The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels

English | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་གྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་ནོར་སྒྲུབ་རིན་ཆེན་བུམ་བཟང་བསྡུས་པ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ། །

The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels

A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller Of All Obstacles

revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé and arranged by the Fourth Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche


I. The Preparation


A. Refuge and Bodhicitta


rang gi nyinggé sabön lé özer tröpé lama rigdzin gyutrul drawa chenpö kyilkhor gyi lhatsok dün gyi namkhar benza sa ma dza

Rays of light shine forth from the seed syllable in my heart centre, inviting the assembly of maṇḍala deities of the great illusory net of vidyādhara gurus into the sky before me—vajra-samājah


Before the objects of refuge who fill the reaches of space, recite three times:

ན་མོ༔ བདག་དང་མཁའ་མཉམ་སེམས་ཅན་མ་ལུས་ཀུན༔

namo dak dang khanyam semchen malü kün

Namo. I and all beings, infinite as the sky,


kyab kyi chokgyur nam la kyab su chi

Take refuge in the supreme sources of refuge.


mön dang jukpé changchub semkyé né

Rousing bodhicitta in aspiration and application,


ku sum lamé gopang drubpar gyi

I will accomplish the level of the three-kāya guru.


ཛཿཧཱུྃ་བྃ་ཧོཿ སྐྱབས་ཡུལ་རྣམས་རང་ལ་ཐིམ།

dzah hum bam ho, kyab yul nam rangla tim

Jaḥ hūṃ baṃ hoḥ. The objects of refuge dissolve into me.



B. Expelling the Hosts of Obstacle Makers and Setting the Boundary

བསེ་རག་བསྐྲད་པ་དང༌། མཚམས་བཅད་པའོ། །

Here there are two subdivisions: (1) expelling poverty spirits (seraks) and (2) setting the boundary.


1. Expelling the Seraks


rangnyi trowö gyalpo mewa tsekpé kur gyur

I become the King of Wrath, Ucchuṣma.


om utsukma krodha hum hum pé

om ucchuṣma krodha hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ


om bhur kum mahapranayé bhurtsi bhuki bimalé utsukma krodha radza hum pé

oṃ bhurkuṃ mahāprāṇāye bhurci bhurki vimale ucchuṣma krodharāja hūṃ phaṭ

ཅེས་བཟླ། ཁྲུས་ཆུ་ལ་དམིགས་ཏེ།

Recite that. Focusing on the ablution water, recite:

ཨོཾ་ཨེ་ཧོ་ཤུདྡྷེ་ཤུདྡྷེ༔ ཡྃ་ཧོ་ཤུདྡྷེ་ཤུདྡྷེ༔ རྃ་ཧོ་ཤུདྡྷེ་ཤུདྡྷེ༔ བྃ་ཧོ་ཤུདྡྷེ་ཤུདྡྷེ༔ ལྃ་ཧོ་ཤུདྡྷེ་ཤུདྡྷེ༔ ཨེ་ཡྃ་བྃ་རྃ་ལྃ་ཤུདྡྷེ་ཨ་ཨ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔

om é ho shuddhé shuddhé yam ho shuddhé shuddhé ram ho shuddhé shuddhé bam ho shuddhé shuddhé lam ho shuddhé shuddhé é yam ram bam lam shuddhé a a soha

oṃ e ho śuddhe śuddhe yaṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe raṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe baṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe laṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe e yaṃ raṃ baṃ laṃ śuddhe a a svāhā

ཞེས་བཟླས་ལ་ཁྲུས་ཆུ་དང་རྡོ་ཐུན་ལ་ཕུས་བཏབ། ཡས་རྣམས་ཆང་སྐྱུར་གྱིས་བྲན་ལ། སྔགས་དྲུག་ཕྱག་དྲུག་དང༌།

Then blow on the ablution water and hexed stones. Sprinkle the ransom effigy with bitter beer and milk. Chant the six mantras and the six mudrās:


om sobhava shuddha sarva dharma sobhava shuddhoh hang

oṃ svabhāva śuddhāḥ sarva dharmāḥ svabhāva śuddho’haṃ


om namah sarva tathagaté bhayo bisho mukhebhya sarva tekam utgate saparana imam gagana kham soha

oṃ namaḥ sarva-tathāgatebhyo viśva-mukhebhyah sarvathā khaṃ udgate spharaṇa imaṃ gagana khaṃ svāhā


om benza amrita kundali hana hana hum phé

oṃ vajrāmṛta-kuṇḍalī hana hana hūṃ phaṭ

ༀ་ན་མཿསརྦ་ཏ་ཐཱ་ག་ཏ་ཨ་ཝ་ལོ་ཀི་ཏེ། ༀ་སམྦྷ་ར་སམྦྷ་ར་ཧཱུྂ།

om nama sarva tathagata avalokité, om sambhara sambhara hum

oṃ namaḥ sarva-tathāgatāvalokite | oṃ sambhāra sambhāra hūṃ

ༀ་ཛྙཱ་ན་ཨ་ཝ་ལོ་ཀི་ཏེ། ན་མཿས་མནྟ་སྥ་ར༌ཎ། རསྨི་བྷ་ཝ་ས་མ་ཡ་མཧཱ་མ་ཎི། དུ་རུ་དུ་རུ། ཧྲི་ད་ཡ་ཛྭ་ལ་ནི་ཧཱུྂ།

om gyana avalokité, nama samanta saparana, rasmibhava samaya maha mani, duru duru, hridaya dzolani hum

oṃ jñānāvalokite | namaḥ samanta spharaṇa | rasmi bhava samaya mahā maṇi | duru duru | hṛdaya jvālani hūṃ


nama samanta buddhanam drahi shari trabhendzati soha

namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ grahiṣvari prabhañjati svāhā

Then consecrate them as sensual delights with:


om ah hum

oṃ āh hūṃ

Summon them with:


om sarva bhuta akarshaya dza

oṃ sarvabhūta ākarṣaya jaḥ


༈ འགུགས་པའི་ཟུར་འདེབས་ནི།

The Appended Details for Summoning:


With the ‘hūṃ’ mudrā and one-pointed focus, recite:

ན་མོ། བྱིན་རླབས་ཀྱི་རྩ་བ་དྲིན་ཅན་རྩ་བ་དང་བརྒྱུད་པར་བཅས་པའི་དཔལ་ལྡན་བླ་མ་དམ་པ་རྣམས་ཀྱི་བཀའ་བདེན་པ་དང༌།

namo, jinlab kyi tsawa drinchen tsawa dang gyüpar chepé palden lama dampa nam kyi ka denpa dang

Namo. Through the truth of the speech of the glorious, sublime, and gracious root and lineage gurus, who are the root of blessings;


ngödrub kyi tsawa yidam zabpa kor dün gyi kyilkhor zhitro rabjam kyi lhatsok nam kyi ka denpa dang

Through the truth of the speech of the boundless host of peaceful and wrathful yidams of the maṇḍala of the Sevenfold Profundity, who are the root of siddhis;


trinlé kyi tsawa pawo khandro damchen chösung gongdü kyi lhatsok khor dang chepa nam kyi ka denpa dang

Through the truth of the speech of the host of vīras, ḍākinīs, and oath-bound Dharma protectors of the Embodiment of Realization, who are the root of activities, together with their retinues;

བདེན་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་མཐུ་སྟོབས་ནུས་པ་ལ་བརྟེན་ནས། ཆོས་མཛད་ཡོངས་ལ་སྒབ་འདྲེར་སྡང་ཞིང༌།

denpa chenpö tutob nüpa la ten né chödzé yong la gab drer dang zhing

And through the awesome power of great truth itself, may the rebellious spirits who are averse to Dharma practice,

སྣོད་བཅུད་མངའ་ཐང་ཉམས་པར་བྱེད་པ། བསེ་རག་རྒྱལ་མོ་ཁ་དགུ་མཚང་ཅན། བཙའ་བྱེད་མིག་དམར། ཐན་བྱེད་ཁ་སྐྱ། སད་བྱེད་ལག་རྡུམ།

nöchü ngatang nyampar jepa sé rak gyalmo kha gu tsangchen tsa jé mikmar ten jé kha kya sé jé lak dum

Who decrease the splendour of the world and its beings—the nine-headed queen of seraks, Red-Eyed Tsaché, Tenché Kakya, Seché Lakdum,

སྐྱི་འདང་ཤ་སྒལ། ལྕགས་ཐིལ་སྔོན་པོ། ཨ་མགོ་ཆང་རྐུན། བྷེ་ཉ་ཞོ་རྐུན། བསྙབ་པ་ལག་རིང༌།

kyi dang sha gal chak til ngönpo a go chang kün bhénya zho kün nyabpa lakring

Kyidang Shagel, Chaktil Ngönpo, Ago Chang Kün, Bhenya Zhokün, Nyapa Lakring,

ཐེའུ་རང་སྟོང་འཁྲུག་སོགས་ལྟོགས་འགོང་དབུལ་སྲི་ཐམས་ཅད་གླུད་གཟུགས་ཡས་སྟགས་འདི་ལ་ཁུག་ཅིག །

terang tong truk sok tok gong ul si tamché lü zuk yé tak di la khuk chik

Té’urang Tong Truk and so on, all the harmful, poverty-creating spirits—may they all be summoned into this ransom effigy!


At the end of Ucchuṣma’s mantra say:


tok dré ul si tamché akarshaya dza

All harmful, poverty-creating spirits—ākarṣaya jaḥ.


Do that three or seven times. Then dissolve them, with:


dza hum bam ho

jaḥ hūṃ baṃ hoḥ

ཡས་རྫས་རྣམས་བྱིན་གྱིས་རླབས་ཤིང་བསྔོ་སྦྱང་གྱེར་རོ། །

Consecrate the ransom effigy substances and dedicate them.

This was written by the treasure revealer’s disciple, Ratna,1 at the request of the virtuous Geshé Pema Sachu when I was thinking about writing an additional insert. Jayantu—victory!


༈ སམྦྷཱ་རས་ཆངས་བུ་རིལ་བུ་བརྒྱ་རྩ་བརྒྱད་བསྔོས་ཤིང་འོ་ཆབ་སྦྲེང༌།

With the ‘sambhāra’ mantra, dedicate the one hundred and eight changbu and pills, and pour milk-water over them:

ༀ་ན་མཿསརྦ་ཏ་ཐཱ་ག་ཏ་ཨ་ཝ་ལོ་ཀི་ཏེ། ༀ་སམྦྷ་ར་སམྦྷ་ར་ཧཱུྂ།

om nama sarva tathagata avalokité, om sambhara sambhara hung

oṃ namaḥ sarvatathāgatāvalokite | oṃ sambhāra sambhāra hūṃ

ཧཱུྃ༔ སེར་སྣ་རང་རྒྱུད་འཛིན་པའི་གཟུགས༔

hung, serna ranggyü dzinpé zuk

Hūṃ. Embodiments of stinginess and grasping,


ul si sé rak tok gong ni

Malicious, poverty-creating serak spirits—


mi gen nyamtak nö tong khur

An old, decrepit man carrying an empty bucket,


sé rak bum gyi khor gyi kor

Surrounded by a hundred thousand seraks—



yö la mi gamé la ga

You are averse to wealth and in love with poverty,


gangla mi ga tong la ga

You loathe prosperity, but rejoice in destitution.


nor drubjé la gab drer dang

Rebellious spirits who detest those who gain wealth,


nöchü ngatang nyampar jé

You deplete the splendour of the world and beings,



lo nyé tsong nyé mikha tang

And you steal away food, drink, clothing, and ornaments.


zatung gö gyen si la ku

And steal away food, drink, clothing, and ornaments.


khyepar lenchak jesu nyek

In particular, you pursue karmic debtors.


dering ten dang nyimé kuk

Today you are summoned, inseparable from this support.



ngak dang chakgya tingdzin tü

Through the power of mantra, mudrā, and samādhi,


yi dang tünpé longchö dzé

I dedicate to you an endless sky treasury


zemé namkhé dzö du ngö

Of the enjoyable substances you desire.


serné lenchak ngenpa jang

Now the negative karmic debt of stinginess is purified,



ulwé dukngal zhiwar jé

The suffering of poverty pacified.


dani dukpé nemé kyi

Now, be off with you! There is no place for you here!


yé di long la zhendu song

Take this ransom effigy and go elsewhere!


ling chen zhen gyi chok su song

Go away to another land!



lingwar münpé nang du song

Go away to the darkness between the continents!


ling ta gyatsö ngok su song

Go away to the borderlands on the far shore of the ocean!


galté mi droduk gyur na

If you do not go, but linger,


tsa sum lhatsok tuk trö né

The deities of the Three Roots will display their wrath



dultren zhindu lakpar gyur

And smash you into dust.


dewé danta chir deng shik

So leave, leave right now!

དྲག་སྔགས་བརྗོད་ཅིང་གནས་ཁང་ཀུན་གྱི་སྒོ་འགག་བསྐོར། གུ་གུལ་དང་རྡོ་ཐུན་གྱིས་དེད། ཁང་མགོ་མི་མཐོང་བའི་སར་ཆུ་བོ་ཆེན་པོ་རང་ཡུལ་དུ་མི་ལྡོག་པའི་གཞུང་དུ་དོར་རོ། །

Recite the fierce mantra and circumambulate the entire house. Chase the serak away with myrrh resin and hexed stones. In a place from which the top of the house cannot be seen, throw the effigy into a large river that is flowing away from the area.


ཧཱུྃ༔ ཆོས་ཉིད་བདེན་པའི་བྱིན་རླབས་དང་༔

hung, chönyi denpé jinlab dang

Hūṃ. Through the inconceivable power


chöchen gyundré lumé dang

Of the blessings of the truth of dharmatā;


könchok tsa sum kyilkhor gyi

Of unfailing relative cause and effect;


tingdzin ngak dang chakgya yi

Of the samādhi, mantra, and mudrā



nütu sam gyi mi khyab dang

Of the maṇḍala of the Three Jewels and Three Roots;


khyepar deshek tamché kyi

And in particular through the mighty blessings


jinlab tutob chikdü pa

Of the truth of Bhagavān Ucchuṣma—


cholwé trogyal chenpo ni

Embodiment of the powerful blessings



chomden mewa tsekpa yi

Of all the bliss-gone ones,


denpé jinlab nütu yi

The crazed, great wrathful king—


nyamdrib zé drib gö kyi drib

All stains associated with degeneration, food, and clothing;


né drib gö drib dön gyi drib

Stains associated with place, contagion, and harmful influences;



mé drib yuk drib lasokpa

Stains associated with dirt, with, widowhood and so on—


drib dang mi tsang gyu ché kün

All stains and taints, together with their causes,


yeshe mé yi zhob tu sek

Are burnt into ashes by the fire of wisdom,


chönyi lung gi jemé tor

And scattered without trace by the wind of dharmatā.



changsem chu yi bakchak trü

Their habitual tendencies are washed away by the water of bodhicitta


jungwa nga yi ying su tim

And they dissolve into the five elements’ basic space.


lhakma mepar dak gyur chik

May they be purified without remainder!

ཅེས་ལྷ་སྔགས་ཁྲུས་སྔགས་སོགས་བཟླས་ལ། ཡུངས་ཐུན་རྡོ་ཐུན་གཏོར་ཁྲུས་ཆུ་འཐོར་ཞིང་གུ་གུལ་དུད་པས་བདུག་གོ །

Having said that, recite the deity’s mantra, the ablution mantra and so forth. Throw hexed mustard seeds and stones, sprinkle ablution water, and waft myrrh resin smoke.

The deity’s mantra:

om utsukhya maha trodha hum hum phé

om ucchuṣma krodha hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ

om bhurkur maha tramanayé bhurtsi bhurki bhimalé utsukhya maha troda radza hum phé

oṃ bhur kur mahāprāṇāya bhur ci bhur ki vimale ucchuṣma krodharāja hūṃ phaṭ

The ablution mantra:

om é ho shuddhé shuddhé yam ho shuddhé shuddhé ram ho shuddhé shuddhé bam ho shuddhé shuddhé lam ho shuddhé shuddhé é yam ram bam lam shuddhé a a soha

oṃ e ho śuddhe śuddhe yaṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe raṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe baṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe laṃ ho śuddhe śuddhe e yaṃ raṃ laṃ baṃ śuddhe a a svāhā

གཡང་སྐྱབས་ཉིན་གྲངས་བྱེད་ན་ཉིན་ཕྱི་མ་རྣམས་སུའང་བསེ་རག་བསྐྲད་པ་ཚར་རེ་བགྱིད་གྲུབ་ན་ལེགས་ཤིང༌། མི་ལྕོགས་ན་གོང་གི་ཚོགས་བསགས་འཕྲོས་སུ་ཕྲིན་ལས་འབྲིང་པོ་ལྟར་བགེགས་གཏོར་བསྔོས་ལ་འདིར་འཇུག་དགོས་སོ། །

If you are doing several days of prosperity-protection rituals, it is good to perform the serak expulsion on the last day as well. If you are unable to do so, after the above gathering of the accumulations, you should insert the dedication of the obstructers’ torma from the Middling Activity (Trinlé Dringpo) practice here.



2. Setting the Boundary

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ གཉིས་མེད་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལྷ་སྔགས་ཆོས་སྐུའི་ངང་༔

hung hrih, nyimé yeshe lha ngak chökü ngang

Hūṃ hrīḥ. In the non-dual wisdom state of deity, mantra, and dharmakāya,


tsam kyi kyilkhor rangzhin lhün gyi drub

The boundary maṇḍala is naturally self-perfected.

ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ༔ བཛྲ་རཀྵ་རཀྵ་བྷྲཱུྃ༔

hung hung hung benza raksha raksha droom

hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ vajra rakṣa rakṣa bhrūm


C. The Descent of Blessings

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔ སྐུ་གསུམ་བླ་མའི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་དབྱིངས་ནས་བཞེངས༔

om ah hung, ku sum lamé lhatsok ying né zheng

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ Host of three-kāya guru deities, come forth from basic space!


né dir jin pob wang dang ngödrub tsol

Rain down blessings on this place! Grant empowerments and siddhis!


nangsi zhir zheng chöpé chakgya ché

Bless the great offering-mudrā of the phenomenal world as manifest ground,


kunzang namtrul gyatsor jingyi lob

that it bean ocean-like display of Samantabhadra!


om ah hung benza guru deva dhakini jnana abeshaya a ah

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru deva dākinī jñāna ābeśaya a ā

ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ༔ ཨོཾ་སརྦ་པཱུ་ཛ་མེ་གྷ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔

hung hung hung om sarva pudza megha ah hung

hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ sarva pūjā megha āḥ hūṃ




II. The Main Part


A. Generating and Visualizing the Awakened Forms of the Deities

ཨཱཿ ཆོས་སྐུ་དེ་བཞིན་ཉིད་དབྱིངས་འོད་གསལ་ངང་༔

ah, chöku dezhin nyi ying ösal ngang

Āḥ. Within the luminous state of dharmakāya’s basic space of suchness,


longku gakmé kün nang nyingjé tsal

From sambhogakāya’s unceasing illumination, the expression of compassion,


tulku gyu yi tingdzin hrih serpo

Appears the nirmāṇakāya seed-samādhi, a golden hrīḥ.


dé lé ö trö nöchü ngödzin jang

From it, light streams forth, purifying grasping to the environment and beings as real.



jungwa rim tsek dorjé sungkhor ü

On stacked elements, in the centre of the vajra protection circle,


droom lé norbu natsok zhalmé khang

There appears from bhrūṃ a celestial palace of various jewels,


yang shing gyaché ngotsar köpé dzé

Spacious and vast, with amazing, beautiful arrangement.


ta na lhün duk tashi podrang cher

In the centre of this transfixing, auspicious, vast palace,



ü nyi dangma ö nga trukpé long

In an expanse of five-colored pure essence light,


natsok pema dab gyé tewa ru

In the centre of an eight-petalled multi-colored lotus,


tabshé zungjuk nyidé den gyi teng

On a moon and sun disc seat, the unity of means and insight,


hrih lé özer trodü chotrul gyi

Is hrīḥ. Through its miraculous projecting and absorbing light rays,



khordé dangmé chü kün chik tu dü

The potent pure essence of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa is gathered together,


denyi yong gyur kechik dren dzok su

Transforming completely, and–in an instant's recollection–


maha guru pema sam bhawa

I am the great guru Padmasambhava,


dögü chok tsol kyechok tsul zang tsal

The supreme wish-granter, mighty Kyechok Tsülzang.



norlha jewé wangchuk chenpor zheng

Manifest as the great sovereign of the millions of wealth deities,


ser dok ji chak tsenpé zijin bar

Golden, majestic, blazing with the splendour of the marks and signs,


chak yé dorjé tsé nga dang chepé

Holding in my right hand a five-pronged vajra


kham sum wangdü rinchen gyaltsen nam

And a jewel victory banner that magnetizes the three realms.



yönpé nyamzhak rinchen zama tok

In my left hand, in equipoise, I hold a jewel casket


dögü ngödrub malü char du beb

Which showers down a rain of all desired siddhis.


u la rab dzé pen zhu marpo dang

I wear a stunning, red paṇḍita hat on my head,


ku la sangwé naza ting gé teng

And on my body, a dark-blue secret gown,



chögö sum sol ber chen mukpö lub

The three Dharma robes, and a maroon brocade cloak.


zhabzung mingyur dorjé kyiltrung ching

I am seated with my two legs in the immutable vajra posture.


dé yi chirol pemé dab ma la

On the surrounding lotus petals are:


shar du dorjé nor dak dzam bha la

In the east, the vajra wealth lord Jambhala,



karsal dorjé bechön né'u lé dzin

Bright white, holding a vajra club and a mongoose;


lho ru rinchen nor dak dzam bha la

In the south, the ratna wealth lord Jambhala,


ser dok wang gi gyalpo né'u lé dzin

Yellow, King of Might, holding a mongoose;


nub tu pemé nor dak dzam bha la

In the west, the lotus wealth lord Jambhala,



mar sal pemé chakkyu né'u lé dzin

Radiant red, holding a lotus hook and a mongoose;


jang du lé kyi nor dak dzam bha la

In the north, the karma wealth lord Jambhala,


jang nak tötrak dang ni né'u lé dzin

Dark green, holding a rakta-filled kapala and a mongoose.


kün kyang sha gyé sü khyim chok tu ché

All are plump and majestic, large in body;



dzum zhing tro la gekpé nyamgyur chen

Smiling yet wrathful; charismatic;


dar dang rinchen pemé trengwé gyen

Adorned with silks, jewels, and lotus garlands;


zhab nyi zheng tab nor kyuk pomo dzi

Their two legs in standing posture, trampling male and female corpses with jewels gushing from their mouths;


ku lé kyepé ö kyi long na zhuk

And they stand within an orb of their glowing body’s light.



sharlhor lha yi nor dak tsok kyi wang

In the south-east is the gods’ wealth deity, Gaṇapati,


karsal lang dong lapuk norbu nam

Bright white, elephant-faced, holding a radish and jewel.


lhonub mi yi nor dak nor gyi gyün

In the south-west is the humans’ wealth deity, Vasudhārā,


ser dok chok jin dré kyi nyé ma nam

Yellow, with hands in the supreme boon mudrā, holding a sheaf of grain.



nubjang lu yi nor dak rikjema

In the north-west is the nāgas’ wealth deity, Kurukullā,


mar sal pemé chakkyu zhakpa nam

Radiant red, holding a lotus hook and lasso.


jangshar nöjin nor dak namtö sé

In the north-east is the yakṣas’ wealth deity, Vaiśravaṇa,


jang ser rinchen gyaltsen né'u lé nam

Green-yellow, holding a jewel victory banner and a mongoose.



kün kyang rang rang gyen dzok chekyil zhuk

All are replete with their ornaments and seated in half-vajra posture,


zhi gyé wang drak barwé nyam dangden

Blazing with the expressions of pacifying, increasing, magnetizing, and subjugating.


dé yi chirol tsam kyi dra zhi ru

Around them, in the four corners of the intermediate directions, are:


sharlhor yik gi nor dak norbu zang

In the south-east, the jewel wealth deity, Maṇibhadra,



kar ser yizhin rinchen né'u lé nam

Pale yellow, holding a wish-fulfilling jewel and a mongoose;


lhonub changshé nor dak remanta

In the south-west, the thoroughbred horse wealth deity, Remanta,


ser ö shel gyi raldri né'u lé dzin

Glowing yellow, holding a crystal sword and a mongoose;


nubjang zegö nor dak nöjin mar

In the north-west, the food and clothing wealth deity, Red Yakṣa,



wang dok dung dar rinchen né'u lé nam

Magnetizing red, holding a flag spear and mongoose vomiting jewels;


jangshar kang zhi nor dak ku bé ra

In the north-east, the livestock wealth deity, Kubera,


tingnak raldri dang ni né'u lé nam

Dark blue, holding a sword and a mongoose.


kün kyang norbü go trab jipar gö

All wear an impressive armor of jewels,



rinchen gyen treng dar gyi naza lub

Jewel ornaments, garlands, and silken clothes,


rang rang dok tsung tachok gyenden chib

And all ride supreme steeds of their own particular color, all bedecked in jewels.


kyilkhor chenpö chok kyi go zhi ru

At the four gateways of the great maṇḍala stand the four world wealth lords:


sharchok jikten nor dak yulkhor sung

In the east is Dhṛtarāṣṭṛa, bright white,



karsal zhiwé lé dzé piwam dreng

Enacting peaceful activities, holding a vīnā:


lhochok jikten nor dak pakkyepo

In the south is Virūdhaka, dark blue,


tingnak drakpö lé dzé raldri char

Enacting subjugating activities, brandishing a sword:


nubchok jikten nor dak chen mi zang

In the west is Virupākṣa, radiant red,



mar sal kham sum wangdü drul zhak ching

Magnetizing the three realms, holding a snake lasso;


jangchok jikten nor dak ngalsö po

In the north is Vaiśravaṇa, yellow,


ser dok gyepé lé drub bechön deng

Performing increasing activities, and raising a club.


kün kyang dzé shing ji chak gyen gyi tré

They are all handsome, majestic, and adorned with jewelry.



zhenyang zhalyé bar tsam tamché du

Inside the palace, in all the space in between,


tsa sum chökyong sungmé tsok nam dang

Are throngs of the Three Roots and Dharma protectors,


lha lu nöjin nor dak jewé kor

Surrounded by millions of wealth deities of the gods, nāgas, and yakṣas,


dögü charbeb ulwé dungwa sel

All showering down a rain of everything desired, dispelling the anguish of poverty;



kham sum wangdü si sum zil gyi nön

Commanding the three realms, overpowering the three planes of existence;


drakshul tab kyi dön gek tsarchöpé

Annihilating demons and obstructers by fierce means;


trinlé lhün gyi drubpé chakgyar zheng

Manifesting as the spontaneously-present mudrā of activities.


nangtong zungjuk yeshe gyumé ku

All are the unity of appearance and emptiness, illusory forms of primordial wisdom,



dorjé sum gyi ngowor lhündrub ching

Spontaneously present as the three vajras’ essence,


yeshe rik ngé wang chok dzokpar gyur

Replete with the supreme empowerments of the five wisdom families.

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔ ཨོཾ་ཧཱུྃ་ཏྲཱྃ་ཧྲཱིཿཨཱཿ ཨ་བྷི་ཥིཉྩ་ཧཱུྃ༔

om ah hung om hung tram hrih ah abhikintsa hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ oṃ hūṃ traṃ hrīḥ āḥ abhiṣiñca hūṃ



B. Summoning and Dissolving the Wisdom Deities


rang gi tukka né özer tröpé lama norlha tsa sum gyatso benza samadza

Light rays stream forth from my heart centre, inviting the ocean of Wealth Lama deities of the three roots—vajra samājaḥ.


With incense, music, and silken streamers:

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ ཡུལ་གྱི་མིང་ནི་ལྷོ་ནུབ་རྔ་ཡབ་གླིང་༔

hung hrih, yul gyi ming ni lhonub ngayab ling

Hūṃ hrīḥ. From the south-western continent known as Cāmara,


trulpé zhing chok pema drawa né

Whereon lies the supreme emanated Lotus Net Realm,


ku sum yermé pema sam bhava

I invite you, Orgyen Tötreng Tsel—the three kāyas indivisible—


rabjam tsa sum gyatsö khor dangché

And your ocean-like retinue of infinite Three Roots,



möpé né dir dungwé chendren na

I invite you yearningly to this place of devotion!


tukjé tukdam wang gi shek né kyang

Please come through the power of your compassionate vow—


barché kün sol choktün ngödrub tsol

Dispel all obstacles and bestow the supreme and common siddhis!


om ah hung benza guru pema tötreng tsal benza samaya dza siddhi pala hung a

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma tötreng tsal vajra samaya jaḥ siddhi phala hūṃ āḥ

ཛཿཧཱུྃ་བཾ་ཧོཿ ས་མ་ཡ་ཏིཥྛ་ལྷན༔

dza hung bam ho samaya tishta lhen

jāḥ hūṃ baṃ hoḥ samaya tiṣṭha lhan



C. Paying Homage

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ སྐྱེ་འགག་འགྱུར་མེད་ཕྲིན་ལས་ཐམས་ཅད་རྫོགས༔

hung hrih, kyegak gyurmé trinlé tamché dzok

Hūṃ hrīḥ. Unborn, unceasing, unchanging, all activities perfected,


rangjung tukjé drowa malü drol

With self-arising compassion you liberate all beings.


yizhin nor tar ngödrub charbebpé

Like a wish-fulfilling jewel, you pour down a rain of siddhis—


rigdzin norlhé tsok la chaktsal lo

Host of vidyādhara wealth deity, I pay homage to you!

ཨ་ཏི་པཱུ་ཧོཿ པྲ་ཏཱིཙྪ་ཧོཿ

ati pu ho pratitstsa ho

atipūhoḥ pratīccha hoḥ


D. Presenting Offerings

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔ ཕྱི་མཆོད་འདོད་ཡོན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་སྤྲིན་ལྟར་གཏིབས༔

om ah hung, chi chö döyön gyatso trin tar tib

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ. Outer offerings, an ocean of sense pleasures amassed like cloudbanks,


nang chö men rak tor tsok sam mikhyab

Inner offerings, an inconceivable mass of amṛta, rakta, and torma,


sangchö detong zungjuk yeshe ying

And secret offerings, bliss and emptiness in union, the basic space of primordial wisdom–


bul lo zhé né choktün ngödrub tsol

All these I offer. Accepting them, grant the supreme and common siddhis!


om benza argham padyam pushpé dhuppé aloké ghendhé naividya shapta sarva pentsa rakta balingta maha puza ah hung

oṃ vajra arghaṃ pādyaṃ puṣpe dhūpe āloke gandhe naividya śabda sarvapañcarakta baliṃta mahāpūja āḥ hūṃ


E. Rendering Praise

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ བསོད་ནམས་ཡོངས་རྫོགས་སྦྱིན་པའི་ཕ་རོལ་ཕྱིན༔

hung hrih, sönam yongdzok jinpé parol chin

Hūṃ hrīḥ. Merit fully complete, generosity perfected,


dögü chok tsol ngödrub char zhin beb

Supreme wish-granter who showers down siddhis like rain,


tsa sum kündü pema sam bhava

Embodiment of the Three Roots, Padmasambhava,


yizhin rekong khyö la chaktsal tö

Fulfiller of hopes and wishes—I pay homage and praise you!



rik zhi nor dak arya dzam bha la

Wealth lords of the four families, noble Jambhalas;


lhami lu dang nöjin wangdü pé

Wealth lords with command over gods, humans, nāgas,


nor dak nor jin kurukullé dang

And yakṣas―Lord of Wealth, Vasudhārā, Kurukullā,


gyalchen namtö sé la chaktsal tö

And great king Vaiśravaṇa―I pay homage and praise you!



rinchen changshé zegö chuk kyi dak

Sovereigns of jewels, thoroughbred horses, food, clothing, and livestock,


nöjin depön chenpö tsok nam dang

Assembly of great yakṣa chiefs,


jikten kün la wanggyur gyalchen zhi

And four great kings who command the entire world—


rabjam norlhé kyilkhor lha la tö

Infinite wealth maṇḍala deities, I praise you!



detar chö ching solwa tabpé tü

Through the power of offering and supplicating like this,


dak sok dro kün serné dribpa zhi

May you pacify the obscuring stinginess of myself and all beings;


longchö gyé shingkham sum wang du dü

May you increase enjoyments, help us magnetize the three realms,


barché kün sel choktün ngödrub tsol

Dispel all obstacles, and grant us the supreme and common siddhis!


F. The Mantra Recitation


1. Opening the Recitation Mansion


droom bisho bishuddhé hrih pé dza

bhrūṃ viśvaviśuddhe hrīḥ phaṭ jaḥ


daknyi tsawé kyilkhor lé

From myself, the root maṇḍala,


yeshe kyilkhor nyipa ché

A second wisdom maṇḍala unfolds


dün gyi namkhar zhukpar gyur

And remains in the sky before me.


2. The Recitation Invocation

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ རིག་འཛིན་ནོར་ལྷའི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་དབྱིངས་ནས་བཞེངས༔

hung hrih, rigdzin norlhé lhatsok ying né zheng

Hūṃ hrīḥ. Host of vidyādhara wealth deities, come forth from basic space!


tukdam né né kul lo dzap dra drok

I invoke your wisdom bonds! The sound of mantra resounds,


nangtong ku yi chakgyé tongsum gang

The mudrā forms of empty appearance fill the three-thousandfold universe,


drak tong sung gi dzap yang druk tar dir

The mantra melody of empty, resounding speech rings out like a dragon’s roar,



riktong tuk long ösal ngang du né

All within the luminous expanse of empty-aware wisdom heart.


lha nam tamché dewé gar gyi rol

The deities revel in the dance of bliss.


ngak nam tsolmé dorjé lu yi kul

Effortless vajra song invokes the mantras.


tuk ni drol dzé yeshe sok dangché

Liberating wisdom heart has primordial wisdom at its very core.



masalwar du kyé ching depar bé

Until reaching clarity, I will strive to visualize and recite.


madrubwar du gongpa mi tang sol

Until I reach accomplishment, do not forsake me!


ma yel tukdam chenpö dü la bab

The time has come to remember your great sacred bonds!


nyendrub nam zhi ten tok di nyi du

Help me perfect the four aspects of approach and accomplishment


tarchin kyilkhor dakpor drubpar dzö

Right here on this very seat, and so may I become the sovereign of the maṇḍala!



3. The Recitation Visualization


rigdzin pemasambhé tukka ru

In the heart centre of vidyādhara Padmasambhava,


da teng hrih tar ngak kyi trengwé kor

Hrīḥ sits upon a moon disc, encircled by the mantra garland


ö trö nöchü güpa tamché sal

Which emits light rays that dispel the decline of the world and beings.


yeshe trin lé dögü char chen beb

A great rain of everything desired pours down from wisdom clouds;


si dang zhiwé jorwa rabtu gyé

The prosperity of existence and peace increases beyond bounds,


dangchü malü dak la timpa yi

All of its pure potency dissolves into me,


namkhé dzö chang ngödrub tobpar gyur

And thus I attain the siddhi of the sky-treasury holder.



4. The Mantra Recitation


om ah hung benza guru pema sambhava sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āh hūṃ vajra guru padmasambhava sarva siddhi hūṃ

ཞེས་གཙོ་བོར་བཟླ་ཞིང༌། ཁྱད་པར་གྱི་སྔགས་ཤམ་ནི།

Mainly recite this. Also recite it with the following appended mantra:

སརྦ་ཨ་ནྲྀ་ཏྲི་པུཎྱེ་དྷ་ནཾ་མེ་དྷི་རཏྣ་བཱ་སུ་སིདྡྷི་སྡུས་སྡུས་པུཥྚིཾ་ཀུ་རུ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔ ཞེས་དང༌།

sarva a nri tri punyé dhanam médhi ratna basu siddhi dü dü pushtim kuru soha

sarva a nṛi tri puṇye dhanam medhi ratna vāsu siddhi dü dü puṣṭim kuru svāhā

གཙོ་བོའི་ཐུགས་ཀའི་འོད་ཟེར་གྱིས་འཁོར་རྣམས་བསྐུལ་ཏེ། དེ་རྣམས་ཀྱི་འོད་ཟེར་ཕོ་ཉའི་ཚོགས་རྣམས་ཀྱིས་འཇིག་རྟེན་ཁམས་ཀྱི་དཔལ་དང་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་ཐམས་ཅད་བསྡུས་ནས་དངོས་གྲུབ་འདོད་རྒུའི་ཆར་བཞིན་འབེབས་པར་གྱུར་པར་བསམ་ལ། 

tsowö tukké özer gyi khor nam kul té denam kyi özer ponyé tsok nam kyi jikten kham kyi pal dang longchö tamché dü né ngödrub dögü char zhin bebpar gyur

Light rays from the principal figure’s heart centre invoke the retinue, such that messengers flock out from their light rays, in turn, and gather back all the splendour and enjoyments of the world, showering down siddhis like a wish-fulfilling rain.


Imagine that, and recite the combined wealth deity mantra:

ཨོཾ་ཧཱུྃ་ཏྲཱྃ་ཧྲཱིཿཨཱཿཛམྦྷ་ལ་ཛ་ལེནྡྲ་ཡ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔ སརྦ་ཡཀྴ་བཱ་སུ་པ་ཏི་ལོ་ཀ་པཱ་ལ་ཙིཏྟ་ཧྲིཾ་ཧྲིཾ་ཛཿ སརྦ་བཱ་སུ་སིདྡྷི་སྡུས་སྡུས་པུཥྚིཾ་ཀུ་རུ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔

om hung tram hrih ah dzambhala dzalendraya soha sarva yaksha basupati lokapala tsitta hrim hrim dza sarva basu siddhi dü dü pushtim kuru soha

oṃ hūṃ trām hrīḥ āh jambhala jalendrāya svāhā sarva yakṣa bāsupaṭi lokapāla citta hriṃ hriṃ jaḥsarva vāsu siddhi dü dü puṣṭim kuru svāhā

ཞེས་བཟླ། རྒྱས་པར་སྒོས་སྔགས་བཟླ་བ་ནི།

To do this in an elaborate way, recite the following individual mantras:


White Jambhala:


om buddha dzambhala om soha

oṃ buddha jambhala oṃ svāhā


Yellow Jambhala:


om ratna dzambhala tram soha

oṃ ratna jambhala trāṃ svāhā


Red Jambhala:


om pema dzambhala hrih soha

oṃ padma jambhala hrīḥ svāhā


Green Jambhala:


om karma dzambhala ah soha

oṃ karma jambhala āḥ svāhā




om gam ganapati soha

oṃ gaṃ gaṇapati svāhā




om bam vasudharini soha

oṃ baṃ vāsudhāriṇi svāhā




om hrih kurukullé soha

oṃ hrīḥ kurukullā svāhā




om bam baishra manayé soha

oṃ baṃ vaiśramaṇaye svāhā




om mani bhadraya soha

oṃ manibhadrāya svāhā




om arya rémantaya soha

oṃ āryaremantāya svāhā


Red Yakṣa:


om maha radza yaksha bai hrih soha

oṃ mahāraja yakṣa vai hrīḥ svāhā




om kubéraya soha

oṃ kuberāya svāhā


The Four Great Kings:


om dhrishta rashtaya soha

oṃ dhṛtarāṣṭrāya svāhā


om bairudha kaya soha

oṃ vairūdhakāya svāhā


om birupakshaya soha

oṃ virūpākṣāya svāhā


om baishra vanayé soha

oṃ vaiśravaṇāye svāhā

ཞེས་པ་རྣམས་སོ་སོར་གང་ནུས་བཟླ། རང་རང་གི་ལས་སྦྱོར་བྱེད་པར་འདོད་ན། དགོས་པའི་ཡོ་བྱད་ཡོད་ན་སོ་སོའི་སྔགས་ཤམ་སྦྱར་བར་བྱའོ། །

Recite each of these as much as you can. If you wish to practice the activity applications for them individually and you have the necessary articles, add on the individual appended mantras.



5. The Recitation Offerings

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔ ཕྱི་མཆོད་འདོད་ཡོན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་སྤྲིན་ལྟར་གཏིབས༔

om ah hung, chi chö döyön gyatso trin tar tib

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ. Outer offerings, an ocean of sense pleasures amassed like cloudbanks,


nang chö men raka tor tsok sam mikhyab

Inner offerings, an inconceivable mass of amṛta, rakta, and torma,


sangchö detong zungjuk yeshe ying

And secret offerings, bliss and emptiness in union, the basic space of primordial wisdom–


bul lo zhé né choktün ngödrub tsol

All these I offer. Accepting them, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!


om benza argham padyam pushpé dhuppé aloké ghendhé naividya shapta sarva pentsa rakta balingta maha puza ah hung

oṃ vajra arghaṃ pādyaṃ puṣpe dhūpe āloke gandhe naividya śabda sarvapañcarakta baliṃta mahāpūja āḥ hūṃ

གཏོར་མ་སྨན་རཀ་སྦྲེང་ཞིང་རོལ་མོ་རྒྱ་ཆེར་བྱའོ། །

Sprinkle the torma with amṛta and rakta and play extensive music.



6. The Recitation Praises

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ ངོ་བོ་འོད་གསལ་ཆོས་སྐུའི་ངང་ཉིད་ལས༔

hung hrih, ngowo ösal chökü ngang nyi lé

Hūṃ hrīḥ. From the state of dharmakāya, luminous essence,


rangzhin detong longchö dzok kur shar

The bliss-empty nature manifests as sambhogakāya,


tukjé gang dul tulkü dro dön dzé

And the compassionate capacity of nirmāṇakāya acts for beings according to their needs—


kyilkhor lhatsok nam la chaktsal tö

Assembly of maṇḍala deities, I pay homage and praise you!

ཅེས་རོལ་མོ་དང་བཅས་པས་བསྟོད་དོ། །

Thus render praise accompanied by music.



damchen dam latak pé tsé

As you place under oath the vow-abiding protectors


drimé né chok nyam ré ga

In that supreme place of power, immaculate and enchanting,


gyagar böyul satsam su

On the very border of India and Tibet,


jin gyi lab né jönpé tsé

You grant your blessing; and, as soon as you arrive,



drisung pö ngé denpé ri

The mountain becomes fragrant, a sweet scent wafting through the air.


metok pema gün yang kyé

Even in winter lotus flowers bloom,


chumik changchub dütsi chu

And a spring called “Nectar of Enlightenment” flows.


deden dé yi né chok tu

In this supreme and sacred place, inundated with bliss,



kyechok tsul zang chögö sol

O Kyechok Tsülzang, clad in Dharma robes,


chak yé dorjé tsé gu nam

Your right hand wields a nine-spoked vajra,


yönpé rinchen zama tok

And your left holds a jeweled casket


rakta dütsi nang du tam

Brimful of the elixir of rakta.



khandro damchen dam latak

You bind under oath the ḍākinīs and guardians who keep their pledges,


yidam zhalzik ngödrub nyé

And you attain the siddhi of beholding the yidam deity face to face:


tukjé dak la jingyi lob

With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!


tsewé dak sok lam na drong

With your love, guide us and others along the path!



gongpé dak la ngödrub tsol

With your realization, grant us attainments!


nüpé dak sok barché sol

With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!


chi yi barché chi ru sol

Outer obstacles—dispel them externally,


nang gi barché nang du sol

inner obstacles—dispel them internally,



sangwé barché ying su sol

Secret obstacles—dispel them into space!


güpé chaktsal kyab su chi

In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!


om ah hung benza guru pema sam bhava sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āh hūṃ vajra guru padmasambhava sarva siddhi hūṃ



7. Confessing Mistakes


Join your palms together and say:

ༀ༔ བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་རྣམས༔

lama norlhé lhatsok nam

Oṃ. Host of wealth deities,


dak la sen ching gong su sol

Please pay heed and look upon us!


dakchak marik trulpa yi

Due to ignorance and confusion,


chakgyama sal dzap dé yel

We have not visualized the mudrā clearly and our recitation has been distracted.



tingdzin gongpé tsal ma dzok

Not perfecting the strength of our samādhi,


jinggö chalwar gyurpa sok

We have been dull, agitated, confused, and the like.


nongpar gyurpa chichi pa

Whatever mistakes we have made,


nying né gyöpé tol shak na

We confess with heartfelt regret.


dribmé tsangpé ngödrub tsol

Bestow on us the unobscured siddhi of purity!


Recite the Hundred-Syllable mantra and maintain the natural state.


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8. Praying for the Fulfilment of Our Wishes

ༀ༔ འདོད་རྒུའི་མཆོག་སྩོལ་དངོས་གྲུབ་སྟེར༔

om, dögü chok tsol ngödrub ter

Oṃ. Supreme wish-granter, treasure of siddhis,


tsa sum kündü yizhin nor

Three Roots embodied, wish-granting jewel—


guru pema sam bhava

Guru Padmasambhava,


rik zhi gönpo dzambhala

Jambhala lords of the four families,


nor dak nöjin jikten kyong

Wealth lords, yakṣas, protectors of the world—


jewa sam gyi mi khyabpé

Entire host of maṇḍala deities


kyilkhor lhatsok tamché la

In your inconceivable millions,


chaktsal chötö solwa deb

I prostrate, make offerings, praise, and supplicate you.



jingyi lob shik barché sol

Bestow your blessings and dispel obstacles!


ngödrub tsol chik longchö pel

Grant the siddhis and increase wealth!


ten dir zhuk shing trinlé dzö

Be seated here and enact the activities!


khordé kün gyi lektsok dang

All that is excellent in both saṃsāra and nirvāṇa;


nö kyi getsen chü kyi yang

The goodness of the environment, the prosperity of beings;


lhami lu dang nöjin gyi

The food, wealth, jewels, and clouds of riches


zé nor rinchen jorpé trin

Of gods, humans, nāgas, and yakṣas;


changshé ta dang kang zhi chuk

Thoroughbred horses and fine livestock;


lotok dru dang tsishing men

Crops, grains, plants, and medicines;


tsering nemé tashi pal

Long life, good health, auspiciousness, and splendour;


chö dang rik kyi gyü dzin sok

Holders of Dharma lineages and family lines;



dorna sizhi püntsok kün

In short, all that is excellent in existence and peace—


bepa mepar wang du dü

magnetize it effortlessly!


zemé chuwö gyüntar pel

Increase it like the unending flow of a river!


chi sam yizhin drubpa dang

Fulfill all our wishes,


tashi dekyi denpar dzö

And let there be auspicious bliss and joy!


If you wish to perform a cleansing (sang) offering, insert it here.


༈ དགུ་པ་གཡང་འགུགས་ནི།

9. Summoning Good Fortune (yang guk)

བདག་མདུན་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་གྱི་གཙོ་བོའི་ཐུགས་ཀ་ནས་འོད་ཟེར་དམར་སེར་ཉི་མ་བྱེ་བའི་གཟི་འོད་ལྟ་བུ་འཕྲོས་པས༔ འཁོར་གྱི་ཛམྦྷ་ལ་རིགས་བཞི༔ ནོར་བདག་གནོད་སྦྱིན་འཇིག་རྟེན་སྐྱོང་བ་བསམ་གྱིས་མི་ཁྱབ་པའི་ཐུགས་བརྒྱུད་བསྐུལ་ཞིང་དམ་ཚིག་དྲན་པར་བྱས་པས༔ དེ་རྣམས་ཀྱི་ཐུགས་ཀ་ནས་རང་འདྲ་བའི་སྤྲུལ་པ་དང་ཡང་སྤྲུལ་ཉི་ཟེར་གྱི་རྡུལ་ལྟར་འཚུབས་ཤིང་༔ གློག་ལྟར་འཁྱུགས༔ འོད་དང་འོད་ཟེར་འབར་ཞིང་གཡོ་བས་འཁོར་འདས་སྣང་སྲིད་སྣོད་བཅུད་ཀྱི་ཁམས་ཐམས་ཅད་ལ་ཁྱབ་པས་འཇིག་རྟེན་དང་འཇིག་རྟེན་ལས་འདས་པའི་ཕྱྭ་གཡང་ལོང་སྤྱོད་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཐམས་ཅད་བཀྲ་ཤིས་རྫས་རྟགས་འཇའ་འོད་ཐིག་ལེའི་རྣམ་པར་སྤྱན་དྲངས་ཏེ་མདུན་བསྐྱེད་དང་སྒྲུབ་རྫས་དབྱེར་མེད་པ་ལ་ཐིམ་པས་འདོད་རྒུའི་དཔལ་གྱི་འབྱོར་པ་ཆར་བཞིན་དུ་དབབ་པར་བསམ་ལ་མདའ་དར་གཡབ། བདུག་སྤོས་དྲི་ཞིམ་པོ་འཐུལ། དབྱངས་དང་རོལ་མོ་སྙན་པས་འདི་སྐད་ཅེས་བསྐུལ་ལོ། །

dak dün kyil khor gyi tsowö tukka né özer marser nyima jewé zi ö tabu tröpé khor gyi dzambhala rik zhi nordak nöjin jikten kyongwa sam gyi mi khyappé tuk gyü kül zhing damtsik drenpar chepé dé nam kyi tukka né rang drawé trülpa dang yang trül nyizer gyi dül tar tsup shing lok tar gyuk ö dang özer bar zhing yowé khordé nang si nöchü kyi kham tamché la khyap pé jikten dang jikten lé depé chayang long chö ngödrup tamché trashi dzé tak ja’ö tiklé nampar chen drang té dün kyé dang drup dzé yermepa la timpé dögü pel gyi jorpa char zhin du wabpar gyur

Orange light rays, like the brilliant glow of a million suns, radiate from the heart centres of the principal figures in the self and front maṇḍalas. They invoke the wisdom hearts of the four retinue Jambhalas and the inconceivable numbers of wealth lords, yakṣas, and world protectors, reminding them of their commitments. Replica emanations and re-emanations, like particles of dust in a sunbeam, stream out from their heart centres, moving as fast as lightning and blazing with light. Pervading the whole of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, all of the phenomenal world, the environment and beings, they invite all fortune, enjoyments, and siddhis, both worldly and transcendental, in the form of auspicious substances and signs, rainbow lights, and spheres. By dissolving inseparably into the front visualization and the accomplishment substances, the glory and wealth of everything desired is brought down like a shower of rain.

Imagine thus, while waving the arrow with silken streamers. Light fragrant incense, and with beautiful melody and music make the following invocation:

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ འོད་གསལ་སྤྲོས་དང་བྲལ་བའི་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལས༔

hum hrih ösel trö dang drrlwé yeshé lé

Hūṃ hrīḥ. From primordial wisdom, construct-free luminosity,


si dang zhiwé zhing kham long chö dang

Appear the enjoyments and riches of the realms


dögü jorpé ngöpor nangwa kün

Of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, everything ever desired.


tamché lhün gyi druppé podrang cher

Here, in this great, naturally-present palace―



chitar trashi ter gyi bum zang la

Externally the auspicious, treasure vase;


nang tar yeshé rölpé zhelmé khang

Internally the celestial palace, wisdom's display;


sangwa tsa sum norlhé kyil khor du

Secretly the maṇḍala of wealth deities of the Three Roots—


gyé zhin zhukpé lha tsok rap jam kün

A boundless host of deities are seated with delight.



neljor möpé dungwé söl dep shing

As we practitioners supplicate you with intense yearning


ngön gyi tukdam zhel zhé gyü kül na

And remind you of your pledges and oaths of the past,


khyen tsé yeshé gyepé long yang né

Please, from the expanse of blooming wisdom, knowledge, and compassion,


dögü ngödrup char zhin wab tu söl

Please, shower down the wished-for siddhis like rain!



ku sung tuk yön trinlé mepo ché

With your amazing wisdom form, speech, heart, qualities, and deeds,


sizhi pel gyi jorpé jin chen pop

Bestow the splendour of all prosperity of existence and peace!


lok tar nyurwé tukjé nütop kyi

Through the power of your compassion, swift as lightning,


khor dé kün gyi cha yang nedir dü

Gather all the fortune of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa right here!



lha dang drup dzé yermé ten la tim

Merge it indivisibly with the deity supports and accomplishment substances,


trashi long chö gyepé trinlé dzö

And enact the activities that increase auspiciousness and riches!


ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ དབུས་ཀྱི་ཕྱོགས་ནས་དངོས་གྲུབ་བསྐུལ་བའི་ལྷ༔

hum hrih ükyi chokné ngödrup külwé lha

Hūṃ hrīḥ. You are the deity who invokes the siddhis from the centre,


tsa sum kün dü orgyen rinpoché

Master of Uḍḍiyāna, embodiment of the Three Roots,


yizhin norbu pemasambhava

Wish-fulfilling jewel, Padmasambhava,


ser dok jichak nang si zil gyi nön

Golden and majestic, glorious subjugator of the phenomenal world.



chak yé dorjé rinchen gyeltsen char

In your right hand you hold a vajra and a jewel victory banner,


yönpé göjung rinchen nö chok nam

And in your left, a supreme wish-fulfilling jewel casket.


rikdzin pawo khandrö khor ché la

Vidyādhara, with your retinue of vīras and ḍākinīs,


chaktsel chöpa bullo ngödrup tsöl

I pay homage and make offerings to you! Grant us siddhis!



teng ök bar sum khordé nöchü kyi

All the splendour, fortune, and riches of above, between, and below,


lekpé pel dang cha yang long chö kün

Of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, the environment and beings―


dar kar yab ching lené chen dren na

As I summon them here by waving this white streamer,


tokpa mepar trashi nedir dü

Gather them unhindered in this auspicious place!


chok dang tünmong ngödrup tseldu söl

Grant the supreme and common siddhis, I beseech you!


ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་ལྷ་ཚོགས་རབ་འབྱམས་ཐམས་ཅད་ཀྱི༔

hum hrih kyil khor lha tsok rapjam tamché kyi

Hūṃ hrīḥ. Make manifest the strength of the wisdom, majesty, and compassion


yeshé zijin tukjé nütop kyé

Of all the infinite maṇḍala deities!


nöjin norlha terdak jewé tsok

Host of yakṣas, wealth deities, and treasure owners in your millions,


zhel zhé damtsik nyenpo jesu gong

Recall your promises and unshakeable commitments.



lha lu zakar sadak tenmé tsok

Host of gods, nāgas, planetary spirits, local deities, and tenmas,


lé kyi dzutrül nyur gyok lok tar khyuk

Perform your miraculous activities as swiftly as lightning!


bö kyong zhidak kar chok gawé tsok

Host of protectors of Tibet and local deities who delight in virtue,


dorjé tatsik mayel trinlé dzö

Don’t forget your unshakeable promise; perform the activities!



dering trashi gewé né diru

Here today, in this auspicious place of virtue,


chayang dögü ngödrup char tar pop

Let good fortune and wished-for siddhis pour down like rain!


rapjam rik nga gyutrül drawé zhing

Summon good fortune from the boundless purelands of the five families’ illusory net,


mizé long chö gyen gyi cha yang khuk

The ornaments of inexhaustible enjoyments!



tong sum chok chü jikten tamché kyi

Summon the fortune of prosperity of environment and beings


nöchü pel gyi jorpé chayang khuk

In all worlds in the ten directions of the three-thousandfold universe!


sa chu mé lung jungwa chenpo zhi

Summon the fortune of magnificent pure essence


dangma ziji nüpé chayang khuk

From the four great elements of earth, water, fire, and wind!



jikten ngönpar towé pung nam kyi

Summon the fortune of lifespan, intelligence,


tsé dang lodrö top tsel chayang khuk

And ability from all those in the higher realms!


nyenrang pak dang sokyé tsok nam kyi

Summon the fortune of wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and power


khyen tsé nüpé yeshé chayang khuk

From the śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, noble ones, and ordinary beings!



shar chok drizé yül gyi lang tso dang

Summon the fortune of youth from the gandharva realm in the east,


gyanak tsen ji trim kyi chayang khuk

And of orderly law from China.


lho chok drülbum yang kyi nyen gyur dang

Summon the fortune of melodious song from kumbhāṇḍas2 in the south,


gyakar dampé chö kyi chayang khuk

And the fortune of the sacred Dharma from India



nup chok luwang norbü bang dzö dang

Summon the fortune of the jewel treasuries of mighty nāgas in the west,


tak zik nor gyi jorpé chayang khuk

And the riches and prosperity of Persia!


jang chok nöjin ter gyi bum zang dang

Summon the fortune of the treasure vases of yakṣas in the north,


gesar patsel denpé chayang khuk

And King Gesar’s great courage and strength!



tsering nemé gewé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of long-life, good health, and virtue!


ül pong dukngel zhiwé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune that appeases the anguish of poverty!


dru nor long chö gyepé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune that increases grains, wealth, and enjoyments!


ta chuk kang drö pelwé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of flourishing horses, cattle, and livestock!



za tung gö gyen jorpé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of plentiful food, drink, clothing, and adornments!


kham sum wang du duwé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune that magnetizes the three realms!


sisum zil gyi nönpé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune that overpowers the three planes of existence!


nyen drak tong sum khyappé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune that spreads fame throughout the three-thousandfold universe!



chö gyü chu tar ringwé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of the Dharma lineage that endures like the flow of a river!


mi gyü chepa mepé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of unbroken family lines!


lok dren dra gek dülwé chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of taming false guides, foes, and obstructers!


nyin tsen trashi deshek chayang khuk

Summon the fortune of day and night sugata auspiciousness!


cha khuk yang kyop ngödrup né dir tsöl

Bestow here the siddhi of summoning abundance and protecting fortune!

ཞེས་གསོལ་ཞིང་རྩ་སྔགས་ཤམ་ཅན་དང༌། ནོར་ལྷ་སྤྱིའི་སྔགས་ཀྱི་མཐར།

Thus pray. Then recite the root mantra with its appendix and the combined wealth deity mantra, and at the end say:


khuyé pushtim kuruyé sarva siddhi pala bhrum

khuye puṣṭiṃ kuruye sarva siddhi phala bhrūṃ

The root mantra:

om ah hum benza guru pemasambhava sarva siddhi hum

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padmasaṃbhava sarva siddhi hūṃ

The appendix:

sarva anri tri punyé dhanam medhi ratna basu siddhi düdü pushtim kuru soha

sarva anṛtripuṇye dhanaṃ medhi ratna vāsu siddhi [[dü dü] puṣṭiṃ kuru svāhā

The combined wealth deity mantra:

om hum tram hrih ah dzambhala dzalendraya soha sarva yaksha basu bati lokapala tsitta hring hring dza sarva bhasu siddhi düdü pushtim kuru soha

oṃ hūṃ trāṃ hrīḥ āh jambhala jalendrāya svāhā sarva yakṣa bāsupaṭi lokapāla citta hrim hrim jaḥ sarva vāsu siddhi dü dü puṣṭiṃ kuru svāhā

ཞེས་བརྗོད་ཅིང་བརྟན་པར་བྱའོ། །

Thereby stabilize the good fortune.



G. Receiving the Empowerment and Siddhis

བསྡུས་པ་དང་རྒྱས་པའོ། །

This can be done in (1) a concise way or (2) an elaborate way.


1. Concise


om ah hung soha, benza samaya kaya vaka tsitta guna karma sobhava etma koh hang

oṃ āḥ hūṃ svāhā | vajra-samaya-kāya-vāk-citta-guṇa-karma-svabhāva ātmako ‘haṃ

ཨོཾ༔ ཤིན་ཏུ་རྣམ་པར་དག་པ་ཡི༔

om shintu nampar dakpa yi

Oṃ. The deities wielding the power of wisdom-awareness,


yeshé rik tsal changwé lha

Completely and utterly pure,


döné rang dang lhen chik kyé

Are primordially intrinsic to myself


dorjé zhi yi ying su dzok

And are perfect as the nature of the four vajras.



dam tsik yeshé yermé par

With the wondrous empowerments and blessings


jangchup semsu rochik pé

Of the single taste of bodhicitta,


wang kur jinlap mepo ché

Indivisible samaya and wisdom


ku zhi ngowor lhün gyi drup

Are spontaneously present as the essence of the four kāyas.

ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་ས་མ་ཡ་ཧཱུྃ་སྟྭཾ་ཧོཿ ཀཱ་ཡ་ཝཱ་ཀ྄་ཙིཏྟ་ཛྙཱ་ན་བཛྲ་ཛཿཧཱུྃ་བྃ་ཧོཿ

om benza samaya hung satam hoh kaya vaka tsitta gyana benza dzah hung bam hoh

oṃ vajra samaya hūṃ satvaṃ hoḥ kāya vāk-citta jñāna vajra jaḥ hūṃ baṃ hoḥ


dün du zhukpé yeshepa

The wisdom beings present in front of me


rang dang yermé ten ching nyé

Become indivisible from me, firmly and with delight.


sel nang dzokpé tingdzin la

Resting evenly in the samādhi


nyampar zhakpé lam du khyer

Of perfect vivid appearance, I take it onto the path.

གསོལ་ཁ་རྒྱས་བསྡུས་གང་རུང་འདིར་བྱ་གསུངས། ཡེ་ཤེས་དཀོན་མཆོག་འམ་ཡིག་བརྒྱ་གསུངས།

It is said that at this point one should make the Dharma protector offerings, whether in an elaborate or concise way. Then recite Yeshe Kuchok, or the Hundred Syllables.


III. The Concluding Activities

A. The Feast Gathering

This has five parts: (1) consecrating the offerings; (2) inviting the guests; (3) presenting the offerings; (4) partaking of the gathering feast; and (5) dedicating the residuals.


1. Consecrating the Feast Offering


Sprinkle cleansing water on the gathering articles and say:

རྃ་ཡྃ་ཁྃ༔ བདག་ཉིད་ལྷར་གསལ་ཐུགས་ཀའི་ས་བོན་ལས༔

ram yam kham dak nyi lhar sel tuké sabön lé

Raṃ yaṃ khaṃ. From the seed syllable in the heart centre of myself, manifest as the deity,


ram yam kham trö tsok dzé ngödzin jang

'raṃ yaṃ khaṃ’ radiate out, purifying clinging to the feast substances as real.


dru sum ö kyi yeshé dütsir gyur

The light of the three seed-syllables transforms them into wisdom amṛta,


döyön chötrin namkha gangwar gyur

An offering cloud of sensory pleasures filling the whole of space.


om ah hum

oṃ āḥ hūṃ



2. Inviting the Guests

ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ༔ བཞེངས་ཤིག་སྐུ་གསུམ་རྒྱལ་བ་རྒྱ་མཚོའི་ཚོགས༔

hum hum hum zheng shik ku sum gyelwa gyatsö tsok

Hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ. Ocean gathering of three-kāya victors, be manifest!


ösel trö dang drelwé ngang nyi lé

From the state of luminosity, beyond conceptual constructs,


dakchak tsok sak dripa jang lé du

So we may gather the accumulations and purify obscurations,


yeshé gyumar röl zhin shek su söl

I bid you, please come as illusory wisdom’s display!


benza samaya dzah dzah

vajra-samaya jaḥ jaḥ



3. Presenting the Offerings

From among the three offerings (the first, choice portion; the second fulfilment-confession offering; and the final, liberation offering):


a. Presenting the Choice Portion of the Gathering Feast

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔  ཚོགས་ཀྱི་ངོ་བོ་ཡེ་ཤེས་བདུད་རྩིའི་སྤྲིན༔

om ah hum tsok kyi ngowo yeshé dütsi trin

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ. The essence of the gathering offering is a cloud of wisdom amṛta–


nampa döyön lhamö namkha gang

Its form, goddesses of the sense pleasures filling the whole of space.


zakmé dewa chenpö longchö di

These abundant enjoyments of undefiled great bliss—


tsa sum kyilkhor lha tsok nyé gyur chik

May they please you, maṇḍala deities of the Three Roots!


sarva gana tsakra pudza hoh

sarva-gaṇacakra-pūja hoḥ



b. The Fulfilment-Confession Offering

བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་སྐོང་བ་ཕྱྭ་གཡང་དངོས་གྲུབ་འཁྱིལ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ། །

Gathering the Siddhis of Fortune: A Fulfilment Practice for Lama Norlha

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ བསོད་ནམས་ཡོངས་རྫོགས་སྦྱིན་པའི་ཕར་ཕྱིན་ལས། །

hum hrih, sönam yongdzok jinpé parchin lé

Hūṃ hrīḥ. From the completion of merit through the perfection of generosity,

བསོད་ནམས་འདོད་རྒུའི་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཆར་འབེབས་པའི། །

sönam dögü ngödrup char beppé

The rain of merit and wished-for siddhis pours down,

བསོད་ནམས་སྟོབས་ཀྱི་འདོད་འཇོའི་བུམ་པ་བཟང༌། །

sönam top kyi döjö bumpa zang

Overflowing a bountiful vase of the power of merit.

མི་ཟད་འདོད་པར་འཇོ་བའི་དགའ་སྟོན་གྱིས། །

mizé döpar jowé gatön gyi

Through this inexhaustible, bountiful feast


རྩ་གསུམ་ནོར་ལྷ་རབ་འབྱམས་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

tsa sum norlha rapjam tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the infinite wealth deities of the Three Roots be fulfilled.

རིགས་འདུས་པདྨ་སམྦྷའི་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

rik dü pemasambhé tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with Padmasambhava, the embodiment of all families, be fulfilled.

གུ་རུ་སྐྱེས་མཆོག་ཚུལ་བཟང་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

guru kyechok tsülzang tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with guru Kyechok Tsülzang be fulfilled.

འགྱུར་མེད་སྐུ་ཡི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

gyurmé kuyi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of unchanging form be fulfilled.


རེ་སྐོང་ཡོན་ཏན་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

ré kong yönten nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of wish-fulfilling qualities be fulfilled.

འགགས་མེད་གསུང་གི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

gakmé sung gi nor dak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of unobstructed speech be fulfilled.

ལྷུན་གྲུབ་ཕྲིན་ལས་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

lhündrup trinlé nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of spontaneous activities be fulfilled.

སྟེང་ཕྱོགས་ལྷ་ཡི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

teng chok lha yi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of the gods above be fulfilled.


བར་ཕྱོགས་མི་ཡི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

bar chok mi yi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of humans in the middle be fulfilled.

འོག་ཕྱོགས་ཀླུ་ཡི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

ok chok lu yi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of the nāgas below be fulfilled.

བྱང་ཕྱོགས་གནོད་སྦྱིན་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

jang chok nöjin nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of the yakṣas in the north be fulfilled.

གསེར་དངུལ་ནོར་དབྱིག་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

ser ngül nor yik nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of gold, silver, and jewels be fulfilled.


ཅང་ཤེས་རྟ་ཡི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

changshé ta yi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of thoroughbred horses be fulfilled.

ཟས་གོས་བཅུད་ཀྱི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

zegö chü kyi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of food, clothing, and nourishment be fulfilled.

རྐང་བཞི་ཕྱུགས་ཀྱི་ནོར་བདག་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

kang zhi chuk kyi nordak tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the wealth lords of livestock be fulfilled.

སྒོ་སྲུང་རྒྱལ་ཆེན་སྡེ་བཞིའི་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

gosung gyelchen dé zhi tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the four great protector kings be fulfilled.


ཀུན་འཁྱིལ་ལྷ་མོ་མཆེད་གསུམ་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

künkhyil lhamo chésum tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the three Künkhyil3 sisters be fulfilled.

ཞིང་སྐྱོང་སྨན་བཙུན་ལྷ་ལྔའི་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

zhing kyong mentsün lha ngé tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the land protectors, the five Mentsün4 deities, be fulfilled.

གཏེར་སྲུང་ཁ་རག་ཁྱུང་བཙུན་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

tersung kharak khyung tsün tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the treasure protector Karak Khyungtsünma, be fulfilled.

བཀའ་སྡོད་དྲེགས་པ་སྡེ་ལྔའི་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

kadö drekpa dé ngé tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the servants, the five classes of haughty spirits, be fulfilled.



nyur gyok pudri ging ngé tukdam kang

May our sacred bond with the five swift-bladed kiṃkaras be fulfilled.

ཐུགས་དམ་དབྱིངས་སུ་བསྐང་ངོ་བྱིན་གྱིས་རློབས། །

tukdam ying su kang ngo jin gyi lop

Our sacred bond is fulfilled within basic space! Grant your blessings!

ཐུགས་དམ་གཉན་པོ་བསྐང་བའི་དམ་རྫས་ནི། །

tukdam nyenpo kangwé damdzé ni

These samaya substances that fulfil the sacred bonds—

བཀྲ་ཤིས་རྫས་རྟགས་རྒྱལ་སྲིད་རིན་ཆེན་བདུན། །

trashi dzé tak gyelsi rinchen dün

The eight auspicious substances and signs; the seven royal possessions;


རྩ་བརྒྱད་སྟོང་སྦྱར་ཆགས་མེད་རཀྟའི་མཚོ། །

tsa gyé tong jar chakmé rakté tso

Amṛta of the eight root and thousand subsidiary ingredients; lake of attachment-free rakta;

སྣང་སྲིད་སྣོད་བཅུད་རྣམ་དག་བ་ལིཾ་ཏ། །

nangsi nöchü namdak balingta

Torma of pure environment and beings, the phenomenal world;

ཐབས་དང་ཤེས་རབ་དབྱེར་མེད་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས། །

tap dang sherap yermé jangchup sem

Bodhicitta of indivisible means and insight—

རང་བྱུང་ལྷུན་གྲུབ་མཆོད་པས་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང༌། །

rangjung lhündrup chöpé tukdam kang

Through these self-occurring, natural offerings, may our sacred bond be fulfilled!


རང་རྒྱུད་དངོས་པོར་བཟུང་བ་མཐོལ་ལོ་བཤགས། །

rang gyü ngöpor zungwa tol lo shak

I openly confess all grasping at substantial existence!

གཟི་བརྗིད་སྐུ་ཡི་དངོས་གྲུབ་ལུས་ལ་སྩོལ། །

ziji ku yi ngödrup lü la tsöl

Bestow on my body the siddhi of majestic form!

ཚངས་དབྱངས་གསུང་གི་དངོས་གྲུབ་ངག་ལ་སྩོལ། །

tsang yang sung gi ngödrup ngak la tsöl

Bestow on my speech the siddhi of melodious speech!

བདེ་སྟོང་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་དངོས་གྲུབ་སེམས་ལ་སྩོལ། །

detong tuk kyi ngödrup sem la tsöl

Bestow on my mind the siddhi of empty-bliss wisdom heart!


རིག་རྩལ་ཡོན་ཏན་རྒྱས་པའི་དངོས་གྲུབ་སྩོལ། །

riktsel yönten gyepé ngödrup tsöl

Bestow the siddhi of increasing the qualities of awareness’s expression!

ཕྲིན་ལས་དངོས་གྲུབ་བཀྲ་ཤིས་དཔལ་འབར་ཤོག །

trinlé ngödrup trashi pelbar shok

May the auspicious splendour of the siddhis blaze forth!

ཅེས་ལྷོ་བྲང་རི་ཕུག་གི་གནས་འཛིན་རྣམ་རྒྱལ་གྱིས་བསྐུལ་ངོར། ཞྭ་དམར་གྱི་ཆོས་སྒར་དུ་འདུལ་འཛིན་པ་རཏྣས་སྤེལ་བ་བཀྲ་ཤིས་པར་གྱུར་ཅིག །སརྦ་སིདྡྷི་པུཥྚི་ཀུ་རུ་ཨོཾ། །མངྒ་ལཾ།། །།

At the behest of Namgyel, the caretaker of the Lhodrang mountain cave, this was composed in the Zhamar Dharma Camp by the vinaya-holder Ratna.5 May it be auspicious! Sarvasiddhi puṣṭim kuru oṃ. Mangalaṃ.


Presenting the Fulfilment-Confession

ཧོཿ ཐོག་མེད་བསགས་པའི་སྡིག་སྒྲིབ་ཉེས་ལྟུང་དང་༔

hoh tokmé sakpé dikdrip nyetung dang

Hoḥ. Misdeeds, obscurations, and failings accrued throughout beginningless time,


khyepar tsawa yenlak damtsik lé

And in particular all transgressions and impairments


gel zhing nyampar gyurpa tamché kün

Of the root and branch samayas,


döyön tsok kyi chöpé kang zhing shak

I amend and confess with this gathering-offering of sense pleasures!


samaya shuddhé ah

samaya-śuddhe āḥ



c. The Final, Liberation Offering

ཧཱུྃ༔ དཔལ་ཆེན་ཐུགས་སྤྲུལ་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གིང་ཀ་རས༔

hum pelchen tuktrül dorjé gingkaré

Hūṃ. The vajra-kiṃkaras, heart emanations of the Glorious One,


zungdzin dü gek tsok nam kuk ching tim

Summon and dissolve the hordes of demons and obstructers of dualism.


ösel ying su drelwé sha trak rü

Liberating them in luminous basic space, I offer their flesh, blood, and bones


tsa sum kyilkhor lha tsok zhel du tap

To the maṇḍala deities of the Three Roots.

སརྦ་བིགྷྣཱན་ཤ་ཏྲཱུན་མཱ་ར་ཡ་ཁ་ཁ་ཁཱ་ཧི་ཁཱ་ཧིཿ ཧ་ཧ་ཧི་ཧི་ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ་ཕཊ྄༔

sarva bighanen shatrün maraya khakha khahi khahih ha ha hi hi hum hum pé

sarva-vighnān-śatrūnmāraya-khakha khāhi khāhi ha ha hi hi hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ



4. Enjoying the Gathering Feast


Holding the food in the right hand and drink in the left, the vajra server says:


tsok ki chöpa gyen du röl

Enjoy the feast offering as an adornment!

པདྨའི་ཕྱག་རྒྱས་བླངས་ལ། ཨ་ལ་ལ་ཧོཿ ཞེས་ལུས་དཀྱིལ་གྱི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་མཆོད་ལ་བདེ་བའི་ཉམས་བསྐྱང་ངོ་༔

Taking it with the lotus mudrā, the practitioner replies:

alala ho

alala hoḥ

Offer the feast to the assembly of deities in the maṇḍala of your body and maintain the experience of bliss.



5. Offering the Residuals


Without holding anything back, gather the residuals and mix the pure and impure together. Make the following aspiration:

རིག་འཛིན་བླ་མའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་དུ། །

rikdzin lamé kyilkhor du

By making this feast offering

ཚོགས་ཀྱི་མཆོད་པ་ཕུལ་བ་ཡིས། །

tsok ki chöpa pülwa yi

To the maṇḍala of vidyādhara gurus,

བདག་གཞན་འགྲོ་བ་མ་ལུས་པ། །

dag zhen drowa malü pa

May I and all others, without exception,

དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་གཅིག་ཏུ་གྲོལ་བར་ཤོག །

kyilkhor chik tu drölwar shok

be liberated in a single maṇḍala!

སོགས་སྨོན་ལམ་བཏབ། ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ་ལན་གསུམ་བརྗོད་ལ་ཞལ་ཆབ་སྨན་རག་གིས་བྲན།

Say oṃ āh hūṃ three times, and then take the amṛta and rakta and spit it out onto the residual.


om ah hum

oṃ āh hūṃ

Then summon the residual guests with:


é a rali hrim dza

e a ralli hriṃ jaḥ


and chant:

བྷྱོ༔ དཔལ་གྱི་བཀའ་ཉན་ཕོ་ཉའི་ཚོགས༔

joh pel gyi kanyen ponyé tsok

Bhyoḥ. Attendants and messengers of the Glorious One,


lhakmé longchö di söl la

Partake of these residual enjoyments!


ngön tsé yardam chépa zhin

In accord with your past commitments,


barché kün söl tünkyen pel

Dispel all obstacles and increase conducive conditions!


ma ma hring hring balingta khahi

mama hrīṃ hrīṃ baliṃta-khāhi


B. Dissolving the Generated Visualization

This has three parts: (1) making offerings and giving praise to the maṇḍala deities and requesting their forgiveness; (2) receiving the siddhis; and (3) the actual dissolution.

a. Offerings, Praise, and Requesting Forgiveness


Render offerings and praise and request forgiveness, just as was done during the recitation praises.

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ༔ ཕྱི་མཆོད་འདོད་ཡོན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་སྤྲིན་ལྟར་གཏིབས༔

om ah hum chi chö döyön gyatso trin tar tip

Oṃ āḥ hūṃ. Outer offerings, an ocean of sense pleasures amassed like cloudbanks,


nang chö men rak tor tsok sam mi khyap

Inner offerings, an inconceivable mass of amṛta, rakta, and torma,


sang chö dé tong zungjuk yéshé ying

And secret offerings, unity of bliss and emptiness, the basic space of primordial wisdom–


bül lo zhé né chok tün ngödrup tsöl

All these I offer. Accepting them, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!


om benza argham padyam pushpé dhuppé aloké ghendhé naividya shapta sarva pentsa rakta balingta maha puza ah hum

oṃ vajra arghaṃ pādyaṃ puṣpe dhūpe āloke gandhe naividya śabda sarvapañcarakta baliṃta mahāpūja āḥ hūṃ


ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ ངོ་བོ་འོད་གསལ་ཆོས་སྐུའི་ངང་ཉིད་ལས༔

hum hrih ngowo ösel chö kü ngang nyi lé

Hūṃ hrīḥ. From the state of dharmakāya, luminous essence,


rang zhin dé tong long chö dzok kur shar

The bliss-empty nature manifests as sambhogakāya,


tukjé gang dül trül kü dro dön dzé

And the compassionate capacity of nirmāṇakāya acts for beings according to their needs—


kyilkhor lha tsok nam la chaktsel tö

Assembly of maṇḍala deities, I pay homage and praise you!


ཨོཾ༔ བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་རྣམས༔

om lama norlhé lhatsok nam

Oṃ. Host of wealth deities,


dak la sen ching gong su sol

Please pay heed and look upon us!


dag chak marik trülpa yi

Due to ignorance and confusion,


chakgya masel dzap dé yel

We have not visualized the mudrā clearly and our recitation has been distracted.



ting dzin gongpé tsel ma dzok

Not perfecting the strength of our samādhi,


jing gö chalwar gyurpa sok

We have been dull, agitated, confused, and the like.


nong par gyurpa chichi pa

Whatever mistakes we have made


nying né gyöpé tol shak na

We confess with heartfelt regret.


dripmé tsangpé ngödrup tsöl

Bestow on us the unobscured siddhi of purity!


Recite the Hundred Syllables three times.


2. Receiving the Siddhis


Raise the support for accomplishment to the crown of your head, drink amṛta, and say:

ཧཱུྃ་ཧྲཱིཿ སྙིང་པོ་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་ཀྱི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་དུ༔

hung hrih, nyingpo changchub sem kyi kyilkhor du

Hūṃ hrīḥ. In the maṇḍala of bodhicitta essence,


yeshe gyumar rolpé lhatsok nam

Hosts of deities—illusory primordial wisdom display—


mi da dorjé damtsik jé gong la

Remember your unbreakable vajra-samaya


jinlab wang dang ngödrub tsal du sol

And, I beseech you, grant blessings, empowerments, and siddhis!


guru deva dakini kaya vaka chitta guna karma sarva siddhi phala hung

guru deva ḍākiṇī kāya vāk citta guṇa karma sarva siddhi phala hūṃ



3. Dissolving the maṇḍala


If you have supports for the front visualization, say:

ཨོཾ། འདིར་ནི་རྟེན་དང་ལྷན་ཅིག་ཏུ། །

om, dir ni ten dang lhenchik tu

Oṃ. Remain here inseparable from these supports

འཁོར་བ་སྲིད་དུ་བཞུགས་ནས་ཀྱང་། །

khorwa si du zhuk né kyang

For as long as saṃsāra exists,

ནད་མེད་ཚེ་དང་དབང་ཕྱུག་དང་། །

nemé tsé dang wangchuk dang

And graciously bestow on us everything sublime—

མཆོག་རྣམས་ལེགས་པར་སྩལ་དུ་གསོལ། །

chok nam lekpar tsal du sol

Such as good health, long life, and mastery!


om supratita benza yé soha

oṃ supratiṣṭha vajraye svāhā


ཧཱུྃ༔ དཔལ་ལྡན་རྒྱལ་པོ་ཆེན་པོ་སྡེ་བཞི་རྣམས༔

hung, palden gyalpo chenpo dé zhi nam

Hūṃ. Four great glorious kings, auspicious guardians


tashi tsa sum norlhé gosung la

Of the three-root wealth deities,


ngödrub dzemé yündu tenpa dang

Make the siddhis everlasting and, with your compassion,


dü dang dü su tukjé go yé sol

Thrust open the door to accomplishment again and again!

ཞེས་རྟེན་སྙིང་བརྗོད་ཅིང་མེ་ཏོག་འཐོར་ཞིང་ཤིས་བརྗོད་བྱའོ། །བསྡུ་ལྡང་ནི།

Recite this, followed by the Essence of Dependent Arising mantra. Toss flowers and recite prayers For auspiciousness. For the dissolution and re-arising, say:


hung hung hung

hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ


nöchü lhar salwa tamché rang la tim

The entire vessel and contents, visualized as deities, dissolve into me.


rang yang tukké sabön la tim

I dissolve into the seed syllable at my heart centre.


deyang mimik pa ösal gyi ngang du nyampar zhak

The seed syllable dissolves into emptiness. Rest evenly, without focus, in luminosity.



C. The Continuous Conduct of Illusion-like Unity:


pé pé pé

phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ

སླར་ཡང་ཆུ་ལས་ཉ་ལྡང་བའི་ཚུལ་གྱིས་རང་ཉིད་གཙོ་བོའི་སྐུར་གསལ་བའི་སྤྱི་བོར་ཨོཾ། མགྲིན་པར་ཨཱཿ ཐུགས་ཀར་ཧཱུྃ་ཡིག་གིས་མཚན་པར་གྱུར།

lar yang chu lé nya dangwé tsul gyi rangnyi tsowö kur salwé chiwor om drinpar ah tukkar hung yik gi tsenpar gyur

Once more, like a fish leaping from water, I am vividly present as the form of the principal figure, marked with the syllable oṃ at my forehead, āḥ at my throat, and hūṃ at my heart centre.


om ah hum benza ka wa tsi raksha ham

oṃ āh hūṃ vajra kāvāci rakṣa ham

སྣང་གྲགས་རིག་གསུམ་ལྷ་སྔགས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཀྱི་རོལ་པར་བལྟ་ཞིང་སྤྱོད་ལམ་ཐམས་ཅད་དོན་ཡོད་པར་བྱའོ། །

View appearances, sounds, and awareness as the play of deity, mantra, and wisdom, and make all of your actions meaningful.



D. Making Aspirations and Prayers for Auspiciousness


1. Making Aspirations


Of these two, first, in order to seal the roots of virtue by dedicating within the complete purity of the three spheres, chant:

ཧོཿ རིག་འཛིན་བླ་མའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་བསྒྲུབས་པའི་མཐུས༔

ho, rigdzin lamé kyilkhor drubpé tü

Hoḥ. By accomplishing the maṇḍala of the vidyādhara guru,


dak dang tayé semchen malü kün

May I and all sentient beings, infinite in number,


trinlé nam zhi lhün gyi drubpa dang

Spontaneously fulfil the four activities


ösal chökü ying su drolwar shok

And be liberated into the basic space of luminous dharmakāya!



2. The Prayer for Auspiciousness


Toss flowers, play the various instruments, and say:


tsa gyü lamé jinlab nying la zhuk

May the blessings of the root and lineage gurus enter my heart!


yidam khandro lü dang drib zhin drok

May the yidams and ḍākinīs accompany me like a shadow follows its body!


chökyong sungmé barché kün sal né

May the Dharma protectors and guardians dispel all obstacles!


choktün ngödrub drubpé tashi shok

May there be the auspiciousness of attaining the supreme and common siddhis!

ཞེས་ཤིས་པ་བརྗོད་པས་མཐའ་བརྒྱན་པར་བྱའོ། །

Thus conclude with prayers for auspiciousness.


ཅེས་པའང་ཉི་མ་ཞེས་པ་འབྱུང་ལྔ་ལྡན་ཆུ་མོ་ལུག་ལོ་དུས་འཁོར་གསོ་དཔྱད་རྒྱ་རྩིས་ཧོར་བོད་སོགས་ཀྱི་ལུགས་ལྟར་སྟོན་འབྲིང་ཡར་ངོའི་བོད་ཚེས་༨རེས་གཟའ་པ་སངས། སངས་རྒྱས་སྨན་བླའི་དུས་ཆེན་ཉིན་དཔལ་བཀའ་རྙིང་བཤད་སྒྲུབ་གླིང་དུ་ཚང་རིགས་ལྷ་ཡི་གདུང་འཛིན་པ་མཆོག་གཏེར་རིགས་ཆོས་བརྒྱུད་འཛིན་པ་སྔགས་འཆང་རྩི་ཀེ་མཆོག་གླིང་སྐྱེས་སྤྲུལ་བཞི་པ་མི་འགྱུར་བདེ་བའི་རྡོ་རྗེས་ཆོག་བསྒྲིགས་བགྱིས་པའོ། །སརྦ་མངྒ་ལཾ།། །།

This was arranged on a Friday, on Medicine Buddha day, the eighth day of the Tibetan month, in the waxing moon phase of the second month of autumn (based on the traditions of Kalachakra, medicine, and Tibetan, Indian and Mongolian astrology), in the female Water Sheep year, at Pal Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling.6 It was arranged by the fourth Tsiké Chokling incarnation, the mantradharin Mingyur Dewé Dorjé, a descendant of the divine Tsang clan who holds both the family and spiritual lineages of the Chokling Tersar. Sarva mangalaṃ—may all be auspicious!


| Samye Translations 2023, (trans. Laura Swan and Oriane Lavolé, ed. Libby Hogg and Stefan Mang).


Source: Unpublished manuscript courtesy of Samye Translations.


Version: 1.0-20230830

  1. Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (b. 1835).
  2. A type of evil spirit with Rudra at their head.
  3. Wealth Protector.
  4. Tseringma.
  5. Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (b. 1835).
  6. That is on the3rd of October 2003.
Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche

Lama Norlha

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