The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Dukngal Rangdrol Self-Initiation

English | བོད་ཡིག

འུྃཿ ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་སྡུག་བསྔལ་རང་གྲོལ་ལསཿ དབང་དོན་བདག་འཇུག་གསལ་བ་བཞུགསཿ

Clarifying the Self-Initiation

An Empowerment of the Great Compassionate One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering

by Jigme Lingpa


འཕགས་པ་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཅན་ལ་ཕྱག་འཚལ་ལོ། །

Homage to the compassionate Noble One!


Here is presented the ritual for granting empowerment and entering into the maṇḍala of Avalokiteśvara, Natural Liberation of Suffering. There are three parts.


I. The Preliminaries

མ་དལ་པདྨ་འདབ་བཞི་སྒོ་རྫོགས་ཅན་གྱི་གནས་སོ་སོར་ལྷ་མཚན་དགུ་དང་། བུམ་པ། གསང་རྫས། རིག་ཙཀ །མེ་ལོང་ཤེལ་རྡོ། གཏོར་མ། ཉེར་སྤྱོད་སོགས་བཤམ་མོ། །

Arrange a maṇḍala that includes a lotus with four petals, perfect doors and nine signs for the deities, each on their respective places. Also arrange a vase, the secret substances, the empowerment card of the consort, a mirror and a crystal, the torma and the regular offerings.


II. The Main Part

དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་བསྒྲུབ་མཆོད་སྔོན་དུ་བཏང་ནས་བཟླས་པ་ཅི་ནུས་དང་། རྣམ་བུམ་ལ་དམིགས་ནས་རྩ་སྔགས་ལ་དབྱངས་གསལ་བཏགས་པ་དང་། ལས་བུམ་དུ་རྟ་མགྲིན་གྱི་ལས་སྔགས་བཟླའོ། །

Carry out the practice of the maṇḍala, make offerings and recite the mantra as much as you can. Focus on the victorious vase and recite the root mantra combined with the vowels and consonants, and then focus on the activity vase while reciting the activity mantra of Hayagrīva.


The Self-Initiation

ཁྲུས་བྱ། བགེགས་བསྐྲད།

Perform the cleansing ritual and expel the obstructive forces. Hold the flower with:


a kham wira

aḥ khaṃ vīra

Put on the blindfold with:

ཨོཾ་ཨཱ་ཧཱུྃ་གིས་མིག་དར་འཆིང་། །

The request:

ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཕུང་པོ་ཅན། །

künkhyen yeshe pungpo chan

Omniscient one, embodiment of primordial wisdom,1

སྲིད་པའི་འཁོར་ལོ་རྣམ་སྦྱངས་པ། །

sipé khorlo nam jongwe

Who thoroughly purifies the wheel of existence—

དེ་རིང་བཤད་པའི་རིན་ཆེན་གཏེར། །

dering shepé rinchen ter

Lord, with your kindness, grant me this precious treasure

གཙོ་བོས་བདག་ལ་བཀའ་དྲིན་སྩོལ། །

tsowö dak la kadrin tsol

Of which you have spoken today.2


Three times.

Recite the following verses of regular confession three times:

ཧོཿ རྡོ་རྗེ་སློབ་དཔོན་སངས་རྒྱས་དཔལ༔

ho, dorjé lobpön sangye pal

Hoḥ. I prostrate to the vajra master,


dü sum zhuk la chaktsal lo

Glorious embodiment of the buddhas of past, present and future!


chok sum tenpé zhing gyur la

With a mind free from all duality,


nyimé yi kyi kyab su chi

I take refuge in the Three Jewels, the objects of reliance!


ngöjor yi kyi namtrulpé

I request that you accept these pure offerings,


dakpé chöpa zhé su sol

Both actual and envisioned.


ngödrub chuwo chöpé gek

My faults, the hindrances that cut the flow of accomplishments,3


nyejé malü shakpar gyi

I confess without exception.


chok chu khor sum dakpé chö

In all those actions throughout the ten directions done without attachment


ma chak chö la jéyirang

And free from concepts of subject, object and action, I rejoice!


dakpé ta zhi drima mé

I awaken the perfect mind set upon awakening,


dzokpé changchub semkyé do

Pure and untainted by the four extremes.


deshek wangchuk semchen la

To the bliss-gone ones,4 mighty lords and sentient beings.


göpa sum chir lü bul lo

I offer my body for the threefold purpose.


tserab drangpé lé nam kün

Gathering the merits accumulated throughout all my lives,


dü té changchub chenpor ngo

I dedicate them to supreme enlightenment!


Recite this three times.

དེ་ནས་སྡོམ་བཟུང་ནི། །

Taking the vows:

ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་སྐྱབས་ཀྱི་མཆོག་ཏུ་འཛིན། །

tukjé chenpo kyab kyi chok tu dzin

I take the Great Compassionate One as my supreme source of refuge.

འགྲོ་བའི་དོན་དུ་སྨོན་འཇུག་སེམས་བསྐྱེད་ཅིང་། །

drowé döndu mönjuk semkyé ching

For the benefit of beings, I generate the bodhicitta of aspiration and action.

སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་དང་མཉམ་སྦྱོར་གསང་སྔགས་ཀྱི། །

ku sung tuk dang nyamjor sang ngak kyi

I will always maintain the samaya vows of the Secret Mantra Vehicle:

དམ་ཚིག་སྡོམ་པ་རྟག་ཏུ་བསྐྱེད་པར་བགྱི། །

damtsik dompa taktu kyepar gyi

Those of the enlightened body, speech, mind and union.


Three times.


samaya prabeshaya hung

samaya praveśaya hūṃ

ཞེས་པའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་གྱི་སྒོ་ཤག་གིས་ཕྱེ་བར་བསམ། སྙིང་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོའི་སྒོ་ནས་རིམ་པར་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་ཕྱག་བྱེད་བཞིན་པར།

Consider that the four doors of the maṇḍala suddenly open. With great compassion, pay homage in stages to the enlightened body, speech and mind with:


om nama té hung

oṃ nama te hūṃ


om nama mé hung

oṃ nama me hūṃ


om nama nama hung

oṃ namo nama hūṃ


Recite this four times. Then:


kyilkhor gyi shar go wang tek pema dab gyé la khöpé

The main deity is placed near the eastern door of the maṇḍala upon an empowerment platform with an eight-petalled lotus.


tsowö tukka né özer jung nammin gyi lü ten jang

From his heart arise rays of light that purify your body of karmic ripening.


nampar shepa hrih yikkar por gyurpa zhal né drang kü yib gyü

Your consciousness transforms into a white syllable hrīḥ. Flowing through the shape of your body it exits through your mouth


dün gyi drolmé kha sang du bab detong lé kyepé sé kyi nampar gyurpa ngar gyi den la khö

And enters the secret space of Tārā, residing in front of you. You are born from bliss and emptiness as her son and return to your seat.


denyi tukjé chenpor salwé né sum du yikdru sum gyi tsenpa lé özer tröpé chok chü dezhin shekpa sé dang chepa chendrang timpé go sum dorjé sum du gyurpar gyur

Clearly appearing as the Great Compassionate One, your three centres are marked by the three syllables. From them light radiates in the ten directions, inviting the tathāgatas and their heirs. Consider that they dissolve into you, transforming your body, speech and mind into the three vajras.


Perform the descent of blessings by joining the root mantra with praveśāya pheṃ pheṃ and reciting them together. Offer a flower with:

པྲ་ཏཱི་ཙྪ་བཛྲ་ཧོཿ ཞེས་མེ་ཏོག་ཕུལ། 

pratitsa benza ho

pratīccha vajra hoḥ

Imagine that the superior deity on your head dissolves into you:


prati ghrihana imam sato maha bala

prati gṛhaṇa imam satva mahābala


ཧོཿ བདེ་གཤེགས་སྙིང་པོ་ཚོགས་བརྒྱད་ཀྱིས། །

ho, deshek nyingpo tsok gyé kyi

Hoḥ. My buddha nature is obscured by the eight consciousnesses

ལྡོངས་བའི་མ་རིག་ལིང་ཏོག་ནི། །

dongwé marik lingtok ni

And blinded by the cataract of ignorance.

ཡེ་ཤེས་ཐུར་མས་བསལ་ནས་ཀྱང་། །

yeshe turmé sal né kyang

Remove them with the scalpel of wisdom

རྣམ་ཐར་སྒོ་གསུམ་བསྟན་དུ་གསོལ། །

namtar go sum ten du sol

And reveal the three doors of liberation!


jnana tsakshu prabeshaya pé

jñāna cakṣu praveśaya phaṭ


Recite this and consider that you see the truth of reality.


Granting the Empowerments

i. Vase Empowerment


Consider that from the heart of the main deity the empowerment substances gradually emanate.

ཧཱུྃ་བཀྲ་ཤིས་བུམ་པ་ལྷའི་གཞལ་ཡས། །

hung, tashi bumpa lhé zhalyé

Hūṃ. In the divine palace of the auspicious vase

ལྷ་དང་གཉིས་མེད་བདུད་རྩིའི་ཆུས། །

lha dang nyimé dütsi chü

Is the amṛta water indivisible from the deities,

སྐལ་ལྡན་བུ་ལ་དབང་བསྐུར་བས། །

kalden bu la wangkurwé

Through which you, fortunate child, are empowered.

སྣང་ཞེན་ལྷ་སྐུའི་ཕྱག་རྒྱར་རྫོགས། །

nang zhen lha kü chakgyar dzog

May clinging to appearances be perfected as the mudrā of the deities' form,

རྣམ་སྨིན་རིག་འཛིན་ཉེར་ཐོབ་ཅིང་། །

nammin rigdzin nyertob ching

So that you attain the level of a matured vidyādhara

ཀུན་ཏུ་འོད་ཀྱིས་ནོན་ཤོག །

küntu ö kyi sa nön shog

And reach the stage of Universal Radiance.


Recite the root mantra combined with:


kaya abhikintsa mum

kayābhiṣiñca muṃ

དེས་ལུས་དང་རྩའི་སྒྲིབ་པ་དག །

dé lü dang tsé dribpa dak

With this, the body and obscurations of the channels are purified.


ku dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of the vajra-body has entered you


bumpé wang tob

And you received the vase empowerment.


kyerim gyi nö du gyur

You have become a suitable vessel for generation phase practice.


nammin rikdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the matured vidyādhara has been planted within you.

སྤྲུལ་སྐུའི་གོ་འཕང་ཐོབ་པའི་སྐལ་བརྒྱུད་ལ་གཞག་ག །

tulkü gopang tobpé kal gyü la zhak ga

You have gained the fortune to realize the nirmāṇakāya.

ii. Secret Empowerment


Present the secret substances.

ཧཱུྃ། ཡབ་ཡུམ་སྦྱོར་བའི་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས། །

hung, yabyum jorwé changchub sem

Hūṃ. Red and white bodhicitta flows from the point of union

དཀར་དམར་བྷནྡྷའི་ནང་དུ་བསྐྱིལ། །

kar mar bhendé nang du kyil

Of the male deity and consort, and fills the skull-cup.

སྐལ་ལྡན་བུ་ལ་དབང་བསྐུར་བས། །

kalden bu la wangkurwé

With it, fortunate child, you are empowered.

རྩ་ཁམས་ཡི་གེའི་རྣམ་པར་སྨིན། །

tsa kham yigé nampardak

May your channels and elements be matured into syllables,

ཚེ་ལ་དབང་བའི་རིགས་འཛིན་ཐོབ། །

tsé la wangwé rigdzin tob

So that you attain the level of a vidyādhara with power over life

པདྨ་ཅན་གྱི་ས་ནོན་ཤོག །

pema chen gyi sa nön shog

And reach the stage of the Lotus of Non-Attachment.


Recite the root mantra combined with:


waka abhikintsa mum

vākābhiṣiñca muṃ

དེས་ངག་གི་ལས་དང་རླུང་གི་སྒྲིབ་པ་དག །

dé ngak gi lé dang lung gi dribpa dak

With this, karma of the speech and obscurations of the wind-energy are purified.


sung dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of vajra-speech has entered you


sangwé wang tob

And you received the secret empowerment.


dejö kyi nö du gyur

You have become a suitable vessel for mantra recitation.


tsewang rigdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the vidyādhara with power over life is planted within you.

ལོངས་སྤྱོད་རྫོགས་པའི་གོ་འཕང་གི་སྐལ་བརྒྱུད་ལ་བཞག་གོ །

longchö dzokpé gopang gi kal gyü la zhak go

You have gained the fortune to realize the saṃbhogakāya.

iii. Knowledge-Wisdom Empowerment


While holding the empowerment card of the consort:

ཧཱུྃ་ཆོས་རྣམས་ཀུན་གྱི་འབྱུང་གནས་ཏེ། །

hung, chö nam kün gyi jungné ni

Hūṃ. The source of all phenomena

བདེ་བ་ཆེན་པོ་གསང་བའི་ཡུམ། །

dewa chenpo sangwé yum

Is the secret mother-consort of great bliss.

རིགས་ཀྱི་བུ་ལ་བྱིན་པ་ཡིས། །

rik kyi bu la jinpa yi

By presenting her to you, fortunate child,

དགའ་བཞིའི་ཡེ་ཤེས་མངོན་དུ་གྱུར། །

ga zhi yeshe ngön du gyur

May you actualize the wisdom of the four joys,

ཕྱག་རྒྱ་ཆེན་པོའི་རིགས་འཛིན་ཐོབ། །

chakgya chenpö rigdzin tob

So that you attain the level of a mahāmudrā vidyādhara

འཁོར་ལོ་ཚོགས་ཆེན་ས་ནོན་ཤོག །

khorlo tsokchen sa nön shog

And reach the stage of Great Cloud Mass of Rotating Syllables!5


Recite the root mantra combined with:


tsitta abhikintsa mum

cittābhiṣiñca muṃ

དེས་ཡིད་ཀྱི་ལས་དང་ཐིག་ལེའི་སྒྲིབ་པ་དག །

dé yi kyi lé dang tiklé dribpa dak

With this, karma of the mind and obscurations of the essences are purified.


tuk dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of vajra-mind has entered you


sherab yeshe kyi wang tob

And you received the insight-wisdom empowerment.


detong tsenda li nö du gyur

You have become a suitable vessel for the bliss-emptiness of caṇḍāli practice.


chakgyé rikdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the mahāmudrā vidyādhara is planted within you.

ཆོས་སྐུའི་གོ་འཕང་གི་སྐལ་བ་རྒྱུད་ལ་བཞག་གོ །

chökü gopang gi kalwa gyü la zhak go

You have gained the fortune to realize the dharmakāya.

iv. Fourth Empowerment


Give the symbolic indication with the mirror and the crystal.

ཧོཿ ཀ་དག་མེ་ལོང་གཙང་མའི་ངོགས།

ho, kadak melong tsangmé ngog

Hoḥ. On the surface of the clear mirror of primordial purity

ལྷུན་གྲུབ་དངས་ཤེལ་དྲི་མེད་གསལ། །

lhündrub dang shel drimé sal

The stainless crystal of spontaneous presence is reflected.

བརྡ་རྟགས་རྫོགས་པའི་དབང་བསྐུར་བས། །

datak dzokpé wangkurwé

Through this empowerment in which symbolic indications are complete,

དྲི་མེད་རིག་པའི་གནས་ལུགས་རྟོགས། །

drimé rigpé neluk tog

May you realize the natural state of immaculate awareness,

ལྷུན་གྲུབ་རིག་འཛིན་ཉེར་ཐོབ་ནས། །

lhündrub rigdzin nyertob né

So that you attain the level of a spontaneously accomplished vidyādhara

བདེ་བ་ཆེན་པོའི་ས་ནོན་ཤོག །

dewa chenpö sa nön shog

And reach the stage of great bliss.


Recite the root mantra combined with:


dharmadhatu abhikintsa mum

dharmadhātu-abhiṣiñca muṃ


dé künzhi lé dang shejé dribpa jang

With this, karma of the all-ground and cognitive obscurations are purified.


yeshe dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of vajra-wisdom has entered you


tsik gi tsönpé döndam gyi wang tob

And you have received the absolute empowerment that is illustrated with words.


kadak dzogpachenpö nö du gyur

You have become a suitable vessel for the primordial purity of the Great Perfection.


lhündrub rigdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the spontaneously accomplished vidyādhara is planted within you.

མཐར་ཐུག་གི་འབྲས་བུ་ངོ་བོ་ཉིད་སྐུའི་སྐལ་བ་རྒྱུད་ལ་བཞག་གོ། །

tartuk gi drebu ngowo nyi kü gopang gi kalpa gyü la zhak go

You have gained the fortune to realize ultimate fruition of the svabhāvikakāya.


III. The Concluding Stages


Pledge to maintain the samayas:

རྩ་བ་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་མཆོག་དང་། །

tsawa ku sung tuk chok dang

All the supreme root samayas of body, speech and mind,

ཡན་ལག་དམ་ཚིག་ཉི་ཤུ་ལྔ། །

yenlak damtsik nyishu nga

The twenty-five branch samayas,

མེད་དང་གཅིག་པུ་ཕྱལ་བ་སོགས། །

mé dang chikpu chalwa sog

And the Great Perfection samayas such as absence, oneness, and suffusion,

ཆོ་ག་བཞིན་དུ་བསྲུང་བར་བགྱི། །

choga zhindu sungwar gyi

I pledge to maintain in the proper way.


Three times.

Offer a maṇḍala out of gratitude.

གཙོ་བོས་ཇི་ལྟར་བཀའ་སྩལ་པ། །

tsowö jitar ka tsalpa

Whatever the guru, chief of the maṇḍala, commands,

དེ་དག་ཐམས་ཅད་བདག་གིས་བགྱི། །

dedak tamché dak gi gyi

I shall carry out—each and every instruction.

ཁྱེད་ལ་བདག་ཀྱང་ཡོངས་སུ་འབུལ། །

khyé la dak kyang yongsu bul

I offer myself to you completely.

སློབ་མར་བཟུང་ནས་སྤྱད་དུ་གསོལ། །

lobmar zung né ché du sol

Please take me as your disciple and make use of me.


Recite prayers of dedication and aspiration in the usual way,

ཆོ་གའི་རྗེས་ཆོ་ག་རྣམས་ཀྱང་དཀྱུས་བཞིན་ནོ། །

And also recite the other concluding rituals as they are normally done.


ཞེས་པའང་རིན་ཆེན་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ངོར་ལྕགས་ཟམ་བླ་བྲང་དུ་བྲིས་པའོ།། །།

Written at Chakzam Labrang at the request of Rinchen Dorje.


| Translated by Han Kop for the Longchen Nyingtik Project, 2022.


Source: 'Jigs med gling pa. "thugs rje chen po sdug bsngal rang grol las/ dbang don bdag 'jug gsal ba" In 'jigs med gling pa mkhyen brtse 'od zer (et al). klong chen snying thig rtsa pod. 5 Vols. Bodhnath, Kathmandu and Bodhgaya, Bihar: Shechen Publications, 1994 (BDRC W1KG13585). Vol. 2: 383–387.


Version: 1.0-20220321

  1. Literally, ‘possessing the aggregates of primordial wisdom’.
  2. This verse seems to be from the tantra The Beginning Chapter of the Supremely Great Vajra (rdo rje dpal mchog chen po brtag pa dang po, Toh 453).
  3. Skt. siddhi.
  4. Skt. sugata.
  5. I.e., the thirteenth of the sixteen stages according to the Nyingma system of inner tantras. See
Jigme Lingpa

Avalokiteśvara, the Great Compassionate One

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