Ñingma Monlam
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The following texts are recited during the annual Nyingma Mönlam prayer festival in Bodhgaya:
Amitābha Mönlam
Aspiration to Generate Bodhicitta
Barché Lamsel
Blazing Wheel
revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa
Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī
Kunzang Mönlam
Le'u Dünma
Long-Life Prayers
Maitreya's Aspiration
Nudo secreto vajra
Ocho Nobles Auspiciosos
Oración de Siete Líneas
Oraciones a Guru Rimpoché
Rishi's Maledictory Incantation
Śākyamuni Practice
Sutra del Corazón
Thangtong Gyalpo Prayers
Últimas palabras
Voto del bodhisattva
editado por Chatral Rimpoché
Yeshe Tsogyal’s Prayer
revealed by Pema Lingpa