The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel

English | Français | བོད་ཡིག

འུྃཿ ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་ལས༔ ཕྱི་སྒྲུབ་བླ་མའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་བཞུགས༔

The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel

The Outer Practice of Guru Yoga from the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse

revealed by Jigme Lingpa



Homage to the deity of the space of awareness!


For the outer practice of the guru, do as follows.
At any time, not only specific occasions,
Adopt the seven-point posture of Vairocana,
With a motivation of ardent devotion,
And without being distracted by other things
Visualize the palace, already perfect and complete in the ground, in the following way:

ཨེ་མ་ཧོཿ རང་སྣང་ལྷུན་གྲུབ་དག་པ་རབ་འབྱམས་ཞིང་༔

emaho, rangnang lhündrub dakpa rabjam zhing

Emaho! My entire perception, spontaneously perfect, is a realm of infinite purity,


köpa rabdzok zangdokpalri ü

The ‘Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory’, arrayed in complete and perfect detail. Here, in its very centre,

རང་ཉིད་རྗེ་བཙུན་རྡོ་རྗེ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་མཿ ངོ་བོ་མཚོ་རྒྱལ་ལ་རྣམ་པ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་མར་གསལ་བ་རྗེས་སུ་འཛིན་པའི་རྟེན་འབྲེལ་གྱི་མན་ངག 

rangnyi jetsün dorjé naljorma

My own body is venerable Vajrayoginī,1


zhal chik chak nyi mar sal dri tö dzin

With one face and two hands, brilliant red and holding hooked knife and skull,


zhab nyi dortab chen sum namkhar zik

My two feet gracefully poised, my three eyes gazing into the sky.


chiwor pema bum dal nyidé teng

Above my head, on a blossoming hundred thousand-petalled lotus, sun and moon disc seat,


kyabné kündü tsawé lama dang

Inseparable from my own root master, embodiment of all sources of refuge, appears


yermé tsokyé dorjé trulpé ku

Guru Rinpoche, in the supreme nirmāṇakāya form of the ‘Lake-born Vajra’.


kar mar dangden zhönnü shatsuk chen

His body glows with youth, white with a tinge of red.


pökha chögö zaber dungma sol

He wears a gown, monastic shawl, cloak and robe.


zhal chik chak nyi gyalpo rolpé tab

With one face, two hands and seated in royal poise.


chak yé dorjé yönpé tö bum nam

In his right hand he holds the vajra, in his left a skullcup containing the vase of immortality.


u la dabden pemé nyen zhusol

On his head he wears a five-petalled lotus hat.


chenkhung yön na detong yum chokma

Cradled in his left arm he holds the ‘supreme consort’ of bliss and emptiness,


bepé tsul gyi khatam tsesum nam

Concealed as the three-pointed khaṭvāṅga trident.


jazer tiklé öpung long na zhuk

He presides amidst a shimmering aura of rays and rings of rainbow light.


chi khor ö ngé drawé dzepé long

All around him, enveloped in a beautiful lattice of white, blue, yellow, red and green light,


trulpé jebang nyishu tsa nga dang

Are King Tri Songdetsen, the twenty-five disciples,


gya bö pendrub rigdzin yidam lha

The paṇḍits, siddhas and vidyādharas of India and Tibet, yidam deities,


khandro chökyong damchen trin tar tib

Ḍākinīs, and dharmapālas and protectors who keep the samaya—all gather like billowing clouds,


saltong nyam né chenpö ngang du sal

Visualized vivid and distinct, in the great equality of clarity and emptiness.


ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོ་རྒྱན་ཡུལ་གྱི་ནུབ་བྱང་མཚམས༔

hung, orgyen yul gyi nubjang tsam

Hūṃ! In the north-west of the land of Uḍḍiyāna,


pema gesar dongpo la

In the heart of a lotus flower,


yatsen chok gi ngödrub nyé

Endowed with the most marvellous attainments,


pema jungné zhé su drak

You are renowned as the ‘Lotus Born’,


khor du khandro mangpö kor

Surrounded by many hosts of ḍākinīs.


khyé kyi jesu dak drub kyi

Following in your footsteps,


jingyi lab chir shek su sol

I pray to you: Come, inspire me with your blessing!


guru pema siddhi hung

guru padma siddhi hūṃ


ཧྲཱི༔ བདག་ལུས་ཞིང་གི་རྡུལ་སྙེད་དུ༔

hri, dak lü zhing gi dul nyé du

Hrīḥ! As many times as there are atoms in the universe,


nampar trulpé chaktsal lo

I multiply my body and offer you prostrations.



ngö sham yitrul tingdzin tü

With both real offerings and those created in the mind through the power of samādhi,


nangsi chöpé chakgyar bul

I offer the entire universe in one vast ‘gesture of offering’.



go sum migé lé nam kün

All the harmful actions of my body, speech and mind,


ösal chökü ngang du shak

I confess and purify in the luminosity of dharmakāya.



denpa nyi kyi düpa yi

Whether they be relative or absolute,


gé tsok kün la jé yi rang

I rejoice in all positive, virtuous actions.



tek sum chökhor korwar kul

I implore you to turn the wheel of Dharma of the three yānas.



jisi khorwa matong bar

Till saṃsāra is completely empty, and all beings liberated,


nya ngen mida zhuk soldeb

Do not pass into nirvāṇa, but remain here among us, I pray.



dü sum sakpé getsa kün

All the merit and positive actions of past, present and future,


changchub chenpö gyu ru ngo

I dedicate so that all beings may attain supreme enlightenment.



jetsün guru rinpoche

O Guru Rinpoche, Precious One,


khyé ni sangye tamché kyi

You are the embodiment of


tukjé jinlab düpé pal

The compassion and blessing of all the buddhas,


semchen yong kyi gön chikpu

The only protector of beings.


lü dang longchö lo nying drang

My body, my possessions, my heart and soul


töpa mepar khyé la bul

Without hesitation, I surrender to you!


di né changchub matob bar

From now until I attain enlightenment,


kyiduk leknyé to men kün

In happiness or sorrow, in circumstances good or bad, in situations high or low:


jetsün chenpo pejung khyen

I rely on you completely, O Pemajungne, you know me!



dak la resa zhen na mé

I have no one else to turn to;


danté dü ngen nyikmé dro

In these evil times, the beings of the Kāliyuga


mizé dukngal dam du jing

Are sinking in a swamp of intense and unbearable suffering.


di lé kyob shik maha guru

Free us from all this, O great Guru!


wang zhi kur chik jinlab chen

Grant us the four empowerments, O blessed one!


tokpa por chik tukjé chen

Direct your realization into our minds, O compassionate one!


drib nyi jong shik nütu chen

Purify our emotional and cognitive obscurations, O powerful one!



namzhik tsé yi dü jé tsé

When my life is at an end,


rangnang ngayab palri zhing

With my entire perception the heaven of Ngayab Ling—‘the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain’,


zungjuk trulpé zhingkham su

The nirmāṇakāya pure land of indivisible appearance and emptiness—


zhilü dorjé naljorma

My body, Vajrayoginī,


sal tser ö kyi gongbu ru

Is transformed into a radiant, shimmering sphere of light


gyur né jetsün pejung dang

And merging, inseparable, with Padmasambhava,


yermé chenpor sangye té

I shall attain buddhahood.


dé dang tongpé chotrul gyi

Then, from the play of vast primordial wisdom,


yeshe chenpö rolpa lé

Which is the miraculous manifestation of bliss and emptiness,


kham sum semchen malüpa

For every single being in the three realms,


drenpé depön dampa ru

Let me appear as their true guide, to lead them to liberation—


jetsün pemé ukyung sol

Jetsün Padma, grant this, I pray!


solwa nying gi kyil né deb

I pray to you from the bottom of my heart,


kha tsam tsik tsam ma yin no

It’s not just words or empty mouthings:


jinlab tuk kyi long né tsol

Grant your blessings from the depth of your wisdom mind,


samdön drubpar dzé du sol

And cause all my good aspirations to be fulfilled, I pray !


om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-guru-padma siddhi hūṃ


Surrendering totally, sincerely and without any hypocrisy, recite the mantra like the flow of a river, and visualize receiving the four empowerments.

དམིགས་པ་མི་གསལ་བ་དང་ཁམས་འདུས་པ་སོགས་བྱུང་ན༔ སྣང་སྲིད་སྣོད་བཅུད་ཐམས་ཅད་ཨོ་རྒྱན་ཆེན་པོའི་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་རོལ་པར་དག་སྣང་སྦྱངས་ཏེ་གསོལ་བ་ཕུར་ཚུགས་སུ་བཏབ༔

If the visualization isn’t clear or you are despondent and so on, purify all appearance and existence, the world and its inhabitants, into a pure vision of the play of the awakened body, speech and mind of the Guru from Uḍḍiyāna and pray fervently to him.


Whenever you feel elated or awareness becomes vividly clear, let go of any fixed reference point and sustain a lucid awareness of the present moment.


Whenever you are tormented by suffering, slander or disease, consider that these circumstances were provided by your guru as a skilful means of exhausting bad karma, and therefore feel joyous. With a joyful mind, expel any stale wind-energy and exert yourself in prayer.

གདོན་བགེགས་ཀྱི་འཚེ་བ་བྱུང་ན་དེ་ལ་སྙིང་རྗེ་དུང་དུང་བ་བསྐྱེད་ལ་ཁོའི་སེམསཿ རང་གི་རིག་པ་གུ་རུའི་ཐུགས་གསུམ་དབྱེར་མེད་དུ་བསྲེས་ལ་གནོད་བྱེད་ཀྱི་རྣམ་རྟོག་རྩ་གདར་གཅད་དེ་བཛྲ་གུ་རུ་ལ་འབད༔

Whenever you are harassed by demons and obstructive forces, think of them with intense compassion, merge their minds, your own awareness and your guru’s wisdom mind as one, so that any malicious thoughts are eradicated. Then exert yourself in reciting the vajra guru mantra.

རྟག་པར་གང་དུ་འདུག་པའི་གནས་ཟངས་མདོག་དཔལ་རི་དངོས་ཡིན་སྙམ་པ་ལས་ཐ་མལ་དུ་མི་བལྟ༔ དེས་ཞིང་ཁམས་འབྱོངས་པ་ཡིན་ནོ༔

Never consider where you are as ordinary but see it as the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain in reality. This is how to train in cultivating pure realms.


As you move about, consider that you are circumambulating buddha realms as small as atoms.


Consider that the best part of anything you eat or drink has the nature of amṛta and offer it to the guru at your crown.

ཉལ་བའི་ཚེ་སྤྱི་བོ་ཚངས་པའི་བུ་ག་ནས་མར་ལ་ཡེར་གྱིས་བྱོན་ནས༔ རང་གི་སྙིང་པདྨ་འདབ་བཞིའི་རྣམ་པར་གནས་པའི་ནང་དུ་བྱོན༔ དེའི་འོད་ཟེར་གྱིས་རང་ལུས་སྣོད་བཅུད་དང་བཅས་པ་འོད་གསལ་དུ་སྦྱངས་པའི་སྣང་བ་ནང་གསལ་ཐིམ་ལ་མ་རྨུགས་པའི་ངང་དུ་ཁམས་གསོ༔

When you go to sleep, imagine that the guru enters your brahma-aperture and swiftly descends until he reaches the four-petalled lotus of your heart, emanating rays of light which purify your body, the world and its inhabitants into luminosity. Appearances dissolve into the inner radiance, yet mind is not dimmed and one's vitality is restored.


Should you wake up at any time, put a stop to wild, scattered thoughts or any reflection upon your dreams and so on, and sustain the expansive inner radiance of clear light.

ནངས་པར་ལྡངས་པའི་ཚེ་ཆུ་ལས་ཉ་འཕར་བ་བཞིན༔ གཞི་ལུས་ཞིང་ཁམས་ཀྱི་བཀོད་པ་དང་བཅས་པ་གསལ་བཞིན་པའི་ངང་ལས་སྙིང་གའི་བླ་མ་དབུ་མའི་ལམ་བརྒྱུད་སྤྱི་བོའི་སྟེང་གི་བར་སྣང་ལ་ཡེ་རེ་ཁྱིལ་ལེར་དགྱེས་བཞིན་དུ་བཞུགས་པར་བསམཿ

When you rise the following morning, just like a fish jumping out of the water, while visualizing the basic form of the deity and the array of the pure realm, consider that the guru at your heart rises through the path of the central channel and as far as the space above the crown of your head, where he then remains, full of joy.

མདོར་ན་དུས་དང་རྣམ་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་དུ་ཕྱི་སྣོད་ཀྱི་འཇིག་རྟེན་ཟངས་མདོག་དཔལ་རིའི་ཕོ་བྲངཿ ནང་བཅུད་ཀྱི་སེམས་ཅན་དཔའ་བོ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཚོམ་བུཿ གསང་བ་སེམས་ཀྱི་འཕྲོ་འདུ་རང་གྲོལ་བྱ་ལམ་རྗེས་མེད་དུ་ཤེས་པའི་ངང་ནས་སྙིང་པོ་བཛྲ་གུ་རུ་ཁོ་ན་ལ་འབད་ཅིངཿ

In short, at all times and in all situations, consider the outer vessel of the world to be the palace of the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain and the inner contents of sentient beings to be the hosts of heroic ones and ḍākinīs. Secretly, understand the emanation and absorption of mind to be self-liberating, like a bird in the sky that leaves no trace behind, and put your energy into the vajra guru heart-mantra.


During breaks, recite A Prayer of Aspiration for the Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory,2 and seal the practice with the dedication.

དུས་དང་དུས་མ་ཡིན་པ་སོགས་མདོར་ན་ནམ་འཆི་བ་ལ་བབས་པའི་ཚེ་གཞི་ལུས་རྡོ་རྗེ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་མའི་རྣམ་པ་འོད་ཀྱི་གོང་བུར་གྱུར་ནས་སྤྱི་བོའི་བླ་མ་ལ་བསྟིམསཿ བླ་མ་རང་སེམས་གཉིས་སུ་མེད་པའི་ངང་ལ་ཤེས་པ་སྤྲོ་བསྡུ་དང་བྲལ་བར་བཞག་པ་ནི་འཕོ་བ་ཐམས་ཅད་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་པོ་ཡིན་ལཿ

Whenever death arrives, whether it is natural or untimely, consider that your body, visualized in the form of Vajrayoginī, transforms into a heap of light and dissolves into the guru seated at your crown. The king of all transference practices3 is to rest in a state, free from any oscillation of thought, wherein the guru and your mind are indivisible.

འདི་ལྟ་བུའི་མན་ངག་ནི་བསྐྱེད་རིམ་གྱི་གནདཿ རྫོགས་རིམ་གྱི་བཅུདཿ གནས་ལུགས་ཀྱི་མཚངཿ མན་ངག་གི་མདུད་ཡིན་པས་ཆོས་སྒོ་བརྒྱད་ཁྲི་བཞི་སྟོང་ཞལ་བསྡུར་ཀྱང་གནད་འདི་ལས་ཟབ་པ་འབྱུང་མི་སྲིད་པའི་ཟབ་རྒྱ་ཡིན་པས་སྐལ་ལྡན་རྣམས་ཀྱི་སྙིང་ལ་གཅེས་པར་ཟུངས་ཞིགཿ

These pith instructions contain the crucial points of the generation phase and the essence of the perfection phase, clarify our mistaken apprehension of the way things abide and release the knots in our understanding of the pith instructions. Even if one were to compare all eighty-four thousand teachings of the Dharma, it would be impossible to find any instructions more profound than these. Thus, fortunate ones, hold these most profound instructions close to your heart!



Ema! This cycle of the outer practice of guru yoga
Of the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse,
Profound and significant and endowed with great blessing and power,
Was set forth in the palace of the central channel of luminosity
By knowing awareness, Lotus Skull-Garland,
In the manner of the blessed sign transmission.

ས་མ་ཡཿ རྒྱ་རྒྱ་རྒྱཿ

When the time had come to benefit beings,
The door to the sky-treasury of mind treasures
Was opened through the circumstance of profound interdependence
And this ultimate, utterly profound teaching was revealed.
Samaya. Seal, seal, seal.



The Visualization for Receiving the Four Empowerments


As a result of your yearning for the guru, he looks upon you with love.


gurü mintsam né om yik chushel tabur tserwa lé özer trö

From the letter oṃ in the Guru’s4 forehead, radiant and shimmering like moonlight,


rang gi chiwo né zhuk

Rays of light stream out and enter my forehead.


lü kyi lé dang tsé dribpa dak

Negative actions of the body and obscurations of the channels5 are purified.


ku dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of the vajra body of the buddhas infuses me,


bumpé wang tob

The vase empowerment is obtained,


kyerim gyi nö du gyur

I become a receptive vessel for the generation phase of kyerim.


nammin rigdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the ‘completely matured vidyādhara’6 is sown.


tulkü gopang tobpé kalwa gyü la zhak

The potential for obtaining the level of nirmāṇakāya is implanted within me.



drinpa né ah yik pema raga tar barwa lé özer trö

From the letter āḥ in his throat, blazing like a ruby,


rang gi drinpa né zhuk

Rays of light streak out and penetrate my throat.


ngak gi lé dang lung gi dribpa dak

Negative activity of the speech and obscurations of the inner air are purified,


sung dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of the vajra speech of the buddhas enters me,


sangwé wang tob

The secret empowerment is obtained,


dejö kyi nö du gyur

I become a receptive vessel for mantra recitation practice.


tsewang rigdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the ‘vidyādhara with power over life’ is sown.


longchö dzokpé gopang gi kalwa gyü la zhak

The potential for obtaining the level of saṃbhogakāya is implanted within me.



tukké hung yik namkhé dokchen lé özer trö

At his heart, from the letter hūṃ, sky-coloured rays of light


rang gi nyingga né zhuk

Pour out and plunge into my heart.


yi kyi lé dang tiklé dribpa dak

Negative activity of the mind and obscurations of the bindu are purified.


tuk dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of the vajra mind of all the buddhas is instilled in me,


sherab yeshe kyi wang tob

The wisdom empowerment is obtained,


detong tsendali nö du gyur

I become a receptive vessel for the caṇḍāli practice of bliss and emptiness.


chakgyé rigdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the ‘mahāmudrā vidyādhara’ is sown.

ཆོས་སྐུའི་གོ་འཕང་གི་སྐལ་བ་རྒྱུད་ལ་བཞག །

chökü gopang gi kalwa gyü la zhak

The potential for obtaining the level of dharmakāya is implanted within me.



lar yang tukké hung lé hung yik nyipa zhik karda pangpa zhindu ché

Again, from hūṃ in his heart, a second letter hūṃ bursts out like a shooting star


rangsem dang tadé mepar dré

And merges indistinguishably one with my own mind.


künzhi lé dang shejé dribpa jang

The karma of the ‘ground of all’7 and cognitive obscurations are purified,


yeshe dorjé jinlab zhuk

The blessing of the vajra wisdom pervades me,


tsik gi tsönpa döndam gyi wang tob

The absolute empowerment, symbolized by the word, is obtained.


kadak dzogpa chenpö nö du gyur

I become a receptive vessel for the primordial purity of Dzogpachenpo,


lhündrub rigdzin gyi sabön teb

The seed of the ‘spontaneously accomplished vidyādhara’ is sown.


tartuk gi drebu ngowo nyikü kalwa gyü la zhak go

The potential for the svabhāvikakāya—the final fruition—is implanted within me.


དེ་རྗེས་གུ་རུའི་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་དང་རང་གི་སྒོ་གསུམ་དུ་མ་རོ་གཅིག་ཏུ་བསྲེས་པའི་ངང་ལ་ལྟ་བའི་ངང་མདངས་བསྐྱང་ཞིང་གསོལ་འདེབས་བསྙེན་པ་ལ་འབད། འདི་ནི་བླ་མ་ཆོས་སྐུའི་ཞལ་བལྟ་བ་ཞེས་བྱའོཿ

Then, rest in a state in which the guru’s enlightened body, speech and mind are of one taste with your own three doors. Maintain the inner radiance of the view and exert yourself in reciting prayers. This is known as ‘seeing the face of the dharmakāya guru’.


| Rigpa Translations. Those parts not found in the compilation of the preliminary practices by the First Dodrupchen were translated by Han Kop with the kind assistance of Tulku Dawa, 2021.


Source: 'Jigs med gling pa. "phyi sgrub bla ma'i rnal ‘byor yid bzhin nor bu", in klong chen snying thig rtsa pod. 5 Vols. BDRC W1KG13585. Bodhnath, Kathmandu and Bodhgaya, Bihar: Shechen Publications, 1994. Vol. 1: 133–142


Version: 1.1-20220920

  1. A note in the Tibetan text says: "In nature you are Yeshe Tsogyal yet you appear clearly as Vajrayoginī. This is a special pith instruction that takes into account the auspicious interdependence of the love and care for disciples.”
  3. Tib. Phowa (‘pho ba).
  4. Guru Rinpoche, identical to our own teacher.
  5. Skt. nāḍī
  6. Also translated as ‘vidyādhara with residue’.
  7. The ground of all or universal ground (Tib. kun gzhi; Skt. ālaya). Tulku Thondup, in Enlightened Journey, Boston: Shambhala, 1995, p.207, writes, “the karma of the universal ground is the karma that is stored in the universal ground or according to Khenpo Ngagchung, it is the karmas created by the consciousness of the universal ground, which has dualistic concepts (an intellectual obscuration) with traces.”
Jigme Lingpa

Guru Lake-Born Vajra

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