of infinite purity:


rangnang lhündrub riwo potala

My entire perception, spontaneously perfect, is the Potala Mountain


datak tsennyi dzokpé kyilkhor ü

A maṇḍala with symbols, signs, and characteristics all perfect. And in its centre


natsok pema tongden nyidé teng

Lies a multi-coloured, thousand-petalled lotus, and sun and moon seats, on which



hrih lé rangnyi pakchok nyingjé lha

From hrīḥ, I arise as the Sublime One, deity of compassion,


dukngal rangdrol chenrezik wang ku

In the form of Lord Avalokiteśvara ‘Natural Liberation of Suffering’,


zhal chik chak zhi nyampé tab kyi zheng

With one face and four hands and standing in a posture of equanimity,


tsawé chak nyi tukkar taljar tsul

The palms of my two main hands joined at my heart,


lhakma nam nyi drang treng pekar chang

And the other two holding a mālā and white lotus.


(The gestures of these hands are the same as those of Khasarpaṇi)


longchö dzok ku dar dang rinchen dzé

I am in saṃbhogakāya form, beautiful with silks and jewels.


kar mar dangden rüpé gyen gyi tré

My complexion is white tinged with red, and I am wearing bone ornaments,


zhi tsul gu dang gyencha chusum dzé

Resplendent with the nine peaceful expressions and thirteen ornaments,


utsuk rikdak öpakmépé tsen

Above my head sits Amitābha, lord of the enlightened family.



chok zhir pema dab zhi den tengdu

In the four directions, and each on a four-petalled lotus, are:


shar du jetsün drolma kudok kar

Ārya Tārā, her body white in colour, in the east,


lho ru özerchenma ser gyi dok

Mārīcī, yellow in colour, in the south


nub tu kurukullé pé rak dang

Kurukullā, ruby red in colour, in the west


jang du norgyün lhamo kudok jang

And Vasudhārā green in colour, in the north,


kün kyang rang rang gyen dang chaluk dzok

Each one wearing their own full set of ornaments and garments.



go zhir wangchen dé zhi lé dokchen

At the four doors are the four Mighty Ones, in colours matching their particular activity,


driguk tö dzin dortab jik tsul ngam

All of them striding, majestic, terrifying, and gripping hooked knives and skull-cups.


trowö ché dzok mepung long na gying

Clad in wrathful ornaments, they stand imposingly amid a mass of flames.


bar tsam sangye changsem rigdzin dang

Between them all, buddhas, bodhisattvas and vidyādharas,


pawo daki damchen trin tar tib

Heroes,3 ḍākinīs and samaya-bound Dharma protectors gather like clouds.


nangtong drib yok dralwé ying na sal

Appearing yet empty, the deities are all vivid and distinct.


kün kyang né sum yikdru sum gyi tsen

Their three centres are marked with the three seed syllables,


dé lé ö trö rangzhin né chok dang

From which light streams out to the luminous, supreme abodes,


khyepar trulpé zhingkham potala

And especially to that nirmāṇakāya pure land, Mount Potala,


neyul nyerzhi durtrö gyé sok né

The twenty-four sacred places and the eight charnel grounds,


yeshe lhatsok benza samadza

Inviting the wisdom deities. Vajra-samājaḥ!


2. Invitation

ཧྲཱིཿ ནུབ་ཕྱོགས་བདེ་ཆེན་དབང་གི་ཕོ་བྲང་ནས༔

hrih, nubchok dechen wang gi podrang né

Hrīḥ. From the Mighty Palace of Great Bliss in the West,


gönpo öpakmépa shek su sol

Lord Amitābha, come now, I pray!


trulpé zhingkham ri potala né

From the emanated pure realm of Mount Potala,


drodul chenrezik wang shek su sol

Lord Avalokiteśvara, tamer of beings, come now, I pray!


tukjé drowa dulwé podrang né

From the palace of training beings though compassion,


kyilkhor lhatsok malü shek su sol

Deities of the maṇḍala, all of you, come now, I pray!


dakchak drubpapo la jingyi lob

Grant me, the practitioner, your blessings!


chok dang tünmong ngödrub tsal du sol

Grant me siddhis, common and supreme!


om lokishora guru deva dakini sarva samaya dza dza

oṃ lokeśvara-guru-deva-ḍākinī-sarva-samaya jaḥ jaḥ


3. Requesting the Deities to Take Their Places

ཧྲཱིཿ དམིགས་མེད་རང་གྲོལ་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ལྷར༔

hrih, mikmé rangdrol tukjé kyilkhor lhar

Hrīḥ. For you deities in this naturally liberating maṇḍala of compassion, beyond any reference point,


shek jön zhuk su solwar mimik kyang

There is no coming, arriving, or remaining.


nyinang lobur drima jangpé chir

Even so, to cleanse the fleeting stains of dualistic grasping,


damyé nyimé ngowor tenpar zhuk

Remain here, steadfast, samaya-being and wisdom-being inseparably one.


benza samaya tishta ho

vajra-samaya tiṣṭha hoḥ


4. Prostration

ཧྲཱིཿ བཅོམ་ལྡན་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོའི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་ལ༔

hrih, chomden tukjé chenpö lhatsok la

Hrīḥ. To you, accomplished conqueror, Great Compassionate One, and all your deities


rang shé trulpa dralwé da chak gar

Symbolically I prostrate, free from delusion and recognizing our oneness.


lhachen trulgé namgyur jizhin du

As if I were an emanation of the ‘Great Gods who Enjoy their own Emanations’,4


panglang mepé ngang né tsalwar gyi

Free of acceptance or rejection, I bow!


namo purushaya ho

namo puruṣāya hoḥ


5. Offerings

ཧྲཱིཿ ཀུན་ཏུ་བཟང་པོའི་རྣམ་རོལ་མཆོད་པའི་སྤྲིན༔

hrih, kuntuzangpö namrol chöpé trin

Hrīḥ. Like Samantabhadra’s display of offering clouds,


metok dukpö marmé drichab dang

I offer flowers, incense, lights and scented water,


zhalzé rolmo döpé yönten nga

Food, and music—the five sensory delights—


lhami paljor malü bul lo zhé

And the riches of gods and humans, all in their entirety: Accept them, please!


om benza argham padam pupé dhupé aloké gendhé nevidé shapta | rupa shabta gendhé rasa parshé maha sarva pudza khahi

oṃ vajra-arghaṃ pādyaṃ puṣpe dhūpe āloke gandhe naivedye śabda | rūpa śabda gandha rāsa sparśa mahā sarva pūja khāhi


6. Special Offerings

ཧྲཱིཿ ཁྱད་པར་རྨད་བྱུང་བདེ་བ་ཆེན་པོའི་རྫས༔

hrih, khyepar mejung dewa chenpö dzé

Hrīḥ. The exceptionally wondrous materials of great bliss—


men tor rakta tsokchö dang ré tro

Amṛta, torma, rakta, and feast-offerings—radiant with joy,


sherab rikma lodé nyukmé shi

The wisdom consort, and the genuine nature that transcends the mind—


bul lo zhé né wang dang ngödrub tsol

All these I offer. Accept them, please, and grant me empowerment and siddhis!


sarva pentsa rakta balingta maha sukha dharmadhatu pudza ho

sarva-pañca rakta baliṅta mahā-sukha dharmadhātu pūjā hoḥ


7. Offering Praise

ཧྲཱིཿ ཆོས་དབྱིངས་སྤྲོས་པ་བྲལ་བའི་ཕོ་བྲང་ནས༔

hrih, chöying tröpa dralwé podrang né

Hrīḥ. In the palace of dharmadhātu beyond conceptual thought,


lhündrub longchö dzokpé nga wangchen

Lord of the saṃbhogakāya of spontaneously perfection,


tsemé nyingjé terchen chenrezik

Avalokiteśvara, great treasure of boundless compassion,


dukngal rangdrol ku la chaktsal tö

In your form as Natural Liberation of Suffering―to you I offer praise and homage!



tsemé zhi yi dro kün tarlam dren

With the four immeasurables, you guide all beings on the path to liberation,


gang la gang dul tukjé rolpé gar

The dance of your compassion taming each according to their needs.


chiryang gyurwé tutob dzutrul chen

You possess the power to miraculously shift into forms of any kind.


rik zhi semma nam la chaktsal tö

Ladies of the four families—to you I offer praise and homage!



nam zhi trinlé kün la wanggyur zhing

With your mastery of all four enlightened activities


lokdren dul chir trotum rolpé tab

And your display of wrathful fury that subdues misleading forces,


tokmé gyurwé rik zhi hayagri

Hayagrīvas of the four families, manifesting without any hindrance at all:


kyilkhor yongdzok lha la chaktsal tö

Along with the entire maṇḍala of deities―to you I offer praise and homage!


8. Mantra Recitation


rangnyi tukjé chenpö tukka ru

I am the Great Compassionate One. In my heart


nyidé ga'u khajor yangpé ü

In the centre of a vast casket of sun and moon conjoined,


dawé teng na tuk sok hrih karpo

Upon a moon disc stands the white life-force syllable hrīḥ,


dé tar yigé dünpé korwa lé

Encircled by the seven syllables of the mantra.


ö trö sangye changsem tamché dang

Light radiates out to all the buddhas and bodhisattvas,


khyepar tukjé chenpö tukgyü kul

Especially the Great Compassionate One, and invokes their wisdom minds.


dro druk semchen kün gyi lé nyön jang

Light streams out to all six classes of beings, purifying their karma and destructive emotions.


özer tsur dü dak la timpa yi

The rays return and dissolve into me,


chok dang tünmong ngödrub tobpar gyur

Through which I obtain siddhis, common and supreme.


Imbued with compassion for beings, recite the mantra:


om mani padmé hung hrih

oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ

གྲངས་ཀྱི་བསྙེན་པ་བྱེ་བ་གཅིག༔ དུས་ཀྱི་བསྙེན་པ་དེའི་བཞི་འགྱུར༔ མཚན་མའི་བསྙེན་པ་རྟགས་དང་སྦྱར༔ རྟགས་ནི་མེ་ཏོག་དཀར་པོ་འཐུ༔ གངས་རིར་འཇོགས་དང་ཕྱག་མཚན་རྙེད༔ རོལ་མོ་འཁྲོལ་དང་ཁྲུས་བྱེད་སོགས༔ དངོས་ཉམས་རྨི་ལམ་མ་ངེས་འབྱུང༔

If the approach phase is calculated numerically, recite ten million. The approach phase based on duration is that amount of time multiplied by four.5 The approach phase based on signs depends on the signs that arise. There are various signs that can arise in real life, in experiences, and in dreams, such as collecting white flowers, climbing snow mountains, finding implements of deities, playing music, and bathing.


Particular Practices

Long-life Practice


pakpé tuk lé ö tröpé

From the Sublime One’s heart light streams out,


jetsün drolmé tukgyü kul

Invoking the wisdom mind of Ārya Tārā.


tenyö kham né tsechü dang

The vital essence of the elements, animate and inanimate,


la tse sok uk yarwa kuk

Life-spirit and life-force—whatever has been dissipated—is summoned back


drubja tsowö tuk sok ü

And dissolves into the beneficiary of the practice, who is visualized


salwa la tim tsé sing gyur

In the heart of the main deity, extending their life.

ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ ཏཱ་རེ་ཨཱ་ཡུ་རྫྙཱ་ན་ཚེ་བྷྲཱུྃ་ནྲི་ཛ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔

om mani padmé hung hrih | taré ayurjnana tsé droom nri dza soha

oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ | tāre ayur-jñāna tshe bhrūṃ nṛ ja svāhā


For Overcoming Obstacles and Increasing Merit


pakpé tuk lé ö tröpé

From the Sublime One’s heart light streams out,


özer chen mé tukgyü kul

Invoking the wisdom mind of Mārīcī.


lokpar drenpé trakdang chü

The lustre, radiance, and vitality of misleading spirits


bub chü drang zhin dak la tim

Is drawn in, like water through a pipe, and dissolves into me,


zijin nyida tabur gyur

Granting me the majestic brilliance of the sun and moon.

ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ ཨཱརྱ་མ་རི་ཙྱཻ་མཱཾ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔

om mani padmé hung hrih | arya maritsyai mam soha

oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ | ārya-mārīcyai māṃ svāhā


For Magnetizing the Entire Three Realms


pakpé tuk lé ö tröpé

From the Sublime One’s heart light streams out,


rikjé wangmö tukgyü kul

Invoking the wisdom mind of Kurukullā.


tenyö dangchü malü dang

All the pure vital essence of the animate and inanimate world,


khyepar mik jé tsesö wang

And in particular the life, merit, and power of the objects of our focus,


ö mar nampar mér gyi dü

Is gathered completely in the form of red light,


dak tim zijin barwar gyur

And dissolves into me, causing me to shine in dazzling brilliance.

ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ ཀུ་རུ་ཀུལླེ་ཧྲིཾ་ཧྲིཾ་ཝཱ་ཤང་ཀུ་རུ་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔

om mani padmé hung hrih | kurukullé hrim hrim washam kuru yé soha

oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ | kurukulle hrīṃ hrīṃ vaśaṃ kuruye svāhā


Recite this and you will gain mastery over all phenomena.


For Filling the Treasury with Wealth


pakpé tuk lé ö tröpé

From the Sublime One’s heart light streams out,


norgyünma yi tukgyü kul

Invoking the wisdom mind of Vasudhārā.


lha lu drangsong mi norbu

All the wealth of gods, nāgas, ṛṣis, and human beings


chakkyu tabü özer gyi

Is summoned with light-rays in the form of hooks


kuk né dak la tsolwar gyur

And bestowed upon me.

ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ མ་མ་བཱ་སུ་དྷ་རི་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔

om mani padmé hung hrih | mama vasudhari soha

oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ | mama vasudhāri svāhā

ཞེས་བཏགས་བཟླས་པས་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཐོབ༔ ལོངས་སྤྱོད་རྣམ་ཐོས་སྲས་དང་མཉམ༔ སྒྲུབ་རྫས་བླ་རྡོ་སྲོག་འཁོར་དང་༔ དམིགས་གནད་དམར་བྱང་གནད་ཡིག་ལས༔ རྟོགས་པར་བྱ་བ་ཁོ་ནའོ༔ ས་མ་ཡ༔

By reciting this, you will gain accomplishment. Your wealth will equal that of Vaiśravaṇa. The accomplishment substances such as the life-spirit stone and the life-force chakra, and the crucial points of visualization, should be known from ‘The Visionary Instructions that Lay Bare the Pith Instructions' alone. Samaya!


འདི་ལྟར་ཤིན་ཏུ་ཟབ་པའི་གནད༔ འཕགས་མཆོག་སྡུག་བསྔལ་རང་གྲོལ་གྱི༔ སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་རྗེ་བཙུན་མ་ཧཱ་གུ་རུས༔ མངའ་བདག་ཆོས་རྒྱལ་ཡབ་སྲས་ལ༔ བར་ཁང་གཡུ་ཞལ་འབར་བ་རུ༔ གདམས་ཏེ་སྙིང་མཛོད་སྒྲོམ་བུར་སྩལ༔ སྨོན་ལམ་གཏད་རྒྱའི་མཐུ་བཙན་པོ༔

Thus, this teaching on the most profound crucial points of the sādhana of the supremely noble ‘Natural Liberation of Suffering’ was spoken by the Venerable Mahāguru to the Sovereign Dharma King and the princes in [Samye's] middle-storey shrine room called Blazing Turquoise; it was placed in a casket of heart treasures and entrusted with powerful aspirations.

དུས་བབ་ས་ཕོ་སྟག་གི་ལོར༔ ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོའི་ཞལ་མཐོང་ཞིང༔ ཡེ་ཤེས་དབྱིངས་ཀྱི་ཌཱཀྐི་མས༔ འོད་གསལ་སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བའི་ཀློང༔ ཀློང་གསལ་བརྡ་རིས་ཤོག་དྲིལ་སྤྲོད༔ བརྡ་དོན་གབ་སྦས་མེད་པར་བཀོད༔

The time for revelation came in the Earth Tiger year (1758), when I had a vision of the Great Compassionate One, and the ḍākinī of the space of wisdom entrusted me, in the vast expanse of the illusory net, with the scrolls of the symbolic script of the radiant expanse. I wrote it down without concealing anything of the signs and meaning.

བཀའ་སྲུང་གཟའ་བདུད་ཆེན་པོ་ཡིས༔ ཤིན་ཏུ་ཟབ་པའི་གཏེར་གྱི་བཅུད༔ གཡེལ་མེད་སྐྱོངས་ཤིག་ས་མ་ཡ༔

Great Dharma protector Zadü Rāhula, unwaveringly protect this essence of the most profound of treasures! Samaya!

ལོ་བདུན་གསང་རྒྱ་བྱས་ནས་གཏན་ལ་ཕབ༔ སྙིང་ལས་གཅེས་པའི་གདམས་པའོ༔

I kept the seal of secrecy for seven years before I wrote it down. These instructions are more precious than my very own heart.


| Translated by Han Kop and edited by Paul Keller, 2019, and Patrick Gaffney, 2023, with reference to ‘Commentary on the Difficult Points’ by Jigme Lingpa, and previous translations by Philip Richman and Ane Tsöndrü.


Version: 2.1-20230531

  1. This Sanskrit expression translates as ‘Homage to the Lord of the World!’.
  2. The ‘Pratri’, The Visionary Instructions that Lay Bare the Pith Instructions, from the Great Compassionate One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering (thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol las/ pra khrid dmar byang gnad yig).
  3. Skt vīra; Tib. dpa’ bo
  4. Skt. Nirmāṇarataya.
  5. This means that one multiplies the time required for the number-based approach phase by four. For example if it would take four months to complete a certain number of recitations, the time-based approach phase would last sixteen months.
Jigme Lingpa

Avalokiteśvara, the Great Compassionate One

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